Talk:F-44 Rapier II

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Claw Marks

Joan's 2654


USG for WC1 sections

USG for SM1 sections

USG for SM2 sections

WC1 script (all missions)

SM1 script (all missions)

SM2 script (all missions)

Joan's 2664


Claw Marks

Comm Relay - Page 3

TCSO Show Scheduled

Vidstar Saranya Carr, exotic heroine of the popular Luna Jones, JumpScout serial, is accompanying the TCSO troupe to the Tiger's Claw. Carr, 25, stated, "You bet your life I'm happy to be working with the TCSO. I mean, you see Luna Jones blowing Kilrathi fuzzies out of space every week, but Saranya Carr doesn't know a nav computer from a dialogue transceiver. Since I can't help our fighting forces directly, I'm proud to be able to entertain and build morale. Besides," she adds, "I'm not completely unselfish. Perhaps I can persuade someone to give me a ride in one of those new Rapiers..."

Joan's 2654

Line Image URL - cm-rapier.png

Class: Medium Fighter Length: 24 Meters Mass: 13.5 tonnes Maximum Velocity: 450 kps Cruise Velocity: 250 kps Acceleration: Excellent Maximum Yaw: 10 dps Maximum Pitch: 10 dps Maximum Roll: 10 dps Ship's Weapons: Laser Cannon (2), Neutron Guns (2), Dumb-Fire Missiles (2), Spiculum IR (Image-Recognition) Missile, Pilum FF (Friend or Foe) Missiles (2). Ship's Armor: Fore Shield: 7 cm equivalent; Aft Shield: 7 cm equivalent. Front: 5 cm; Right: 3cm; Left: 3cm; Rear: 4 cm

Know your Qualification Ribbons

If you can't tell a Rapier from a Raptor at a distance, you probably can't tell them apart on their Fighter Qualification Ribbons, either. Try your recognition skills on the Fighter Qualification Ribbons above. Each is awarded when you've completed your first mission in that class of fighter. Clockwise, from upper left: Hornet Scimitar Raptor Rapier


Stats same as Joan's

Ultimate Strategy Guide

For Tighter Up or Down Movements, Roll and Turn

he arrangement of thrusters on Hornets, Scimitars, and Raptors produces an unusual flight characteristic: up and down movements cannot be completed in as tight a radius as a turn to the left or right. Aerospace engineers are trying to correct the flaw in the new Rapier class, but it is still unknown whether their efforts have been successful.

Using Your Ship's Guns

Laser Cannon - At this point, the laser cannon was employed only on the Hornets, although scuttlebutt indicated that a new class of fighter, the Rapier, would use them as well.

Neutron Guns - It eventually showed up as the second gun on the Rapier, but at the time the Raptor was the only ship that carried the neutron gun.

Full Guns - On the Raptor, and eventually the Rapier, you could fire two guns at once. With the Raptor it was the mass driver and neutron. Later, on the Rapier it was the laser and neutron.

WC1 mission entry text

Omicron Wing (Gimle System)

It was the biggest disappointment of my career. Before I hit sick bay, Halcyon had told me I would be flying with Angel in the Gimle System. Now, Lieutenant Mariko was testing the prototype Rapier instead. Imagine, 450 KPS with enough acceleration to pull six gees, a laser cannon for distance, a neutron for trading punches in close, and the maneuverability to keep up with a Salthi. Now that's a machine.

As soon as I heard Omicron Wing had returned from their three-point patrol, I dashed to the bar and waited for their grand entrance. Everyone had the same idea and pushed into the tight quarters, to hear their report first-hand. They were beaming as they entered.

"Comparing a Rapier with any other ship we fly is similar to comparing the first hydrogen propulsion units with the ion drives we use now," said Angel. "Navigation point 1 was clear, but four Dralthi attempted to prevent our progress at 11,000 kilometers before Nav 2."

"We all know how quick and evasive they can be. With the Rapier, we hit them with the lasers as they approached at long range, and then matched every twist and turn when they came in close. I switched to neutrons, and since we can outrun them by about 50 KPS, just stayed on their tails and fired. A few shots and they were screaming about the black void of space. Spirit was just as successful using full guns."

"The two Gratha that we hit before Nav 3 display the real value of the Rapier," noted Spirit. "I just avoided their initial run toward us, then used my speed and maneuverability to take down their shields with my guns. One note of caution, however. Since the Rapier's maximum velocity is more than 100 KPS faster than the Gratha's, you risk collisions with the enemy if you aren't careful. Once the Gratha's shields were weakened, I took them out with a Spiculum IR and a Pilum FF. I fired the Pilum even though Angel was close by. I knew the Rapier would help her avoid the missile if it locked onto her ship."

