User talk:Dundradal

The Terran Knowledge Bank
Revision as of 16:03, 9 July 2010 by Wedge009 (talk | contribs)
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Sounds great! Right now, my focus is on starfighters, ships, and bases. Those are all in the Ships Images category. Let me know if there's anymore I can do. I'm categorizing every new image I upload now.


Got your last message, Dund. Thanks a lot for the heads-up. That will be a big help to me.


I'm so sorry, Dund, I actually didn't check to see who wrote it. You normally have better stuff than that, so I didn't think it was you. I thought also that you prefer to use the discussion pages for drafts, etc. I don't think it's a good idea to submit half-finished articles on the main article page. - Wedge

My intention when signing up was to just proof-read articles and make minor corrections for spelling, grammar, tenses and general presentation. That has not changed. I think I already spent far too much time reviewing those numerous articles yesterday and I feel I really need to cut back. It was never my intention to write new articles or rewrite large chunks of current ones - I leave that job to those who know what they are doing.

I want to do what I can to help, but I fear I am already starting to get more involved than I can afford (in terms of time spent on this). So I need to cut back now before I get too 'sucked into it'.

I hope this does not upset you too much. - Wedge

As requested, some things that I have noticed in articles repeatedly:

  • Articles should be written in a neutral tone. Yes, we are writing from the perspective of a Confederation historian, but I think words like 'fortunately' and 'unfortunately' should be avoided - there should not be any bias towards one faction over another.
  • Do not assume that ships only exist within the era we see them in a game. Certain ship types also make appearances in novels and the Academy TV series, avoid saying things like ship X was phased out in favour of ship Y, or that a particular ship was only introduced in 2681 because we only see them from Secret Ops without supporting evidence from the literature.
  • Avoid using the term 'Confed'. The abbreviation is fine in speech and informal writing, but to maintain a formal tone, the Terran Confederation should not be abbreviated to anything shorter than 'the Confederation'.
  • Avoid just using the term 'war-time', specify what war you are referring to even if it seems obvious. We have the Kilrathi War, the Nephilim War, plus several other wars besides.
  • If we don't know anything about a ship for a particular part of its history, don't say anything about it. Stick to writing about things we do know and avoid trying to 'fill in the gaps' even if what you are writing is logical from what we currently know. Future games can change many things, as what happened with Arena and Star*Soldier.

These are just what I can think of for now. - Wedge

Thanks for the welcome. If I have an problems and questions, shall I ask you? --FekLeyrTarg 20:30, 24 May 2010 (UTC)

Will do.--FekLeyrTarg 20:55, 24 May 2010 (UTC)

OK, will do. I will check your pages and see if mine need revision. I did feel a small need to double-check them for details. Moving out, double time! (Had to say it ^^) -Aeronautico

Sorry about the mess today. In for a penny, in for a pound, as the old saying goes. When I start something, I like to be thorough and do everything that I can to make things consistent. I hope you approve of the moves/changes. - Wedge

Okay. So I may have gone a little overboard, once I discovered how easy it is to play around with images. For your benefit, I thought I'd summarise what I'd wasted (spent?) my time on the past couple of days:

  • Uploaded a better image of Maniac in Prophecy, plus a nice render of WC4's Banshee.
  • The point I'm most pleased about: I uploaded a Confederation flag matching the one in Star*Soldier.
  • Replaced the lossy JPEGs of WC1 fighters with lossless PNGs.
  • Replaced some of the zoomed, dithered WC1 images with clean originals.
  • Hunted down as many duplicates as I could and flagged them in their respective discussion pages.

Phew. I've had enough now, I think I'll go back to passive monitoring of updates. - Wedge