Talk:Rapier II

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Revision as of 08:59, 8 November 2009 by Aeronautico (talk | contribs)
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Is this page really needed? We preaty much have everything coverd here. F-44 Rapier II and why the need for all these changes all of a sudden? adden more entrys is one thing but I've been seeing alot needless changes and things that seem to be just duplacating what has alrdy been done and finished. Another example is the change with ship classes Vin just did. I had all the transport that had been added so far listed under transports, now there just dumped all under the one heading of ship me thats very unorginzed. Blitz


Class: Medium Fighter
Length: 24 meters
Mass: 13.5 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 450 kps
Cruise Velocity: 250 kps
Acceleration: Excellent
Max Y/P/R: 10/10/10 dps
Fore Shield: 7.0 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 7.0 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 5.0 cm
Right Armor: 3.0 cm
Left Armor: 3.0 cm
Rear Armor: 4.0 cm
Guns: Laser Cannon (2), Neutron Gun (2)
Missiles: Dart DF (2), Spiculum IR (1), Pilum FF (2)