Tau Wing (Gimle System)

Captain Devereaux and Lt. Mariko weren't pleased when the prototype Rapiers were assigned to other pilots, especially when they heard their next mission briefing. Halcyon ordered them to check out a large group of bogies at Nav 2, flying the heavy Raptor.

Theta Wing (Kurasawa System)

It was great to be assigned to the Black Lion Squadron and finally have the chance to take the helm of a Rapier-class heavy fighter. I'd heard all about their speed, maneuverability, and armaments when Spirit and Angel had checked out the prototypes in the Gimle System. I was psyched for this mission.

I'd run into so many poor pilots flying the Dralthi, that I was a little complacent when we found a five-ship wing guarding a Dorkir at Nav 1A. But these guys were hardened vets, and they gave us fits with their darting maneuvers. I couldn't believe I'd taken damage from a light fighter, but my guard was down and they scored from long range with their laser cannons before I gathered my wits about me. I won't use the excuse that I was flying a new fighter, since the Rapiers responded to the slightest touch on the joystick.

Once the protection was destroyed, we concentrated on the Dorkir. It was like a shooting range. Always attacking these large ships from the rear, the Rapier's quick response allowed us to wait until the last second before unloading our guns and turning off to avoid a collision. At such close ranges, as little as 750 meters, our full guns were incredibly effective.

"These Rapiers could make you lazy, Prankster. Don't let it give you a false sense of security. They're quick and nimble, but we're still carrying only three centimeters of armor on our sides. Just think what a Jalthi could do to that."

Omicron Wing (Kurasawa System)

I nodded my affirmation as I climbed into the Rapier's custom cockpit. The canopy was sliding before I had taken my seat and the launch caught me with only half the harness buckled. The launch team wasn't wasting any time.

We were cruising at full speed and really burning the afterburners when we hit the asteroids. I came to a screeching halt using backspace, then upped the throttle to 300 for our journey. It wasn't the safest speed, but I felt the extra maneuverability of the Rapier would keep us safe. It woudl have, but for the four Jalthi who saw us before we could sneak through the field. I told Bossman to break and attack and armed the lasers for some long-range shots. The cannons didn't do much to the Jalthi, but did split them up as they approached through the obstacle course.

Chi Wing (Kurasawa System)

Bossman had weakened the next target to find my sights and I smashed through the final defenses with neutrons. Next, I target each of the remaining three Dralthi and gave them my personal thoughts on their cultural heritage. I was firing hard and fast with the lasers before they had a chance to turn and attack the Rapiers. Before I knew it, all five Dralthi had fallen to my guns. The Rapiers were untouched.

We were pumped for the four Krant that jumped us on the way back to the carrier. I targeted each in turn and went through a series of taunts designed to make the cats look at the Rapiers as they would at flightless birds. The actual words can't be repeated here. I watched to see which would turn to face us, then targeted one of the others, locked in, and told Bossman to attack my target. I wanted to make sure he went after of the other ships that were trained on the Exeter. I turned away from the locked target and burned after the other attacking Krant.

After the debriefing, I found out I was being reassigned to the Star Slayer Squadron flying Raptors. I wasn't looking foward to giving up the Rapier, but I didn't say anything to the colonel. When he told me that Commander Della Guardia wanted to see me, I shot out of the room like a laser beam. Even in war there are good times. I was sure this meeting would be one of them.

The Final Assault: Preparation for Victory

All available Rapiers had been ferried to the Tiger's Claw for the final battle. Technicians swarmed over the craft, making last-minute calibrations to the targeting system, loading weapons, and performing routine maintenance before the big push. Training flights were constant for the pilots who had yet to fly in the TCSN's most advanced medium fighter.

Epsilon Wing (Venice System)

We were turning for Nav 2 when he replied. "Stay focused, Ship: Rapier Prankster. We'll be chasing the tails of more Kilrathi than you've ever seen soon enough. This is their last chance, and with High Command in the area it'll be swarming with rabid cats. Stay on your toes now."

We hit more mines on the way to Nav 3 and an asteroid field on the way to Nav 4. One mistake I made in the last one almost sucked the air out of the Rapier. The ejector system was completely destroyed, and the computer and communications systems were damaged.

I was afraid the afterburners would melt the tubes. It might have been the longest continuous burn ever attempted in a Rapier, but the ships somehow held together. Hunter and I made it to the carrier and passed our data discs along to tactical ops before we raced to meet Halcyon.

