Bar (Agricultural Planet)

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Privateer - Screenshot - Agricultural Planet - Bar.png

Bar are bars on Agricultural Planets. They are located directly off the main concourse. They are owned and operated by Bartender.




Sprite Sheets

Unique Conversations


Talk to Bartender

Friend, you look like a hard man...
...the kind who looks for dirty work.
But $BN is just an agricultural base. We're farmers...
...not pirates looking to hire cutthroats and thugs.
Please, don't make any trouble here.

Talk to Bartender

I hear the Kilrathi are giving the Confed fits.
Our boys are spread too thin to protect the outlying colonies...
...the result being plague and famine for those trapped in the crossfire.
The Confed has asked $BN to up our production of food.
It's good for business, but no one here likes profiting from the hardship of others.
Anyway, there may be some cargo runs available for you, if you're interested.


Talk to Bartender

I just heard that the 6th Confederation fleet was lost around Midgard...
Gone! The Kilrathi must've destroyed them so fast they couldn't even get a message off!
An entire fleet, lost! I'm afraid it's only a matter of time...
Drink up, friend. While you still can.

Talk to Bartender

Have you heard the bad news?
No one has been able to establish contact with Palan.
It's like the whole planet has just...disappeared.
Hell, I got family there...I...had family there...
I think I need a drink.

Talk to Bartender

Overall, it's been a good year for $BN.
We've had record crop yields across the board.
We think it has something to do with the lessened solar flare activity this year...
...but what does it matter? We're making out like pirates here for a change.


Talk to Bartender

Those retros have got some nerve, man.
They've been attacking agriculture bases recently.
Sometimes they just interfere with shipments, but often they go after the planet itself.
I think they're trying to conquer the planets.
Imagine! Cutting off the food supplies of millions of innocent people.

Talk to Bartender

I think I've got these retro guys figured out.
They're nuts.

Talk to Bartender

Overall, it's been a good year for $BN.
We've had record crop yields across the board.
We think it has something to do with the lessened solar flare activity this year...
...but what does it matter? We're making out like pirates here for a change.
Course, the retros might put a stop to all that.


Behind the Scenes

Source Models

  • DB_BAR - Agricultural/Perry/Refinery Bar
  • DB_BAR01 - Agricultural/Perry/Refinery Bar (Untextured)
  • PBARTND - Bartender Background

Concept Art
