Alpha Wing (Jotunheim System)

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Alpha Wing
Fighter Raptor
Wingmen Mariko Tanaka
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Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Preflight Conversations

Talk to Shotglass:

Hey, Maverick. Heard the latest?
I haven't heard anything, either. We've been sitting here for hours an' hours....
Just waiting. It's starting to make me a little crazy. Some of the pilots, too.
I keep tellin' the pilots not to worry, the Colonel knows what he's doing...
... but what if he doesn't?

Talk to Angel:

Hello, Maverick. I heard you saw plenty of action today.
The Kilrathi are using very smart tactics against us. I've been recalculating our odds of surviving this mission.
I wish you wouldn't sound so admirin' of 'em, lassie.
We may be their enemies, but we cannot ignore their strengths.
They know this area of space. They are smart and tenacious.
Aye, but the longer we're here, the better we know this part of space.
And we're smart and tenacious, too. And we're becomin' just like them. Just like the Kilrathi....
But we will survive, Taggart, and that is what matters.

Talk to Paladin:

Pull up a seat, lad. Have you heard the latest from Tactical?
They've finished their computer analysis of the Kilrathi secret weapon.
There's nothing we can do to deflect that damned energy blaster---
---once they've aimed it at a planet-based colony, but at least---
---we'll nae have to worry about them using it against our ships.
Tactical says that the weapon would be useless against fighters or a starship like the Tiger's Claw.
That we'd be out-of-range before the cats finished priming it.
That's a wee bit reassuring, isn't it?
Those lads in Tactical are impressive, wi' how they figure these things out on their comp-sims.
Of course, their guesses aren't always correct....
Like that time they told us the new Dralthi ships wouldn't have enough range to attack---
---the Epsilon Prima system. We lost five pilots because of that mistake.
Tactical's usually very accurate...
...but I'd nae wager your life on that, laddie.

Mission Briefing


Pilots, it's cat-and-mouse time.
After taking a low, slow, evasive track around the asteroid fields...
... our quarry has now come up to speed and taken a straight course.
We can't think of any reason for this tactic, unless they're leading us into an ambush.
And we're going to follow them, right into their trap.


We're doing WHAT, sir?


We're going to take the bait, pilots, but on our own terms.
We're going to launch all fighter wings...
...on different routes through the asteroid fields.
...Tactical thinks that the ambush is set up at Nav Three...
:The wings will travel via Nav 1 through the asteroids at Nav 2...
And ambush the ambush at Nav 3. Destroy them, and return.
Wing assignments. Same as last time...

The Colonel quickly lists off the assignments, including yours.


Alpha Wing, Maverick and Spirit.


Any questions? What is it, Taggart?


Colonel, the other pilots and I think that Maniac is nae fit for duty.


Maniac, what do you have to say about that?


Sir, if I can't fly, then I'm nothing. I'd rather be dead. Please don't ground me.


All right, get out there and fly. Dismissed.

Mission Debriefing