Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Nephilim Aces

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with the Nephilim Aces with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.

Video Loops

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Ace 1

Message Download Role Transcript
00910000.wav KIA The mother creature shall avenge me!
00910001.wav Scored Kill We will gather the meat later!
00910002.wav Scored Kill One more human life is obliterated!
00910003.wav Scored Kill The more who oppose us, the more shall die!
00910004.wav Scored Kill The universe is rid of one more soft-skinned pest!
00910005.wav Taunt Humans are too frail for combat!
00910006.wav Taunt Nothing can save you now, human!
00910007.wav Taunt Prepare to embrace the nothingness!
00910008.wav Taunt I will scatter your atoms into the blackness.
00910009.wav Taunt You cannot survive for long, weakling!

Ace 2

Message Download Role Transcript
00920000.wav KIA You cannot stop the inevitable, frail creature!
00920001.wav Scored Kill These burnt shells were your greatest achievements!
00920002.wav Scored Kill Have you learned your lessons yet, humans?
00920003.wav Scored Kill Stand or flee. Your fate shall be the same!
00920004.wav Scored Kill You die like slaves, not like warriors!
00920005.wav Taunt Despair, infant race!
00920006.wav Taunt Newborn, your testing shall devour you!
00920007.wav Taunt Prove yourselves, world killers!
00920008.wav Taunt Run, infant creatures!
00920009.wav Taunt Your life is forfeit, slave creature!

Ace 3

Message Download Role Transcript
00930000.wav KIA I feed the young with my death!
00930001.wav Scored Kill Your worlds will die like your ships.
00930002.wav Scored Kill Does it hurt, soft creature?
00930003.wav Scored Kill Do you feel his pain?
00930004.wav Scored Kill Where is the glory in such pitiful opponents?
00930005.wav Taunt Alone... this is how you shall die!
00930006.wav Taunt Surrender, human, for you have no hope!
00930007.wav Taunt The chill of the void shall be your resting place.
00930008.wav Taunt You cannot stand before the warlords!
00930009.wav Taunt You have no place amongst the warlords!

Ace 4

Message Download Role Transcript
00940000.wav KIA I salute you, my slayer!
00940001.wav Scored Kill Be certain that there are no survivors!
00940002.wav Scored Kill All challengers are welcome.
00940003.wav Scored Kill I commend a warrior for a valiant death.
00940004.wav Scored Kill This was no challenge. Fight, humans!
00940005.wav Taunt Come. Challenge me, human!
00940006.wav Taunt I have you now!
00940007.wav Taunt This day shall see your end!
00940008.wav Taunt You cannot comprehend the forces arrayed against you.
00940009.wav Taunt You waste my time, human!

Ace 5

Message Download Role Transcript
00950000.wav KIA I am humbled.
00950001.wav Scored Kill The slave species shall bow before us.
00950002.wav Scored Kill So shall you all go screaming into the void.
00950003.wav Scored Kill Your deaths are violent and beautiful.
00950004.wav Scored Kill Your pain is such exquisite music.
00950005.wav Taunt I will destroy you at my leisure.
00950006.wav Taunt Our numbers shall obliterate the stars.
00950007.wav Taunt Retreat or stand, but you shall die!
00950008.wav Taunt You shall be consumed by flame, small creature.
00950009.wav Taunt Your home world is ripe for our harvest.

Ace 6

Message Download Role Transcript
00960000.wav KIA My brethren shall consume you.
00960001.wav Scored Kill We shall attack until the last human is exterminated!
00960002.wav Scored Kill Have you not learned yet to fight, infant race?
00960003.wav Scored Kill The blackness cannot feed upon such a feeble soul.
00960004.wav Scored Kill This is the fate of those who oppose us.
00960005.wav Taunt Do you feel the blackness closing in?
00960006.wav Taunt I toy with you, human.
00960007.wav Taunt This battle will be your last, frail human.
00960008.wav Taunt You shall be swept aside by the Aligned Peoples.
00960009.wav Taunt Your corpse shall drift amongst the stars.

Ace 7

Message Download Role Transcript
00970000.wav KIA Perhaps you are a warrior after all!
00970001.wav Scored Kill My triumph shall be recorded among our people!
00970002.wav Scored Kill It is rare to find a warrior among you.
00970003.wav Scored Kill The time for this foolishness has ended.
00970004.wav Scored Kill UNWORTHY!
00970005.wav Taunt Do you wish to do battle, human?
00970006.wav Taunt I issue challenge to you, man thing!
00970007.wav Taunt It is unfortunate that you must be destroyed.
00970008.wav Taunt This is your time to die, human creature.
00970009.wav Taunt You are no warrior race!