Nu Wing (Venice System)

The Tiger's Claw fighter patrols had identified multiple Kilrathi targets in the Venice System. With the assistance of fighters from the carrier Kyoto, we were ordered to engage and destroy specific ships and escorts throughout the system. Nu Wing would rendezvous with Rapiers from the Kyoto and head out in search of a Fralthi. According to Intel reports, Gratha, Salthi, and Krant would protect the 500-meter cruiser.

We lost a Rapier to the four-Krant escort for the Fralthi at Nav 2.1 don't know why the pilot just headed straight in, but he never had a chance against the eight combined laser cannons at long range. Maybe his flight recorder will give us some insight later.

I didn't have to tell Hunter to attack my target when I turned toward the Fralthi. In fact, he was ahead of me on the first pass at that target. I couldn't keep track of exactly what the other two Rapiers were doing, but I came in from the rear and fired a Dart and Spiculum on my first pass, a Pilum and Dart on the second, and then switched to the guns. After each attack, I turned away and let my blaster power regenerate, then turned back and held my fire until I reached a distance of 2000 meters. The explosion was incredible.

When we found out why the Rapier pilot from the Kyoto had rushed in on the Krant, we realized we had witnessed one of the most heroic acts in the war. Flight recorder data revealed that a computer system malfunction, not unusual in such a new ship, had taken away his ability to turn, eject or communicate. Knowing that he couldn't fight, he'd sacrificed his life and his ship and just tried to inflict as much damage as possible in a suicide rush at the enemy. We held our own memorial service on the Tiger's Claw for the young pilot.

Phi Wing (Venice System)

The Ralari's shields and armor yielded to the full guns and Darts from the two Rapiers, but once again, it took longer than expected to finish the job. We turned toward the carrier and kept our fingers on the afterburners instead of using autopilot. We could get home faster that way.

Omega Wing (Venice System)

Hunter and I were really scanning the radar display when the mines showed up about 41,000 kilometers from Nav 1. Know-ng speed was of the essence, I took a slight chance and kept the setting at 300 KPS instead of the recommended 250. It was a bit Ship: Rapier hairier winding through the mines, but we made it through without any real damage. As soon as we exited the rocks, we went to auto-pilot for our trip to Nav 1.

Secret Missions related text

Between Missions (Jotunheim System)

"I've got to admit that the lieutenant hasn't lost a second in reflex time and he can still put a Hornet, Raptor, Scimitar, or Rapier through its paces better than anyone," he explained. "The problem is that he's taking every mission personally, and trying single-handedly to take out every enemy fighter. He's not only a danger to himself, but to his wingleader as well. You never know what he's going to do next."

Rho Wing (Jotunheim System)

Mission Chronology:

1. Four Gratha attacked 55,260 kilometers from Nav 1. 2. Four Jalthi hit when 15,000 kilometers from Nav 1. 3. Four Rapiers attacked when 19,800 kilometers from Nav 2. 4. A Rapier and the Exeter appeared 8,000 kilometers from Nav 2. 5. Four Krant, in two wings, and four Gratha started blasting away when we were 53,444 kilometers from the carrier.

Post-Mission Analysis:

I don't know how Intel could have been so wrong. This mission was the most bizarre I'd ever flown. As it turned out, the mission was the result of a bogus radio message from the Kilrathi. It wasn't the Johann, but the mythical Gwenhyvar that appeared at Nav 2. They were trying to draw us into an ambush and they almost succeeded. I knew something was wrong when Rapiers attacked our position before we reached the Exeter, so I was prepared for something unusual.

Sigma Wing (Bifrost System) (SM1)

Post-Mission Analysis:

Since we were flying Rapiers, we had the laser cannons to use at long range and the neutrons for close-in dogfighting. Combined with our dumb-fires, image-recognition and Friend-or-Foe missiles, our arsenal provided a lot of flexibility.

Our basic strategy was to take advantage of our strengths. With a tremendous speed advantage over any enemy fighter, we stayed at long range and blasted away with the lasers until we had damaged the enemy's shields. Then we moved in close to finish the job with missiles, full guns, or neutrons. We kept a finger on the afterburners and just ran away when attacked.

Mu Wing (Valgard System)

Post-Mission Analysis:

When Iceman and I talked after the mission, we were amazed that we had survived. Twenty-three ships had fallen to our guns and missiles.

I adopted a defensive posture throughout the mission, concentrating on avoiding damage to our ships instead of inflicting damage on the others. When Iceman or I was hit hard, I had Iceman form on my wing and we ran until repairs and regeneration were completed. Whenever I damaged a target, I called for Iceman to join my attack and we stayed with the enemy until he was destroyed. We were fortunate to be flying Rapiers that could travel at 450 KPS.

