A discussion on the true nature of the Nephilim

Err, you forgot the bit about the actual smuggler base being destroyed... which was on 019.0215...

But there's really no reason for smugglers to want to destroy a Confed science ship... since it'd give away their location... and have absolutely no positive purpose...
Other than salvage, I guess not. They probably shut down operations while Confed ships passed through the system...

I can't help but wonder how much force the Nephilim threw at them. The Kilrathi must have taken unbelivable losses considering that no Nephilim wreckage...other than the piece of alien hull found by the major who did the recon...

Huh. Did the Nephilim recover the wreckage of their ships? Or were the Kilrathi caught unawares, as well of consisting solely of crap pilots?
What are you talking about? Confed maintains standing forces in the Kilrah system... Astronomical Station K-105, Surveillance Outposts Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta were all Confed bases... and the two furball colonies (the full colony and the monestary) were legitimate bases...

The Kilrathi base was a tiny hidden smuggler base -- you're confusing *smugglers*, who traffic in illegal goods with *pirates* who... pirate stuff.

The Kilrathi smugglers had a couple of Dralthi and several shuttles... not a big offensive force -- and not enough to fend of a Kraken (or a Copernicus class ship, for that matter:)).
I figure the Nephilim used the Kraken to waste all the bases, smugglers, Sivarists, et al. They did use it on the Devereaux so why not the others?

The quote's intention in this case was to show how quickly Confed could respond to the loss of its ships and stations.
Yeah, but I took out a couple of ships with a Dralthi...but then I'm not 2 meters tall...

Since there was debris floating around, I assumed they deployed some fighters.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
The Kilrathi are allowed to build more ships -- they had to dismantle all their war-era stuff, though.
So the fleet which the beginning Fralthi II was a part of, and the fleet which was destroyed in the Dula 7 recordings (which may or may not be the same) - these were legitimate Kilrathi fleets?
Originally posted by Penguin
Raptor: What if the allies had enforced the Versailles Treaty. Would WWII have started?

It's doubtfull. the Treaty of Versailles set very strict on what kind of armed forces Germany could have, and the reigons German troops could enter. If Britain and France had stomped down hard when Hitler began rebuilding the armed forces or when he made such moves as remilitarising the Rhineland and pushing for union with Austria, the whole thing might have been nipped in the bud. As it was though, they were too preoccupied with internal troubles and too haunted by the memory of WW1 to do anything except talk and try to appease Hitler.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Yes, pirates don't build cruisers.

But its certainly possible that a Kilrathi lord let one slip to some renegades before it could be decommsioned by Confed.
But its very likely that a pirate group, running around with a cruiser, would be very noticeable, hence attracting a lot of attention from a certain Vesuvius...
And besides, the Kilrathi don't need to turn to piracy - the various clans love to raid the Border Worlds anyway (ref: WCP).
And a cruiser would be very helpful in that.

One cruiser could very easily stay hidden for a long period of time.
Originally posted by Supdon3
And a cruiser would be very helpful in that.

One cruiser could very easily stay hidden for a long period of time.

Especially since Kilrathi cruisers carry 30 odd fighters, almost that of a CVE. Still, seeing as the Border Worlders were able to take on the Black Lance, I imagine they can fend off a few raiders.

Best, Raptor
Especially since Kilrathi cruisers carry 30 odd fighters, almost that of a CVE. Still, seeing as the Border Worlders were able to take on the Black Lance, I imagine they can fend off a few raiders.

Best, Raptor

[Edited by Raptor on 06-23-2001 at 23:33]
Doh! Sorry about that, people. I was trying to edit the post and somehow ended up double posting.

Best, Raptor
Well, we don't really know how the Border Worlders are doing against the raiders. Presumably, the tiny BW fleet has trouble responding to multiple raids. I mean, I would assume that where BW forces encounter Kilrathi raiders, they have a fair chance of repelling and/or destroying the raiding force - but they need to run into them in the first place. The latter would be difficult, since the BW fleet is so small.
Furthermore, I would assume that the Border Worlders can only chase raiders as far as the border... I'm sure the Treaty of Torgo provided some sort of "military intervention" clause for Confed to station bases and warships in Kilrathi space, but the Border Worlds are not signatories of the Treaty. For them to enter Kilrathi territory in force could be a potentially explosive situation.

(Besides, your reasoning is off... the Border Worlds most certainly were not able to take on the Black Lance)
I seriously doubt the UBM would balk at chasing Kilrathi raiders into Kilrathi space. Confed has always shown little interest in providing real protection for the Border Worlds, and its the UB that has to live with the damage done. If they had a chance to take out a few raiders im sure they would give chase up to a reasonable distance from their own space.
UoBW wants to be left alone from everyone else. They never forgave Confed for not protecting them during the war's outset, and the Kilrathi did a Wing Commander-scale re-enactment of the Burning of the South. Border Worlds don't like Confed, but they sure do get quite a few kids in the Academy, none-the-less.

According to the WC4 novelization, Angel was from the Colonies...