Prototype Ship MCPH

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Type Cruiser
Primary User CIS
Additional Users Kiowan Pirate Clan
Messineo Couriers
Maximum Yaw 2 dps
Maximum Pitch 2 dps
Maximum Roll 2 dps
Acceleration 48 k/s2
Maximum 160 kps
Dual Mount Turret B (6)
Jump Drive Yes
Fore 3125 cm equivalent
Aft 3125 cm equivalent
Right 3125 cm equivalent
Left 3125 cm equivalent
Rear 3125 cm
Right 3125 cm
Left 3125 cm
MCPh in military colors, Tri-System circa 2790.
Source Privateer 2: The Darkening

The MCPH has been in service with the CIS for several years. Described in the CCN ship registry as a cruiser, typical reports class it as a "Military Prototype", Prototype Ship or simply "'Capital Ship".

Its distinctive outrigger hull design features what appears to be a large and spacious hangar bay out to starboard, although this usage cannot be confirmed. In addition, the design boasts six military-grade turrets, giving it firepower, if not protection, equal to that of a Military Dreadnought.

Notable MCPHs so far include the Inspectorate, the Protector, the Phoenix, the Wilcox and the Ice Breaker. Messineo Couriers utilizes a pair of MCPHs in this role. The Kiowan pirate clan operates a Prototype as the Warbird.

MCPh in neutral colors.