Action Stations Observations (July 22, 2024)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
I noticed a detail I’d never picked up on in Action Stations! The book is a prequel about the start of the Kilrathi war that’s strongly based on Pearl Harbor (and At Dawn We Slept in particular).

The Kilrathi are preparing to attack Confed’s major base at McAuliffe. Earth dispatches orders to Vega to go on a war footing, but a series of random occurrences delay them from getting there until the battle is joined.

The first of these is that the officer delivering the pouch to the courier ship misses the hand off as he’s trying to appease his angry date, Nancy.

Chapters and more delays later the pouch finally arrives with Admiral Long at McAuliffe… who ignores it because his wife is furious over gossip regarding her friend… Nancy!

So who is this woman who inadvertently doomed trillions to slavery and death? I have my suspicions.

(For the record my mom is also named Nancy and she would betray Earth to help cats in a minute.)

Original update published on July 22, 2024
(For the record my mom is also named Nancy and she would betray Earth to help cats in a minute.)
Funniest thing I have read all week! The novels are my favorite part of the WC canon, but never picked up that grouping of names... will be looking for any other names that became wildly popular in the 2600s on my next readthrough. Thank you!