The answer comes from within for lottery winner

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The answer comes from within for lottery winner is a News Bulletin by Norry Lekter posted to the Commerce and Communications Network in 2790. It does not impact commodity prices.


The answer comes from within for lottery winner
Zany news from Norry Lekter.
How do YOU pick your Lottery numbers? Perhaps you just make them up? Or maybe you run a randomizing program through your P.A.D.? Whatever you do, it's unlikely to be as bizarre as recent Luvverly Lucre Lottery winner Professor Georgh Divver: to select HIS winning numbers, he analyses his bodily excrescence. Let the man himself tell you: 'I was in something of a quandary as to how to fill out my lottery card, until I struck on the idea of using random atomic numbers. I analyses a portion of my feces under a spectroscope, and wrote down the numbers of the first twenty isotopes I located.' Messy, true, and worth a cool 15 million credits.