BREAKING NEWS: Arena Manual Available! (July 17, 2007)

You are remembering wrong - he's rescued at the last minute at the end of the book. He went on to be one of the main characters in False Colors, a post-Kilrathi War story.

@ LOAF and Durandel,

Thanks for the clarification. If I had read False Colors (I haven't yet, maybe soon) I probably would have remembered that right. I felt fairly certain that they would be exact about these things, so I was pretty sure I was remembering wrong. Thanks for jogging the old memory! :)
I just downloaded it and since its late only skimmed it, but wow; just wow. This is a great manual, probably one of the best ever, even by WC standards. There are so many references to past games, books, and even controversies (Tiger Claw/Tiger's Claw). There are even references to other origin products (Crusader)

However now I'm really starting to question the last page about Grayson Burrows (Brownhair) now being a wanted man. Its not that I'm surprised at the murder and piracy charges, I just always thought of him as the type not to get caught. (Do I smell a Privateer 3 in the works? I would love to get me a hold of that steltek again *crosses fingers*)

Btw it mentions that his Centurion has a "Green Cannon," at first I thought that was the Steltek Gun but IIRC they were all destroyed at the end of Righteous Fire. Is this supposed to be an old wanted poster? Or do you think he stumbled on to another derelict Steltek ship?
Doesn't even have to be the end of RF. People were unhappy he didn't get his gun back at the end of that game, but apparently he did eventually (at any time in the thirty year span).
Well now we know for certain that Tarawa was a Wake Island class ship. But a Harrier class CVE - hmm, a Harrier is a type of bird. Could that be the class that TCS Eagle from WC3 belongs to?

And I love that one of the reviewers for Maniac's biography happens to be Major General Troy Carter, TCSF retired.
Well now we know for certain that Tarawa was a Wake Island class ship. But a Harrier class CVE - hmm, a Harrier is a type of bird. Could that be the class that TCS Eagle from WC3 belongs to?

And I love that one of the reviewers for Maniac's biography happens to be Major General Troy Carter, TCSF retired.

How about Bear's comment at the start of the sample page. I laughed pretty hard after reading it.
Thank you, EA!

Something to savour indeed!

LeHah said:
Also - the fan service is not only tasteful but plentiful as well. I see a lot of names I know and its great to have the fans get some serious acknowledgement.
Your Kilrathi alter-ego, L'hah "Vengeance" nar Qarg (P.16), has been busy racking up the kills!

Do we know if the manual was produced internally at EA or were Gaia and/or other parties involved? Either way they've done a bang-up job. :D

While it shouldn't be too difficult to print out and bind at home, I gather there's been a limited production run with press and others (the CIC?) receiving printed versions. Coupled with the suggestion that the music of WC Arena could be available to purchase electronically in the nearish future, I'd like to hope that EA would also release some sort of physical retail pack in the form of say, a deluxe Arena printed manual and a WC Arena soundtrack CD or similar. ;)


That's a cool idea. They could pack the manual and a soundtrack disc into a case of some sort (does the manual fit in a standard game case?) and a card with a code for the download of Arena on XBLA.

I don't know how many people would really buy such a thing, but I probably would, and I'm a cheapskate.
I don't know about the Arena manual (though LOAF would), but the WC2 manual (the only WC manual immediately available to me, without digging through my warzone of a room) was about an inch and a quarter too tall to fit in standard DVD cases, with the "quarter" being mostly due to interior case dimensions.
Your Kilrathi alter-ego, L'hah "Vengeance" nar Qarg (P.16), has been busy racking up the kills!

Interesting - not only did I not see that at all - but a quick skimming of the Prophecy Map doesn't show a Qarg system. I guess thats new as well!
I don't know about the Arena manual (though LOAF would), but the WC2 manual (the only WC manual immediately available to me, without digging through my warzone of a room) was about an inch and a quarter too tall to fit in standard DVD cases, with the "quarter" being mostly due to interior case dimensions.

Here's a comparison:


Basically, Star*Soldier is exactly the same size as Claw Marks... and, try as I might, I can't fit it into the case for the Tomb Raider movie (I didn't try very hard).

Interesting - not only did I not see that at all - but a quick skimming of the Prophecy Map doesn't show a Qarg system. I guess thats new as well!

Qarg is one of the eight noble clans, introduced in Fleet Action.
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Qarg is one of the eight noble clans, introduced in Fleet Action.

For some reason, I was under the assumption that the "last name" was not only the name of the clan, but the planet that the clan originated from (ala nar Hhallas)
I think that the Eight Noble Clans probably predate Kilrathi expansion beyond their home system, and it is only the lesser noble clans that take names from colonial planets--sort of similar to how the European colonial empires granted new titles of nobility to people whom they granted domains in the colonized areas, creating new Counts, Barons, and Lords.
I'm really happy with the reaction the manual's getting on the places I posted about it. The Penny-Arcade Forums guys and the Evil Avatar readers liked it a lot.

We should all spread the word!
Right, and the Qarg is a preestablished noble clan, as we were saying. You can have a clan that is named after the planet where the clan bases from, but that's definitely not a requirement. The emperor's clan wasn't nar Kilrah, and it would seem reasonable to me that other clans originate there. The "nar" is also not capitalized.
IMO it's not clans called after planets, but the other way round - so the Hhallas Clan colonized a planet and chose it as it's 'capitol' or whatevere you want to call it, they just called it Hhallas after the clan
It's both. The clan name is basically the 'nation' that a Kil is from or swears allegiance to as a retainer (consider Kirha hrai Hunter nar Aussie).

In practice there are many clans beyond the ruling eight... and these generally seem to be assosciated with a particular planet or fiefdom of origin. For instance, Drakj'khai nar Ghorah Khar was from Ghorah Khar, even though he was ultimately ruled by whatever noble clan ruled that entire region of space.