Omicron Wing (Vigrid System)

Post-Mission Analysis:

If we hadn't been aggressive with the Jalthi at Nav 1, we would have been in trouble when the five Krant joined the battle. Luckily, we hit the Jalthi with full guns and didn't hold back on the use of missiles either. We ran circles around the Jalthi once we'd evaded their first pass with the guns, and that allowed us to hit their rear shields and armor. In the Rapier I figured Knight could avoid missiles, so I launched the Pilum first and then followed with the IRs. The missiles weakened the enemies enough that a few direct hits with full guns sent them screaming about the black void.

Secret Missions 2 related text

Epsilon Wing (Firekka System)

Post-Mission Analysis:

Since it was the first time we'd encountered them, the Hriss caused the most problems on this mission. The Hhriss, like the Jalthi, carried neutron guns. They also employed mass drivers and were faster than any other medium or heavy fighter in the fleet, making them formidable opponents.

Without a laser, the Hhriss were more effective in close than at long range. Since we were flying Rapiers, we tried to stay at long range, using our 70-KPS speed advantage, and hit the enemy with lasers to weaken their heavy 15-cm fore and 18-cm rear shields. Once the shields were down, we could gain position with our speed, and switch to full guns and missiles for the kill.

Mu Wing (Corsair System)

Post-Mission Analysis:

Maintaining radio silence, we blew by the three Drakhai pilots. They had no idea we weren’t Kilrathi.

The Dralthi and Rapiers somehow knew we were impostors and attacked our position. At first I was taken aback Here I was, sitting in a Dralthi and dogfighting with a Rapier. It's a good thing we carried Terran weapons in the captured Dralthi and that the enemy didn't know it. The Rapiers held a speed advantage, but they came in straight and fast, thinking that we were only using lasers. Our mass drivers surprised them and blunted the assault, and we quickly swung around and hit them from the rear with the Javelins and Darts.

Omega Wing (Corsair System)

Post-Mission Analysis:

I can't single out a specific engage-ment that was a turning point in our mission. When you engage 29 different enemy fighters, you pull out all the stops and use every tactic.

Flying Rapiers with a top speed of 450 KPS helped. We were faster than any ship we had to fight. Knowing we would encounter a lot of enemy pilots, we kept our heads and concentrated on avoiding damage in every dogfight. We always evaded the first wave of fighters, then turned to follow and attack from the rear. We kept sliding with afterburners and hard turns, used the lasers at long range, and our full guns and missiles in close.

Wing Commander

Beta Wing (McAuliffe System)

Talk to ICEMAN

Maverick. They call me Iceman.
Don’t let Knight fool you. The Scim’s a gun-heavy slug.
Forget finesse, just head straight in, guns blaring.
Give me a ship that takes skill.
A Raptor, even a Hornet… or one of those new Rapiers.
If half of what they say is true, the Rapier’s a true artist’s ship!

Omicron Wing (Gimle System) Talk to SHOTGLASS

Hey, Maverick. How’s it goin’?
You heard about those new Rapiers? Ever'body's talkin' about 'em.
I'm not so sure about 'em, though.
I flew jus' about my whole career in Scimitars an' Raptors.
Liked the Raptor best, even though she didn't handle too good.
She sure was fast once you got her goin', though!

Talk to HUNTER

Maverick, , mate Have you 'eard the news?
The Claw's gettin' a prototype Rapier to test fly!
I've been lookin' over the specs on 'er.
She's tagged a light fighter, but she's better armed than a Scimitar.
There's a pair of laser cannons, for distance work...' a set of neutron guns, for the dirty infightin'!

Talk to MANIAC

I'm lookin' forward to seein' one of these new Rapiers!
They say she's got tougher shields than anything in the fleet.
She must be just about invulnerable!

Ian St. John
'Ang about, there, mate...
She may 'ave God's own shields, but she's armored like a light fighter.
If they knock down the shields, she's no tougher than a Hornet.

Todd Marshall
Wow, I never thought about that...

Mission Briefing

Now, there's just one more thing about this mission I need to mention... We've just gotten a pair of prototype starfighters, Rapier-class. The brass wants to know how the Rapier performs in action... I want you to put her through the paces.

Ian St. John
Good job, Maverick, you lucky bloke Let me know 'ow she feels!

Peter Halcyon
Now, I don't want you going nuts out there, Maverick... This is a hot piece of hardware, but it hasn't been tested under fire. No one really knows what she can do ... or what she can't.

Christopher Blair
I understand, sir. Don't try anything too fancy...


