a little something i'm whipppin up in my spare time.

No he means the left seat.
Didn't you know? this is the alternate tarsus... from the alternate universe where Taryn isn't a 14 year old boy, Retros don't actually fly spaceships because they're technology too, Sandra Goodin is evil, and hot girls actually *fall* for your lame pickup lines.

(wrt the Taryn thing...next time you play the mission close your eyes before clicking on Taryn... and if you still don't believe, then take a look at this http://www.crius.net/zone/showthread.php?t=16234 )
Crap. Right seat.

And after reading that thread about Taryn, I didn't even have to close my eyes. Little boy, instantly...
and...she's done. now to unwrap her. do that tommorrow.

Brad Mick


looking fantastic :-)
couple of minor quirks: don't forget the auto and fuel lights...
the two shafts to the left and the right of the fuel gauge actually stop before the fuel gauge happens
and there are little wires that go from the main MFD to the left shaft and from the fuel gauge to the right shaft

haha looking at the original image I can see the keyboard--it even has F-keys!
hellcat's right on that one.

It's hard to find something nice to say about it that isn't obvious just from looking at it :) great job.


  • tarsusPit.jpg
    75.9 KB · Views: 252
This is looking great, I can't wait to see the textured version :)

I remember that if your ship's armor was badly damaged your instrument panel sparkled and some of the keys exploded when taking another hit. Oddly this got repaired free of charge after a simple touchdown on any base, even on one without a Ship Dealer :)
beautifull work

Hi brad, u did greater job than me...so I think this will be ur part.not my.at least I moved things forward.
Those images looks absolute fantastic.

good job.

I hope we will see those cocpits soon in next release.
BradMick said:
this is a look around anim of the pit.
Oh my. Second to discovering there was a remake of PRivateer, this is the coolest thing Ive seen on this website.

It looks awesome.
heya guys, thanks! hopefully i'll get the textures for the model here soon so i can do up some uber nice textured renders of the cockpit. takin the day off today, start back tommorrow on the Orion or Galaxy or something. Maybe even the centurion, i'll decide then. :)

Brad Mick
I've made the base textures for Brad Mick's Tarsus cockpit. It would be nice if my texturing skills compared to his godlike modelling skills, but I digress. I've got the images up at http://torch.cs.dal.ca/~garrish/

Please note that these are just screenshots of how my vid card renders the images in my viewer. To see how they'll look, we really need to have them rendered in Lightwave (which I don't have access to right now, so Brad can do the renders). Also, the bump maps haven't been done yet, I know that there are supposed to be ridges on some parts. I did the buttons a straight color but I think they'd look better 'dirty' so I might redo them pending how they look when under proper lighting. Some textures aren't at quite the resolution I'd like, but that's an issue with the UV maps and if it's a big problem then we can fix that.
