Pegasus Naval Base (handbook)

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Pegasus Naval Base
Book Wing Commander Confederation Handbook
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Pages 94-95



SCREEN 1 | query “pegasus naval base” media=org_ops, level=SECRET sort=bestmatch | return=1

Excerpted from the Confed Military Installation Index, 2653 edition.

Location: D-5 asteroid belt (Asteroid D-344R), Dakota System, Vega Sector

Established: 2647

Commander: Admiral William Wilson

Executive Officer: Commodore Lauryn DeLucaz

Marine Commander: Colonel Jakob Ybarra

Space Force Commander: Commodore Tuesday Frace

Function: HQ Vega Fleet Operations
HQ 4th Fleet
HQ 56 Marine Division (CMC)
HQ 32 Space Force (CSF)
Garrison: 663rd Fleet Support Group
356th Marine Battalion
232nd Fighter Squadron

Security Status: Yellow. No civilian traffic, no families or dependents of military forces.

Permanent Party Personnel: 7,000 CN; 4,000 CMC; 2,700 CSF; 800 Civilian Support

Maximum Capacity: 25,000

Spacedock Capacity: 12 large berths (carrier/tanker), 40 regular berths

History: Commissioned by the Confederation Senate Security Committee to act as the primary strategic installation in Vega sector in 2638. Completed in 2646 by the Naval Corps of Engineers. Dedicated as Vega fleet headquarters 2648.037.


SCREEN 2 | query “pegasus naval base” | source=Confed Military Installation Index, 2653

Pegasus Naval base has been directly attacked twice by Kilrathi forces, first on 2648.247 and again on 2652.097. Both times the attackers were repulsed by ships of the 4th Fleet with minimal Confed losses.

Description: Pegasus is an asteroid base located in the Dakota system, near the Dakota 3 mining colony. It’s a multi-level structure hollowed out of the nickeliron asteroid D-344R, with a total pressurized area of over 7 million cubic meters. As Vega fleet headquarters, Pegasus offers full drydock facilities and a 1000-bed hospital, plus extensive supply and ammunition depot facilities. It also serves as the primary military communications hub of Vega sector.

Because of its proximity to the front, and its strategic importance, Pegasus is a closed facility, off-limits to all nonessential civilian personnel, including families and dependents. Therefore, all personnel (except senior commanders) are limited by command directive to no more than two standard years continuous service on Pegasus. Naval personnel are rotated between two years on Pegasus and two years at either Icarus Base, in Pephedro system, or Titan Base, Sol system. Other services are rotated as directed by their respective commands.

Because of its high security, Pegasus is the primary Confed installation for testing new assets under battle conditions. Experimental weapons, ships and defensive technologies are regularly deployed from Pegasus for their first forays against the enemy.

Because it exists under micro-gravity conditions, Pegasus is not limited by the armament restrictions which gravity places on planetary installations. The base is protected by more than 200 hardpoint turrets, each incorporating an antimatter gun and a point-defense missile placement. In addition, there are more than 300 standard missile ports around the base. Direct fighter launch is possible from any of four fighter decks. Perimeter defense is provided by a strike force of at least four destroyers stationed within 10-minutes response time at all times. Natural rock provides armor to a depth of 25 to 75 meters over most of the base.


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