Arrow 3D model

Its the problem that you use the same map for bump as the diffuse map. The edges of teh rivetlines are too soft, thus makeing wide-looking and shallow bumps. you won't achive anything with decreesing the %. Change the map itself. (create a separate bump map based on the diffuse)
Maj.Striker said:
Yeah, definitely tone down the bumpmapping by at least 100%.

I don't think you could physically tone it down more than 100%, as that would be completely removing all bump mapping.
You can basicly use the same map...still I would say doing a own map would be better.
Have you tried out the blur settings in the bumpmap...or taken a look under the output? Sometimes it helps a little.
If nothing helps their you won't get around doing a complete new map.
Blur helps a bit when you'r useing a "just-bump" map for it cause of the hard edges. But you still can't go wrong with a totally new bump map texture. Take a look at my last image, that has the separate bumpmap, just like my longbow.
Yes, all of you are right about the bump map, it’s not good. I’ve just used the same texture and replaced its “metal colour” with white. I wasn’t trying to get the “perfect” look, just wanted to have an idea of the effect. It’s true that I already got time to correct this but instead I preferred to model e few new things that sooner or later will show up in one of these threads.

Anyway, thanks for the comments and I promise that I’ll correct it, one day.:)
ChrisReid said:
I don't think you could physically tone it down more than 100%, as that would be completely removing all bump mapping.

And in this case I think that would be a good thing. :) No, just kidding. If the program he is using is similar to the one I use there is a percentage slider on how strongly the bump is applied. Based on the picture it looked like the percentage used would be around 150%. Of course his 3d program could be completely different.
The software is Max 6, and I don’t recall seeing a percentage associated to the bump map, but I could be wrong so I’ll confirm it as soon as possible.
When you are in the map editor their is a number befor the maps can see that as a percentage number....think default value is 30.
That’s right, I’ve checked Max and it’s true, there’s an “amount” value that was set to 30. I’ve tried it with 10, what do you think of the result?

Kilrah said:
That’s right, I’ve checked Max and it’s true, there’s an “amount” value that was set to 30. I’ve tried it with 10, what do you think of the result?

Much much better! Although still a little too pronounced for my taste, playing with the blur settings like Lars suggested would probably yield some nice tweaks. :)
Last weekend I have tried to play with the blur settings but wasn’t able to get much changes. So for now it will remain this way. Thanks for the tips anyway.
Looking good, but a bit too much ambient lighting maybe. The shadow of the arrow looks way too light/soft. There's not enough contrast, it seems. What lighting you used?
I’ve used a “Sky light” with the settings shown in the picture below.

Any other suggestions besides the touch into the red light? So that I can try it next weekend.


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