TEMP Wing Commander Movie Novelization
The Terran Knowledge Bank
- TCS Iowa Heavy Cruiser
- TCS Kobe
- TCS Concordia
- TCS Beowulf destroyer
- TCS Tiger Claw
- Diligent
- TCS Waterloo cruiser
- TCS Gilgamesh destroyer
- KIS Grist'Ar Roc Snakier-class cruiser
- Iason
- TCS Formidable exeter-class destroyer
- Andropolos Commander
- Arnold Blair
- Ashley Galaway spaceman
- Benjamin Ferrago cheif navigator
- Bill Wilson Admiral
- Boomer Marshall Maniacs brother
- Christopher Blair first lieutenant
- David Olivia specialist (presumably ordinance)
- Davies engineer
- Eric Popkin Senior Spacehand
- Forbes Lieutenant
- Gemma comm officer
- Geoffrey Tolwyn Admiral
- Gerald XO Commander
- Jackoby Security Officer
- James Taggart Captain (p60?)
- Jay Sansky Captain
- Jeanette Devereaux Lt. Commander
- Justin Jones spacecraft ordinance specialist
- Kal Shintahr
- Kalralahr Bokoth Admiral
- Ke'Soick commander
- Kevin Tolwyn's Nephew
- Khumalo
- Marty Pinshaw
- Merlin
- Miguel Rodriguez Spaceman 2nd Class
- Mr. Raznick flight boss
- Norsh'kal second fang, tactical officer
- Obutu Lt. Commander
- Oxendine engineer
- Peterson deckmaster
- Pierre Angel's childhood dog
- Polanski
- Richard Bellegarde Commodore
- Rick Adunda radar officer
- Sandra Sotovsky Blair's classmate (assigned to Pegasus)
- Scott Osborne ordinance officer
- St. John Captain
- Tanaka Mariko first lieutenant
- Thiraka nar Kiranka Captain
- Thomas Sherryl radar officer
- Todd Marshall first lieutenant
- Trish Melize Blair's classmate (assigned to Pegasus)
- Vince Chen Lt. Commander
Locations (Planets)-
Locations (Star Systems)-
Locations (Bases)-
Locations (Other)-
- Annapolis Naval Academy
- Baird's Star
- Belgium
- Bridge
- California
- Charon
- Chart room
- Charybdis Quasar
- Command and Control
- engine room
- Flight deck
- flight hangar
- Florida
- Galley
- Glasgow
- Los Angeles
- McAuliffe
- NAVCOM control room
- New England
- Pilots' Mess
- Pluto
- Plymouth
- Scotland
- Scylla gravity well
- secondary ordinance room
- Sol Sector
- Terran Confederation Space Naval Academy
- Trimble
- Ulysses Corridor
- Vega Sector Fleet Headquarters 700 lightyears from earth
- Vega Sector
- Watchtower Three pegasus
- beacon 147
- commander's station
- hangar bay
- level eleven
- level seven
- level thirteen
- northwest side twelve pegasus comm dishes
- personnel department
- sickbay
- southern pole pegasus
- the Rec diligent
- Terran Confederation
- Concordia Battle Group
- 14th Fleet
- Confederation Navy
- Terran Confederation Armed Forces
Ships (Fighters)-
Ships (Capital Ships)-
- Bengal-class
- Confederation-class
- Exeter-class
- Snakier-class
- carrier
- cruisers
- destroyers
- dreadnought
- escort ship
- transport
- Heat-seaking missile
- Meson fire
- Tacyon fire
- arakh
- asteroid-based gun battery
- concussion grenade
- dual laser turret
- heavy flak cannon
- laser batteries
- laser cannon
- mass driver cannon
- missile tubes
- particle cannon
- rifle
- uranium-depleted round
- Portable Personal Computer
- Radar
- afterburner
- afterburner
- comm dish
- durasteel
- energy barrier
- holographic projection
- ion engines
- laser pen for sealing lacerations
- life support
- long range sensor
- nutrient atmosphere
- phase sheilds
- plastisteel
- protein processing chip
- scanners
- sheilds
- synthoglass
- thruster
- tractor beam
- aproach vector
- asteroid field
- asteroid world
- authorization code
- auto power down
- autopilot
- bank
- beacon
- berth
- black hole
- black lion one
- blind navigation simulator run
- bracing arm
- Brussels griffon
- bulkhead
- canopy
- clan
- class ring
- Class Two pulsar
- cockpit
- coded channel
- command codes
- commlink
- CommNet
- communications
- computer slate
- Confed One Secure Comunication
- Confederation jump record
- Confederation Marine
- confederation Navy recruiting poster
- Confederation victory parade
- court-martial
- cross-hair
- Datanet catalog
- Datanet
- deckmaster
- Delta One
- Delta Two
- disk
- dogfighting
- drone
- earthquaqe
- electromagnetc signature
- electronic emissions
- english separatists
- first aid kit
- flash memory
- flight boss
- flight crew
- flight deck doors
- flight roster
- fuel truck
- fuel
- fuselage
- gold
- gravity well
- grease monkey
- gypsy cabby
- hail
- hatch
- hatchway
- headgear
- Heads Up Display
- helm
- helmsman
- holopic
- holos
- hull armor
- hydraulic fluid
- hydraulic line
- impulse
- jet fuel
- Johnnie Walker Black
- jumpseat harness
- Kilrathi Marine
- Klaxon
- landing pad
- latrine
- laundry detail
- lift
- magnetic field
- main battery
- mainframe
- merchantman
- milk run
- minidisk player
- minidisk
- missile lock
- missile rack
- mooring release system
- mooring
- nav computer
- navigation subterminal
- navigation
- neutrons
- noncom
- nugget
- O2 mask
- onboard account
- ornamental plume
- Patrol
- personnel roster
- Pilgrim cross
- Plexi
- power wrench
- proximity alarm
- pulsar
- rebreather
- recon
- retros
- runway
- Scotch
- second fang
- secure channel
- security monitor
- security patroll
- self-destruct program
- Shipboard Information Datanet
- shipwide intercom
- simulator
- single malt Scotch
- singularity
- Sivar war god of the Kilrathi
- socket wrench
- space-time
- space-time fabric
- spacecrew
- spacedock
- spaceman
- star chart
- St. Christopher medallion
- stealth mode
- tactical
- targeting screen
- tattoo
- terraforming engineer
- third fang
- thruster wash
- titanium
- touchpad
- trajectory
- turret
- turret
- uniform
- United Confederation Carrier
- vidcom system
- Video Display Unit
- viewport
- virtual fun zone
- Visual Display Unit
- Whisky
- wideband, non verbal greeting
- wing commander
- wing
- wingman
- x-ray scanner
- Zulu time
- July 17th Blair's Birthday
- 1620
- 1941 Tolwyns ring year
- 2642 design of bengals authorized
- 2644 Tger Claw shakedown cruise
- 2649 Custer's Carnival (the last time Gerald smiled :)
- 2650
- 2654
- 2654.074.0900
- 2654.074.2100
- 2654.074.2130
- 2654.074.2140
- 2654.074.2150
- 2654.074.2200
- 2654.075.0130
- 2654.075.0200
- 2654.075.0330
- 2654.075.0930
- 2654.075.1130
- 2654.075.1330
- 2654.075.1415
- 2654.075.1430
- 2654.075.1434 sort of... they lost half a day but their watches advanced only 4 minutes
- 2654.075.0300