Comm Facility (Nephilim)

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Comm Facility
Type Comm Facility
Primary User Nephilim
Maximum Yaw 10 dps
Maximum Pitch 0 dps
Maximum Roll 0 dps
Rotational Acceleration 10 dps2
Maximum 0 kps
Antenna 1 800 DP
Antenna 2 800 DP
Antenna 3 800 DP
Antenna 4 800 DP
Antenna 5 800 DP
Antenna 6 800 DP
Antenna 7 800 DP
Source Origin's Official Guide to Wing Commander Prophecy


Wing Commander: Prophecy

Mission Appearances

Wing Commander: Secret Ops

Mission Appearances


Alien Communication Facility (Radar/Comm) AC-01 SIREN
Mission Role: The type of missions this ship was built for
Cloaking: No
Jump Capable: No
Max Speed: undecided kps
Agility: undecided dps
Acceleration: undecided kps2
Radar: undecided
ID Sensor: Unknown
Shield Strength Fore/Aft/Port/Starboard: undecided
Shield Recharge Rate: undecided
Armor Fore/Aft/Port/Starboard: undecided
Guns: undecided
Missiles: undecided
Target ID: Comm Facility
Length: undecided
Width: unknown
Mass: undecided
This is the station the player will have to disable in the G series. The radar part will have to be destroyable.
It will also need launch bays for alien fighters to be launched from.