Peter Halcyon
Welcome back, Maverick. What'd you think of the Rapier?

Christopher Blair
She's quite a ship, sir.

Peter Halcyon

And what did you think, Devereaux?

Jeannette Devereaux

I must agree with the Maverick, mon colonel. It is quite a vessel.

Jeannette Devereaux

I believe that it will prove more effective even than the Raptor...

Jeannette Devereaux

...especially against the more nimble Kilrathi fighters.

Tau Wing (Gimle System)

Talk to KNIGHT

So, Maverick. Now you've flown a Rapier. You like it?

You nod as you sip your drink.

Joseph Khumalo
I read that we're getting the first Rapier squadron on active duty. Colonel's already named the squadron Black Lion... I wonder who'll be assigned to it?

Epsilon Wing (Dakota System)

Colonel's office

Peter Halcyon
Glad to hear it. We’ll be leaving Dakota soon, and I need to make some personnel changes. Effective immediately following the jump, you’ll be reassigned. I want you in one of the new Rapier-class mediums, in Black Lion Squadron.

Christopher Blair
Yes, sir. You won’t be sorry.

Theta Wing (Kurasawa System)


Talk to ANGEL

Allo, Maverick. You have a moment, no? The Colonel has directed our crew chiefs to prepare our Rapiers for battle. I had hoped we would have flown them more before now. C'est la vie. Should you get the chance, let me know how they fly. It is tres important. Au revoir, Maverick.

Omicron Wing (Kurasawa System)


Talk to KNIGHT

Good day, Maverick. Heard you're flying a Rapier these days. Is it really as quick as everyone says? I've got to see it in action. I just got back from a patrol out near Kurasawa IV.That was a nightmare. Me and Lightning were jumped by a couple of wings of Gratha. We managed to take out five of them before they got Lightning. If we'd had those Rapiers, I bet that we'd never have taken a hit. They're good ships. You're lucky to get to fly one out.

Epsilon Wing (Venice System)


Talk to HUNTER

Maverick, mate I understand we'll be flyin' together for a while. Colonel's just moved me over to Black Lion squadron and Rapier fighters. I can't wait to get out in one of these new Rapiers, mate! As I recall, she's got both lasers and neutron guns, right? The lasers were designed for firin' at a distance...' the neutron guns for extra punch up close!

Nu Wing (Venice System)


Peter Halcyon You'll rendezvous with two Rapiers, Foxtrot Wing, from the Kyoto, here. From this point, you'll proceed to Nav 1... ...skirting the edge of an asteroid field.

Secret Missions

Beta Wing (Jotunheim System)

Talk to SPIRIT

   Would you care to join me for a drink, Maverick? 
   There is no more news of Epsilon Station, or my fiancé. 
   But I will not think of that now. Shotglass believes we may fly in asteroid fields today. 
   I hope he is right. There is something I wish to try. 
   Have you ever seen Iceman in an asteroid field? No? 
   He does some amazing things. 
   If his front shield is gone, he will turn tail... 
   ... and let his enemy come up behind him. 
   He performs evasive maneuvers and uses his thrusters... 
   ... and sets course straight for a large asteroid. 
   At the last moment possible, he rolls out. 
   The Kilrathi does not always follow successfully. 
   Of course, Iceman prefers to do this in Hornets or Rapiers, not Raptors.

Sigma Wing (Bifrost System) (SM1)


Peter Halcyon

   Two Killer Bees captured a Kilrathi courier ship yesterday, when we were attacking the supply depot. 
   We now have a schematic, less than two days old... 
   ... of the Kilrathi strike patrol assignments in Vega Sector. 
   What this means is that if we do manage to get back home safely... 
   ... we're going to be able to nail those cats in Vega Sector. 
   A round of applause and cheers echo through the briefing room. 
   The other news is that the Bees identified the Kilrathi ship with the secret weapon... 
   ...a super-dreadnought, which we've code-named the Sivar. 
   This may be the same ship that was sighted by our pilots, not far from our own position. 
   That ship will be our main target, pilots. We're going to lure her to this location... 
   And destroy her completely, AND the Kilrathi secret weapon. 
   But now we need to concentrate on today's mission. 
   The Tiger's Claw is now positioned where the base station was. 
   This means that we're probably going to intercept some incoming ships. 
   Now, a lot of them will be short on fuel, or in desperate need of repairs. 
   But we can't bet that any ship coming in will be an easy kill. 
   And we can't AFFORD for any of them to tell the Sivar that we're here. 
   So shoot to kill, pilots. Ignore ALL radio communications from the Kilrathi. 
   They can send out an emergency beacon to the Sivar... 
   ... while they stay on the horn with you, pretending to negotiate. 
   More good news You've been reassigned to Rapiers for this mission.

