Part of me was a little wary of this game at first. But, as I hear more, I become increasingly excited. Not only do they go to the trouble of advancing the WC storyline a bit, but it also seems to me as though they've come up with an excuse (fighting the Nephilim has sapped military strenght) for allowing people to use "older" style fighters (Rapier, Broadsword).
Sadly, I probably won't be able to play it. I haven't had much luck finding steady work since I graduated from college. I don't have enough money for my own place, and I can barely keep up with my student loans, let alone come up with the money I'd need to buy an X-Box (and everything else Arena will require), just for one WC game.
Maybe it will be ported to PC some day? Buying a PC version might be a little more "doable" given my current budget.