Wing Commander Multiplayer Hub

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These are the latest instructions and how-to's for each multiplayer Wing Commander game.

Wing Commander Arena

If your Xbox 360 is behind a router and you are having connection difficulties, you'll need to change a few easy settings to get things going.

To find out if you're affected, turn on your Xbox 360 and go the Dashboard. Go to the System blade, select Network Settings and test your Xbox Live Connection.

Your results should look like this:

IP Address: Confirmed
DNS: Confirmed
MTU: Confirmed
ICMP: Confirmed
Xbox Live: Connected

The NAT item is especially important. If this says RESTRICTED or MODERATE instead of OPEN, you will need to configure your router and Xbox for online gaming. Tom McCann's website has easy to follow, illustrated instructions for D-Link and Linksys devices and walks you through all the steps on the Xbox. In addition to all that, Frosty had to disable the UPNP option to get everything working right. If you own a different brand router, the process should be very similar. If your NAT is open you should have less trouble connecting to games. However, if another user in the game has a restricted NAT, you may not be able to connect all the same.

Wing Commander Armada / Proving Grounds

Playing Wing Commander Armada is easier than ever. Players will need to install Armada with the most recent version of DOSBox onto their computers. Then navigate over to Classic Gaming Arena and create an account. You will then need to install the CGA client and configure the game settings on the website. It even has Voice over IP support so you can truly taunt each other. Once the setup is complete, it's just a matter of creating a game room, meeting your opponent and clicking a button to start the game.

Wing Commander Prophecy

Download the Wing Commander Prophecy Enhancement Pack. Unzip it to your Prophecy directory, but note that it will overwrite your Prophecy.exe unless you back it up first. The pack incorporates the video skip fix, high resolution upgrade, DVD VOB player and multiplayer patch all together. Install.exe configures the high res patch, and Multiplayer.exe launches the online component. One person runs the game as the server, and everyone else connects to his IP address in client mode. Input a team number and enter your username/password when prompted. Be sure port 5555 is forwarding through your router/firewall, and stop by #Wingnut to meet up with other players.

Players can also see where they match up with other Wingnuts by using the Killboard.

Wing Commander Prophecy for Game Boy Advanced

Prophecy GBA supports four player linkup through the use of four Game Boys and four separate cartridges. Both deathmatch and cooperative play are available: all vs all, team game and cooperative game modes. Players can play against each other, combat as a team (player 1+2 vs player 3+4) or engage in cooperation mode in which the 4 players must work together in order to accomplish their mission. The cooperation mode will have a completely new set of missions to involve all players in the action.

Flag Commander (Homeworld 2 Mod)

To play this mod you'll need the Homeworld Remastered package from STEAM and subscribe to the Flag Commander mod. Players will then need to create an account at Gearbox Software and link it with their STEAM account to have access to multiplayer.