Wing Commander Prophecy ICIS Briefings - Series H

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy ICIS briefing lines associated with Series H.


H'rissith H1a/H1b

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04070000.wav Lieutenant Casey, please choose to lead a bomber wing or support wing.

H'rissith H1a

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04070001.wav The Eisen carrier group has leapfrogged ahead of the Midway and is clearing a path for us to the Kilrah jump point.
04070002.wav This enemy carrier group, although posing no threat to the Midway, could place the Eisen force in jeopardy.
04070003.wav The Midway will launch a strike group to attack the carrier, eliminating the threat.
04070004.wav Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie wings will deploy to this NAV point.
04070005.wav There, your Alpha Wing will disable the carrier's turrets and shield towers, then join Charlie Wing in eliminating any fighter cover.
04070006.wav This will clear the way for Bravo to deliver their torpedos.
04070007.wav When the carrier has been stopped, return to the Midway.

H'rissith H1b

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04070008.wav The Eisen carrier group has leapfrogged ahead of the Midway and is clearing a path for us to the Kilrah jump point.
04070009.wav Enemy forces are currently focusing upon the Eisen group, and are apparently unaware of the Midway's presence. This carrier group is on an intercept course, and its cruisers are closing rapidly to striking distance with the Eisen.
04070010.wav The Midway will launch a strike group to attack the carrier, eliminating the bomber threat.
04070011.wav Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie wings will deploy to this NAV point.
04070012.wav Bravo and Charlie wings will provide cover, eliminating the carrier's turrets and accompanying fighter craft.
04070013.wav Your Alpha Wing will then deliver its torpedo payloads on the carrier.
04070014.wav When the carrier has been stopped, return to the Midway.

H'rissith H2a/H2b

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04070015.wav Lieutenant Casey, please select either a bomber or an interceptor.

H'rissith H2a

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04070016.wav We will now launch a two-pronged attack against the remainder of the enemy fleet.
04070017.wav A wing of Devastators and their accompanying escorts will make a direct assault on the alien cruisers.
04070018.wav Meanwhile, your Alpha Wing will clear a path for the Midway through this minefield.
04070019.wav You must eliminate at least 75% of the mines and any mine layers you encounter, then return to the Midway.

H'rissith H2b

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04070020.wav We will now launch a two-pronged attack against the remainder of the enemy fleet.
04070021.wav Your Alpha Wing will rendezvous with a wild weasel group from the Eisen.
04070022.wav From the rendezvous point, you will proceed to the designated engagement area and launch an attack on the cruisers positioned there.
04070023.wav Meanwhile, a wing of Vampires will be deployed in a mine sweeping operation, clearing a path through the minefield for the Midway.
04070024.wav When your mission is completed, return to the Midway.

H'rissith H3

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04070025.wav You will lead a wing of Vampires as part of a patrol in force ahead of the Midway.
04070026.wav Due to the asteroid field, our scans of the area are incomplete, but the field should hamper enemy scans, as well.
04070027.wav Sweep this NAV route, eliminating any enemy patrol craft and scouting for enemy positions which may be shielded from our scanners by the asteroid field.
04070028.wav Should you encounter an enemy starship, do not engage. Gather targeting data and withdraw from the area immediately.
04070029.wav Your craft will be equipped with a new missile variant which incorporates alien technology. Although more powerful, these weapons are still untried, and may prove unreliable.

H'rissith H4

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04070030.wav Combined patrol data and engineering reports indicate that a second, fully operational alien ship killer is present in this system. This vessel and its support fleet must be neutralized.
04070031.wav Your Alpha Wing will lead the attack, supported by a wing of Vampires with wild weasel loadouts.
04070032.wav This attack must be made quickly, before the ship killer's plasma weapon can be brought to bear on the Midway.
04070033.wav Your craft has been further modified with new shield technology. Engineering reports that this equipment should prove more stable than the experimental missiles.
04070034.wav The Midway is approaching the Kilrah jump point. In response, the aliens have diverted what we believe to be most of their remaining ships to this system.
04070035.wav Already a massive strike force has been launched, and will be within striking distance shortly.
04070036.wav Their primary target will undoubtedly be the Midway's newly-installed plasma weapon.

H'rissith H5

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04070037.wav All wings will be dispatched to pre-arranged positions in an effort to protect the weapon and stop this assault.
04070038.wav Your Alpha Wing is assigned to this defensive zone.
04070039.wav Engineering is continuing to modify your missile and shield technology, and engineering reports that the newest variants should perform correctly in combat situations.
04070040.wav When the attack is over, return to the Midway.
04070041.wav The size of the battle group which has gathered around the Kilrah jump point necessitates that the Midway employ its new weapon.

H'rissith H6

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04070042.wav Due to differences in alien and Confed technology, our modified plasma burst will not detonate properly without an initial catalyst.
04070043.wav For this reason, a small thermonuclear primer device must be planted at the center of the enemy fleet to assure the weapon's effectiveness
04070044.wav . All available craft will deploy to remove any enemy fighters from the Midway's path.
04070045.wav Your objective is to plant the primer device on this transport, which is positioned near the heart of the enemy fleet. The device will only lock on this target.
04070046.wav When the device is in place, clear the area as quickly as possible to avoid the blast.