Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - Zero

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops communications associated with Zero with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Zero's communications are original to Secret Ops.

Video Loops

Download: AGENHELM.mp4

Download: BGENHELM.mp4

Download: DGENHELM.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00570000.wav No Enemies Radar is clear, ready when you are.
00570001.wav No Enemies Way to go guys, this zone belongs to us!
00570002.wav Some Enemies Enemy contact, lock your targets.
00570003.wav Many Enemies Switching to full guns. Heavy, heavy contact.
00570004.wav Player Kill Damn! Wish I had a camera!
00570005.wav KIA Somebody HEELLLLLgghhk---{transmission interrupted}
00570006.wav Ejecting This is ridiculous!
00570007.wav Friendly Fire Look out, man!
00570008.wav Friendly Fire Quit shooting me, Casey!
00570009.wav Fighters Cleared Acknowledged, I'm startiong my run.
00570010.wav Reinforcements Here Alpha Leader, this is Zero. I got your back.
00570011.wav Wingman KIA We have lost a pilot! Stay sharp! Stay alive...
00570012.wav Bridge Destroyed Alien bridge destroyed!
00570013.wav Shields Destroyed Shield emitters are out of commission.
00570014.wav Engines Destroyed Engines disabled.
00570015.wav Escorts Cleared It's your turn, we've got you covered.
00570016.wav Objective Sighted Alllright...this is what we came here for...
00570017.wav Objective Not Sighted Nothing here, continuing scan
00570018.wav Mission Successful That's right! One more for the good guys!
00570019.wav Mission Failed Forget it! We screwed it up!
00570020.wav Negative <sigh> Uhh...Negative.
00570021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets My wing, clear off those turrets!
00570022.wav Wing: Break and Attack Break and attack!
00570023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets We need cover. We're goin' in.
00570024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders You heard the man, let's go.
00570025.wav Wing: Disengage Good work guys, let's form up.
00570026.wav Wing: Retreat You are far too banged up. Return to base before you explode!
00570027.wav Request Status What's your status?
00570028.wav Request Status Everyone on my wing, Check in.
00570029.wav Attack My Target Take over this Target!
00570030.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'm starting my attack.
00570031.wav Ready to Engage Awaiting orders.
00570032.wav Exclamation I wasn't expecting to see that!
00570033.wav Enemy Sighted Look out! Enemies inbound!
00570034.wav Missile Fired Fox Two
00570035.wav Torpedo Fired Torpedo on the way.
00570036.wav Capital Ship Hit Easy! That is one dead CapShip!
00570037.wav Need Help Somebody help me out!
00570038.wav Helping Player I'm on my way.
00570039.wav Returning to Base Returning to base.
00570040.wav Scored Kill Dead bug!
00570041.wav Nav Point Clear I don't like the look of this...
00570042.wav Taking Damage This is Zero, I am under fire!
00570043.wav Enemy Turrets Active Goddamn turrets!
00570044.wav Some Damage Moderate damage. But I'm still deadly.
00570045.wav No Damage Perfect. You could eat your lunch off of this ship.
00570046.wav Worst Damage I got all kinds of problems...
00570047.wav Player Traitor What the hell is your problem Casey. We've been working together all this time now you wanna pull this shit? Forget it, you're toast!
00570048.wav Taking Command Zero, assuming command of this wing.
00570049.wav Taunt You've always been stupid, but now you bugs are getting SLOW!
00570050.wav Saved by Player Thanks, I owe you.
00570051.wav Saved by Player What's going on, Casey.
00570052.wav Saved Player Quit squirmin'!Remember, there's no true end!
00570053.wav Wing Undamaged My wing is in perfect order.
00570054.wav Wing Damage Moderate We've got a few problems here, but still flyin'.
00570055.wav Wing Damage Severe I dunno if I'm gonna last much longer.
00570056.wav Affirmative Affirmative.