Delta Wing (Valgard System)

No references but player flies Rapier in mission

Omega Wing (Vigrid System)

No references but player flies Rapier in mission

Secret Missions 2

Mu Wing (Corsair System)


Christopher Blair

But Kilrathi-piloted Rapiers and some Dralthi were waiting for us.

Those Rapiers were probably the last surviving wing from the was very tough, sir. I just hope that communication interceptor didn't break when I was flying that high-speed Immelmann.

Joan's 2664 Update

F-44G Rapier
Class Medium Attack Fighter
Length 19.0 meters
Maximum Velocity 450 kps
Cruise Velocity 250 kps
Acceleration Excellent
Max. Yaw, Pitch, Roll 10 dps
Mass 15 tonnes
Ship’s Weapons
Laser Cannon (2) Dumb Fire Missiles (2)
Particle Cannon (2) Heat-Seeking Missiles (2)
Chaff Pod (1) Friend or Foe Missiles (2)
Ship’s Armor
Fore and Aft Shield 8 cm equivalent each
Front and Rear 6.5 cm each
Right and Left 5 cm each

Wing Commander II

Special Operations 1

Special Operations 2

WC Academy


Improved Targeting and Tracking System (ITTS)

The Ferret and Rapier are not equipped with ITTS.

Freedom Flight

End Run

Fleet Action

The Price of Freedom

Blair's communications scanner locked on Maniac's tactical channel. "Colonel," Marshall said, I got trouble. I got lots of Border reinforcements inbound. It looks like older stuff, Ferrets and some Rapiers. We can hold 'em, but don't waste any time. Okay?" (100)

"Strike King to Tiger," the lead Arrow transmitted. "Tallyho, I got visual contact."
What do you see?" Blair asked while starting the voice recorder attached to his knee board. He would need the Arrow's initial sightings for his after-action report.
"Approximately twelve bogies," Strike King said. "It looks like a motley mix of Ferrets and Rapiers, with a couple of Sabers. There's a second group inbound. Probably about the same numbers. Stand by telemetry." (157)

The Border Worlds forces began to turn and reengage. They hit the Dominion's fighters using massed fire to flare two. The black Hellcats tore into the rebels a moment later, avenging one of the cruiser's destroyed ships. Blair watched, heartsick, as his own Arrows attacked, killing a Ferret and firing missiles at a Rapier. The Rapier fired back, hitting one Arrow amidships before the first of several missiles struck it. The rebel ship turned into a fireball and an expanding cloud of junk.
Blair's Hellcats tore in, followed by his own Thunderbolts. The fast approach of three rebel Rapiers and Sabers pushed his worries aside. He slammed his throttles forward, bracing for the usual punch as the afterburners kicked in. He heard the roar as the Thunderbolt's engines spooled up, but the response was sluggish compared to a Hellcat's. The first Rapier homed in and fired while the other two broke and turned, one for each of his flanks. Blair kicked out a pair of signal decoys in anticipation of a missile strike, then put the T-bolt into a lazy right-hand turn. The lead Rapier's hits registered on the heavy fighter's screens, flaring the phase shields, but accomplishing little else. The Saber bore in after it. He checked his tail-gunner, and was pleased to see that Gunderson's computer control was engaging the trailing Rapiers as they came astern. The tailstinger wouldn't accomplish much, but it would keep the rebels honest.
The Saber cut to its right, then left, trying to avoid Blair's front arc. He waited until the rebel committed itself, keyed an infrared missile, and fired. The missile launched after its target. The Saber jinked hard, kicking out a string of decoys. The evasion attempt slowed its own maneuver enough for Blair to bring it into his gun line. He fired two short bursts with his plasma guns, then poured on the coal with all weapons as he saw its phase shields flare. The salvo of doubled plasma and photon guns plowed into its spine, ripping it in two. There was no secondary explosion, giving the pilot a good chance of escaping.
The lead Rapier came into his line of sight almost at once, firing its afterburners in an attempt to cut him off while the two other ships swung around and angled for his flanks. Blair, having seen this maneuver a dozen times during the Kilrathi War, turned head-on to the lead Rapier, and cued an IFF missile.
The rebel ship grew in his sights, then foreshortened as it tried to maneuver out of his front arc. The Rapier was smaller, had weaker shields and lighter weapons, and could take less damage. There was no shame in running, not under those circumstances.
The IFF's crosshairs crossed his targeting reticule, the red box flashing as the missile's seekerhead locked on target. He fired the warhead, pulling sharply as the second Rapier opened fire. His shields absorbed several hits before he evaded. They'd been knocked-down about three-quarters, but their armor belt remained intact.
Blair looked straight up through his cockpit canopy as he came over the top of his loop and saw the lead Rapier directly overhead. The IFF missile hit the Rapier. Its intake bloomed fire. The ship survived the hit and swerved away, trailing debris from a small secondary explosion.
Blair tightened his loop, coming in over the top of the Rapier as the pilot struggled to control the ship. He toggled his weapon selector switch to his plasma cannon, then kicked out a line of bolts along the damaged fighter's foresection. The ship staggered under the abuse, then flew apart—disintegrating from front to back as the cannon shots lost coherency and dissipated their energy charges into the Rapier's frame.
Blair's heart thumped in his chest as he watched the fighter die. The fighter's frame broke up before the pilot could eject. He felt dirty and sickened by what he had done, even though he'd had no choice. Blair had rarely fired on Confed-built ships, and the memories of each time he had done so plagued his dreams.
A barrage of laser bolts from his back right drew his eyes upward. The last Rapier flashed overhead, scoring a line of hits that weakened Blair's phase shields but still didn't penetrate.
He pulled hard right, allowing his badly depleted capacitors to recharge while he maneuvered against the last Rapier. A Lexington Hellcat appeared in the Rapier's hind quarter, fired a volley from its ion cannon and released a missile. The Rapier, caught between Blair's turret and the Hellcat, tried to turn away. The missile took it amidships, destroying it. A gout of flame shot through the cockpit, finishing the pilot. (160-162)

