German PC Games Magazine Includes Lengthy WC3 Feature Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We post magazine scans of Wing Commander articles from time to time, but most of those date back to the '90s. It's not too common for those kinds of pieces to show up much past 2000, but AD spotted what appears to be an extensive WC3 article in the latest edition of German magazine PC Games. Their May 2024 issue has an extensive retrospective on the game. It looks like the writeup is also available online here, but it'd be a pretty cool pickup in person as well! Here's the English translation for those who need it.

You can get the new PC Games 05/24 from your newsagent from April 19th - either as a magazine edition for 6.50 euros or as a particularly lavish extended version with 16 extra pages, two full magazine DVDs and digital full version for 8.50 euros.
Wing Commander 3 was brilliant 30 years ago - and is still a masterpiece today

In 1994, Wing Commander 3 pushed PC systems to their limits and impressed with its cinematic staging. The space epic, directed by Chris Roberts, still gives you goosebumps 30 years later.

Those were good times in 1994! When there were still big leaps in technology that literally beamed you into another sphere. Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger will forever hold a special place in my heart - if only because of the bad romance between "Maverick" and Rachel.

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