Wing Commander Secret Ops Communications - Maestro

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops communications associated with Maestro with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series. Maestro's communications are original to Secret Ops.

Video Loops

Download: AGENHELM.mp4

Download: BGENHELM.mp4

Download: DGENHELM.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00220000.wav No Enemies Nobody home... but you know they're close.
00220001.wav No Enemies WE RULE!
00220002.wav Some Enemies We're in for a fight!
00220003.wav Many Enemies Damn! Where'd they get all these bugs?!
00220004.wav Player Kill Fry that bastard, Casey!
00220005.wav KIA Casey! Help! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
00220006.wav Ejecting Shit! I gotta eject!
00220007.wav Friendly Fire Try to shoot AROUND me; not through me!
00220008.wav Friendly Fire What the Hell are you doing, man?!
00220009.wav Fighters Cleared Acknowledged. We'll take it from here.
00220010.wav Reinforcements Here What's up, fellas?
00220011.wav Wingman KIA Reporting one human casualty. Be careful, everybody!
00220012.wav Bridge Destroyed The bridge is dead!
00220013.wav Shields Destroyed Shield emitters are down!
00220014.wav Engines Destroyed I've disabled their engines!
00220015.wav Escorts Cleared We'll keep looking for fighters, but you can hit the big ones now.
00220016.wav Objective Sighted That's what we've been looking for!
00220017.wav Objective Not Sighted No objective. Nothing. Let's go.
00220018.wav Mission Successful Yes! We still rule supreme!
00220019.wav Mission Failed Look, this was not my fault, okay?
00220020.wav Negative Forget it. No.
00220021.wav Wing: Attack Turrets Could you please scrape those piece-of-shit turrets off the capship, please?!
00220022.wav Wing: Break and Attack Break and attack!
00220023.wav Protect Wing from Turrets Okay, we'll need cover, people. Don't let us die.
00220024.wav Wing: Follow Player's Orders You heard the man. Let's go.
00220025.wav Wing: Disengage Good work, folks. Form up.
00220026.wav Wing: Retreat We're moving. You need to get back to base right away!
00220027.wav Request Status How's it going?
00220028.wav Request Status How's everybody doing?
00220029.wav Attack My Target Read my target data and blow this thing up, okay?
00220030.wav Attacking Capital Ship I'm attacking, now!
00220031.wav Ready to Engage Ready for orders.
00220032.wav Exclamation Holy shit!
00220033.wav Enemy Sighted Look out: more bugs on the way.
00220034.wav Missile Fired Fox three.
00220035.wav Torpedo Fired Launching torpedo.
00220036.wav Capital Ship Hit I am IN-credible!
00220037.wav Need Help Somebody help me out!
00220038.wav Helping Player Don't worry. I'm on my way!
00220039.wav Returning to Base I'm heading back to base. If I'm lucky, I'll see you there later.
00220040.wav Scored Kill We're gonna miss you, bug!
00220041.wav Nav Point Clear I just know something awful is about to happen.
00220042.wav Taking Damage I'm not too popular with the bugs right now!
00220043.wav Enemy Turrets Active God! I hate these turrets!
00220044.wav Some Damage I'm running at about fifty percent right now.
00220045.wav No Damage Everything's working just fine.
00220046.wav Worst Damage Bad shape! Very bad shape!
00220047.wav Player Traitor The aliens have taken over Casey's mind! Quick! Kill him!
00220048.wav Taking Command Wing leader is down! Cerberus Command, I am taking over!
00220049.wav Taunt We did it before... we'll do it again.
00220050.wav Taunt Thanks! Thanks a lot.
00220051.wav Saved by Player What do you say, buddy?
00220052.wav Wing Undamaged My wing reports no problems.
00220053.wav Wing Damage Moderate Wing reports some dings and scrapes. Nothing serious, though.
00220054.wav Wing Damage Severe My wing is on its last legs, boss. Major trouble!
00220055.wav Affirmtive No problem.