False Colors

Movie Novels

Super Wing Commander

Star Soldier

Joan’s Fighting Spacecraft 2700-2701 Epsilon Sector Supplement



The Rapier II replaced the aging CF-117 in 2654 and immediately made an impact: Dragon, Bandit, Maverick, Maniac, Prankster... a disproportionate number of the war’s top twenty aces served with Rapier II squadrons. The Blade is the modern version of that famed ship, updated by fire through its service against the Nephilim.

  • Length: 19 meters
  • Mass: 15 metric tonnes
  • Max. YPR: 90/90/90 dps
  • Max. Velocity: 415 kps
  • Max. Afterburner Velocity: 815 kps
  • Acceleration: 150 k/s2
  • Shields: 280 cm
  • Armor: 415 cm
  • Weapons:
  • Meson Blaster (2)
  • Tachyon Gun (2)
  • Dart DF (3x20)
  • Javelin hS (2x5)
  • Devices:
  • Sonar, Flares, Shield Battery,
  • Gun Power Core
  • Jump Capable: Yes
  • Manufacturer: Origin Aerospace



Named for their exceptional service against the Nephilim. It was a Vanguard squadron which led the first strike through the gate against G#38KMSx-Red. All sixteen Rapiers were shot down, but they went out fighting: an analysis of their flight recorders showed a 129 to 1 kill ratio. Carrying Porcupines and a deployable turret, Vanguards are often used as minelayers.

  • Length: 19 meters
  • Mass: 18 metric tonnes
  • Max. YPR: 75/75/75 dps
  • Max. Velocity: 365 kps
  • Max. Afterburner Velocity: 690 kps
  • Acceleration: 150 k/s2
  • Shields: 230 cm
  • Armor: 500 cm
  • Weapons:
  • Laser Cannon (2)
  • Neutron Gun (2)
  • Dart DF (4x20)
  • Porcupine Mine (3x5)
  • Devices:
  • Deployable Turret, Sonar, Gun
  • Power Core, Gun Battery
  • Jump Capable: Yes
  • Manufacturer: Origin Aerospace



When it comes to fighters, the Cavalier is the crown jewel of the Epsilon Sector’s arsenal. A true artist’s ship, the Cavalier’s weapons are focused around ranged engagements. An experienced Cavalier pilot will make use of his lasers and ionic pulse cannons to allow him to avoid missile barrages from enemy bombers.

