Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - Series D

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Series D.


Cygnus D1

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05120056.wav Spyder Alpha wing, I am picking up distress fragments on long-range scanners. Zero, can you verify?
05120057.wav Zero Yeah, but just pieces. It's buried under all of the alien fleet traffic. I can tell it's a commercial vessel, but no specifics. None of the positional data is coming through.
05120058.wav Spyder We gotta keep scanning. Let's hit the rest of our patrol and see if we get any better reception.
05120059.wav TCS Cerberus Let's get you guys reloaded and gassed up for another shot at that distress call. Clear to land.

Cygnus D2

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05120060.wav Zero We'll find them this time. Whenever you're ready, Case.
05120061.wav Zero Stay away from the jump drive! I don't know how she stayed intact, but if you break open the core, we're all dead. Keep us clear, Casey, we're going in.
05120062.wav Zero Two very strong life signs aboard the wreck. There is a section of the main hull that is secure enough to hold us. We'll dock there...
05120063.wav TCS Cerberus Alpha One? We're uploading new NAV specs to you right now. Follow the route and clear any hostiles. Make sure the aliens don't return to the wreckage.
05120064.wav Maestro I'll dock with Zero and watch his back. You guys go on ahead.
05120065.wav Zero Maestro and I have recovered two survivors: One doctor Annette Suarez C.I.D. 5886, and another (an adolescent male) without any ID. They're in bad shape! Some kind of skin-thinning agent is still at work. If we're going to keep them alive, you'd beter get us back to Cerberus right away.

Cygnus D2

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05120066.wav Twilight Purchase Mayday! This is Twilight Purchase! We are Under Attack!
05120067.wav Twilight Purchase Thanks, we're in your debt. What do you say? {unable to translate} Like I said, thanks.
05120068.wav Twilight Purchase {unable to translate} <Unable to Translate: Theoretical Analysis – Screams>
05120069.wav TCS Cerberus Good news: The Twilight Purchase is going to take the survivors from the Alberghetti to a remote Med-Lab here in Cygnus. This might be their only chance for survival. You're clear to land.
05120070.wav TCS Cerberus Med-Lab has bad news: The civilians you picked up from the Albergetti wreckage are dead whatever that skin rash on their bodies, it looks like it munched them to death while you were gone. There was very little left over to disintegrate <sigh>.

Cygnus D4a

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05120071.wav TCS Cerberus This must mean that the aliens have fallen back to the Luyten jump point. And, that's not all: Intel says that the alien concentration in Proxima may be greater than both Luyten and Krieger systems combined. Something to think about folks.

Cygnus D4b

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05120072.wav TCS Cerberus They found us! We got to clear out right now, people! We have to hit the jump point or we'll be stuck in this system for good!
05120073.wav TCS Cerberus Nice work, but we have a bunch more ahead of us. Intel says that the Alien concentration in Proxima system is greater than both Luyten and Krieger systems combined! You're clear to land.

Cygnus D5

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05120074.wav TCS Cerberus Get us out of here, Alpha One! It's all yours!