Bar (Pirate Base)

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Privateer - Screenshot - Pirate Base - Bar.png

Bar are bars on Pirate Bases. They are located directly off the main concourse. They are owned and operated by Bartender.




Sprite Sheets

Unique Conversations



Talk to Bartender

Hey, Mister, have a seat. The first one's on me.
No big deal. We're having a boom here on $BN. Times are good.
With all the fighting out along the borders...
...there's a lot of loot just floating around out there, waiting to be salvaged!
Used to be a pirate had to do some shooting to earn his daily bread...
...nowadays, the only trigger he's gotta pull is wired to a tractor beam!

Talk to Bartender

I hope you're gonna buy a drink and not just sit here trawling for a job.
Business is slow at the bar.
People are spending too much time out there on those stressful missions.
They need to be in here relaxing, like you.
So...what'll it be?

Talk to Bartender

Hey, welcome to $BN. I heard a good one the other day.
Seems that there's this hollow asteroid along the
Kilrathi border...
The thing of it is, the Kilrathi use it as a munitions dump!
The guy who finds that dump can help himself to as much
ordnance as he can haul!


Talk to Bartender

Hey, buddy, have you heard the latest?
A pirate looking to scope $BN for business told me this one.
Seems the TCS Valiant has just...disappeared.
That's the second carrier the Confederation has lost
along the border.
It's a sure bet the Kilrathi have their paws in this!

Talk to Bartender

Better watch your step on $BN, Mister. comminity here is leery of strangers these days.
We've had a lot of problems with undercover Militia agents lately.
I'm not saying you're one of 'em...
...but I'd do my best to look as innocent as possible, if I were you.

Talk to Bartender

Happy days are here again! You heard? The Confed is slipping in the war effort.
Seems the sector is lousy with Kilrathi, and they're giving the Fed fits.
Hey, I'm as patriotic as the next guy. I don't want the Fed to give it up...
...but this means they're diverting their efforts away from law enforcement!
That's good news here on $BN. The less Confed around, the better!

Talk to Bartender

Looking for a job? Must be if you're hanging around $BN.
Ever heard of a guy named Roman Lynch? He's a Well, a real mover.
Seems he's looking for a wet spesh to whack a guy named Seelig.
Lynch runs his empire out of New Constantinople.
No thanks, that's what bartenders do. Just remember me when it's time to tip.


Talk to Bartender

I just heard a wild rumor.
Apparently the Kilrathis and the Retros are in league.
They're planning to wipe out the Confeds and split up the Gemini sector.
Strange bedfellows, huh?
Pretty hard to believe, if you ask me.

Talk to Bartender

The atmosphere sure has loosened up around here.
Everyone used to be worried about undercover Milita agents,
but now they're so rare that folks here will gab about anything.
Maybe they're a little too open.
If the agents ever come back, a lot of these guys are gonna get busted.

Talk to Bartender

Happy days are here again! You heard? The Confed is slipping in the war effort.
And now they have the Retros to worry about, too.
Hey, I'm as patriotic as the next guy. I don't want the Fed to give it up...
...but this means they're diverting their efforts away from law enforcement!
That's good news here on $BN. The less Confed around, the better!

Talk to Bartender

Looking for a job? Must be if you're hanging around $BN.
I'd get some pirate work, if I were you.
Depending on where you go, pirate work can be real lucrative these days.
Those Retro nuts have a lot of Confeds and Militia tied up,
so the Confed and Militia patrols have thinned out.
If you don't want to get on their bad side, don't worry.
As long as you can avoid 'em, you won't have to shoot 'em.


Behind the Scenes

Source Models

Concept Art