  • Length: 19 meters
  • Mass: 20 metric tonnes
  • Max. YPR: 65/65/65 dps
  • Max. Velocity: 300 kps
  • Max. Afterburner Velocity: 570 kps
  • Acceleration: 150 k/s2
  • Shields: 280 cm
  • Armor: 550 cm
  • Weapons:
  • Ionic Pulse Cannon (2)
  • Laser Cannon (2)
  • Dart DF (4x20)
  • Spiculum IR (2x10)
  • Devices:
  • Deployable Turret, Flares,
  • Shield Power Core, Shield Battery
  • Jump Capable: Yes
  • Manufacturer: Origin Aerospace

Best of the Best

  • Amber “Amazon” Elbereth - Fighter: Rapier Cavalier
  • Dirk “Stingray” Wright - Fighter: Rapier Blade
  • Kevin “Lone Wolf” Tolwyn - Fighter: Rapier Vanguard

Life at Port Broughton

There is a deafening thunder as a perfect diamond of space fghters buzzes the side of the carrier, crossing our view port; F-44X Rapier II Cavaliers, bearing the white with blue flames of the 3129th InSys. The sweetest thing I have ever seen. The shaking dies down as dogfights erupt around the carrier. Only a fraction of the sky is visible from where I stand. Blasters fire, missiles impact, explosions erupt around... but it is impossible to track the action from my perspective. My survival is in the hands of a thin line of fighter pilots willing to risk all for thousands they do not know. Neutron bolts cut the sky. Missiles lance out towards unseen targets. Chains of lasers fly in all directions as Port Broughton’s defense net sluggishly comes alive. Suddenly, a massive Rhino ducks in from above my view, its elaborate wing markings filling the view port. It is followed closely by a Rapier, firing all guns. Half a second later the Rhino is an expanding field of space debris. The module’s collected inhabitants erupt in a cheer.

WC Arena

Variant Comparison

Stat\Variant YF-44 (2654) F-44A (2654) F-44B (2654) F-44C (2654) F-44G (2654) F-44H (2654) Blade (2701) Vanguard (2701) Cavalier (2701)
Length: 24 meters 24 meters 24 meters 19 meters 19 meters 19 meters 19 meters 19 meters 19 meters
Mass: 13.5 metric tonnes 13.5 metric tonnes 13.5 metric tonnes 15.0 metric tonnes 15.0 metric tonnes 15.0 metric tonnes 15.0 metric tonnes 18.0 metric tonnes 20.0 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 450 kps 450 kps 450 kps 450 kps 450 kps 450 kps 415 kps 365 kps 300 kps
Max Afterburner velocity: 1300 kps 1300 kps 1300 kps 1300 kps 1300 kps 1300 kps 815 kps 690 kps 570 kps
Acceleration: Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 150 k/s^2 150 k/s^2 150 k/s^2
Max Y/P/R: 10/10/10 deg/s 10/10/10 deg/s 10/10/10 deg/s 10/10/10 deg/s 10/10/10 deg/s 10/10/10 deg/s 90/90/90 deg/s 75/75/75 deg/s 65/65/65 deg/s
Shields: 8.5fb cm 7.0fb cm 8.5fb cm 8.5fb cm 8.5fb cm 11.5fb cm 280 cm 230 cm 280 cm
Armor: 6.5f/5lr/5.5r cm 6.5f/3lr/4.0r cm 8.5f/5.0lr/8.5r cm 6.5f/5.0lr/5.5r cm 6.5f/5.0lr/6.5r cm 7.5f/6.5lr/7.5r cm 415 cm 500 cm 550 cm
Guns: MK 25 Laser Cannon (2), MK 40F Neutron Gun (2) MK 25 Laser Cannon (2), MK 40F Neutron Gun (2) MK 25 Laser Cannon (2), MK 40F Neutron Gun (2) MK 25 Laser Cannon (2), MK 40F Neutron Gun (2) MK 25 Laser Cannon (2), Particle Gun (2) MK 25 Laser Cannon (2), Particle Gun (2) Meson Blaster (2), Tachyon Gun (2) Laser Cannon (2), Neutron Gun (2) Ionic Pulse Cannon (2), Laser Cannon (2)
Missile Hardpoints: 1x2 Dart DF, 1x2 Pilum FF, 1x1 Spiculum IR 1x2 Dart DF, 1x2 Pilum FF, 1x1 Spiculum IR 1x4 Dart DF, 1x4 Pilum FF, 1x2 Spiculum IR 1x2 Dart DF, 1x2 Pilum FF, 1x1 MAMV 1x2 Dart DF, 1x2 Pilum FF, 1x2 Javelin HS 1x2 Dart DF, 1x2 Pilum FF, 1x2 Javelin HS 3x20 (60DF), 2x5 (10HS) 4x20 (80DF), 3x5 (15Porcupine) 4x20 (80DF), 2x10 (20IR)
Missile Decoys: none none none none 2 Chaff 2 Chaff none none unlimited
Devices: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sonar, Shield Battery, Gun Power Core Deployable Turret, Sonar, Gun Power Core, Gun Battery Deployable Turret, Shield Power Core, Shield Battery
Jump Capable: No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes