2981 the year of the new new foe

LOAF: I'm assuming he means he will be starting a project (a game) in 2007 that will be about events in 2981. It seems like a long time to wait to start something if he already knows what he's going to do, but that's all I can deduce from it. Maybe he'll come back and offer a further explanation.
Unless he means that his project will be released in 2007. That is he is writing it now, but setting 2007 as a due date or something. That is still far to long to wait tho.
True, I mean continents could rise and fall between now and then (and maybe there will be a new Wing Commander game by then too).
Sometimes I really think it'll take 1000 years until a new WC comes (just like motto: if there'll ever be one, you are long long dead, my never born children could say: hey that's the game our mother played with 16, not a nice imagination). But in other times I think it won't take so much time. 2007 why not? (just for ex.). It could be realistic.
Originally posted by Cmdre Crane Seccafien
My game will be started in the year 2007 it will be in the wing commander universe but new faces new ships new weapons new technology
Ok... thanks for stepping by and telling us that... :)