SAR-23 Condor

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SAR-23 Condor
Type Rescue/Refuel/Shuttle
Primary User Terran Confederation
Service Nephilim War

Wing Commander: Prophecy

Wing Commander Prophecy - The Official Strategy Guide

The SAR-23 is a multipurpose ship that is adjustable for a wide variety of missions by the simple act out swapping out functionality "modules" or "packs." The Condor itself is primarily a powerful engine and navigation bay. It will be ID'd differently, depending on what function it is performing.

In some cases it is lightly armored and shielded for use in combat, but is simply not designed to carry weapons of any sort. Instead, it relies solely on its fighter escort whenever it enters a hostile area.

As a Search And Rescue ship, the Condor is most often used for recovering downed, ejected or otherwise incapacitated pilots. This job usually falls to Condors as post-battle duty, but they have been known to take on a rescue mission in do-or-die cases.

As a Refueler, the Condor refuls and rearms fighters that have to fly long distances from their carrier. This is possible due to the shuttle's jump-capable design.

The Condor also acts as a Shuttle men a specilied personell transport/carrier-on-board-delivery (COD) pod is attached. Shuttles have been used in transportation of both troops and dignitaries