But Is It Ours? (February 27, 2007)

The story for this game is just fantastic. It gives us a general idea about what happened after WCSO, and still leaves a lot to be developed by other games. It works perfectly.
Part of me was a little wary of this game at first. But, as I hear more, I become increasingly excited. Not only do they go to the trouble of advancing the WC storyline a bit, but it also seems to me as though they've come up with an excuse (fighting the Nephilim has sapped military strenght) for allowing people to use "older" style fighters (Rapier, Broadsword).

Sadly, I probably won't be able to play it. I haven't had much luck finding steady work since I graduated from college. I don't have enough money for my own place, and I can barely keep up with my student loans, let alone come up with the money I'd need to buy an X-Box (and everything else Arena will require), just for one WC game.

Maybe it will be ported to PC some day? Buying a PC version might be a little more "doable" given my current budget.
What type of capital ships do we get?

What type of capital ships are in the game? I know I've seen it mentioned that the ConFed side gets the Midway class but what do the Kilrathi get. Since all the other ships in the game are from earlier games I'm assuming it's a ship we've seen before.
Optimist. :p

I dunno its pretty irrefutable now. Personally I'm disappointed, franchises with better received movies such as Resident Evil felt no need to incorporate the movies; and whilst I know the feelings of many of the mods here on the matter I fully believe there is no reason you can't have two parallel but different canons for a franchise.
I dunno its pretty irrefutable now. Personally I'm disappointed, franchises with better received movies such as Resident Evil felt no need to incorporate the movies; and whilst I know the feelings of many of the mods here on the matter I fully believe there is no reason you can't have two parallel but different canons for a franchise.

People are already claiming Arena isn't WC, so them claiming a "non-WC game" referring to a movie doesn't count as making the movie officially part of the WC universe isn't all that hard a path to imagine. A stupid path, to be sure, but this is the intarweb, which provides daily proof of Einstein's comment about infinity ("there are only two things in the universe that are infinite, hydrogen and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former", or something to that effect).

As for other franchises, irrelevant. They're not WC, so they have no bearing on it, any more than WC has bearing on them.

Not only is the movie's place in the WC universe a subject that's been beaten to death (not even beating a dead horse, more like beating the greasy stain where the horse used to be), it's entirely off-topic for this thread. Follow not that path, for there be dragons there.
I’m pretty sure one of the capital ships is a midway class carrier. I don’t know about any of the other ships though.
Broadsword - lightly armored???

There are three variants of the Broadsword in Arena. I believe this is the lighter one and that's what the text is referring to.

What type of capital ships are in the game? I know I've seen it mentioned that the ConFed side gets the Midway class but what do the Kilrathi get. Since all the other ships in the game are from earlier games I'm assuming it's a ship we've seen before.

The only Kilrathi capital ship we've seen is the one in the large capship vs capship battle. It looks very similar to ships from the WC movie, but it's hard to tell if it's supposed to specifically be a Sivar/Snakier/etc.
It looks very similar to ships from the WC movie, but it's hard to tell if it's supposed to specifically be a Sivar/Snakier/etc.

I'm glad someone else said that. I had the sneaking suspicion that the capships were modeled after the WCM ships (which is a very good thing, IMO)
"I was actually going to buy the Star Trek: Legacy X-Box theme"
-- Legacy was pretty good. The major complaint is ship movement/targeting.

The ships improve throughout the game and this becomes less of an issue. The initial ship is garbage. It turns so slowly. It makes you say: "I hope the whole game isn't like this"! Then the ships eventually become useable.
"I was actually going to buy the Star Trek: Legacy X-Box theme"
-- Legacy was pretty good. The major complaint is ship movement/targeting.

The ships improve throughout the game and this becomes less of an issue. The initial ship is garbage. It turns so slowly. It makes you say: "I hope the whole game isn't like this"! Then the ships eventually become useable.

I was thinking of getting that game. I'm a fan of real time strategy games. Is it anything like the Star Trek Armada games?
I haven't played Star Trek Armada.

As for Legacy, it is a short game. Maybe 10-12 hours of game play. You MAY be better off renting it. 1 or 2 really challenging missions. The rest were pretty easy for me (not for my wife though).

It is basically Wing Commander type missions (shorter missions, though). The missions are linear. 3 missions per enterprise(ABCD?). A couple defiant missions. As for maneuverability... on the first couple of ships, it may take 7 seconds to do a 90 degree turn (YUCK!).


Also, a couple of missions, you have to really play in map mode (which is a bit odd). On the turning/maneuverability problem, through experience, you learn you can click/target on a ship... and your enterprise will turn automatically.
As for Legacy, it is a short game. Maybe 10-12 hours of game play. You MAY be better off renting it. 1 or 2 really challenging missions. The rest were pretty easy for me (not for my wife though).

I had a hell of a time finding my footing in this game, actually. LOAF had to help me more than once, on account of the instruction manual not being particularly helpful (still cant get the sub-system targeting menu to appear!) and the only online guide having good suggestions on how to lose every mission you play.

Last night, I finally got my head in the game with the "Capture The Bird Of Prey" mission. Since you can't warp with a ship in tow, I figured I had my work cut out for me defending it. I got smart (for all of 3 seconds) and had my Oberth-class do the towing job. That little ship hauls ass; I had it well out of range in under a minute.

I'm now kind of stuck on the mission where you try to take back the Federation base by blowing up the canisters. I know what to do but going about it is a bitch.
Do you mean Arena? Or Star Trek: Legacy?

(Please, please, please do *not* get the PC version of Legacy. Its rife with bugs, errors and problems.)