Wing Commander IV Communications - Catscratch

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with Catscratch.

Video Loops

Download: IFCS_1.mp4

Download: IFCS_2.mp4

Download: IFCS_3.mp4

Download: IFCS_4.mp4


High Morale

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
CATSCRA20000.wav Affirmative Right away, sir!
CATSCRA20001.wav Negative No sir!
CATSCRA20002.wav Waypoint Clear Damn, nobody's here!
CATSCRA20003.wav Enemy Near Enemy spotted, sir.
CATSCRA20004.wav Enemy Near Lots of bogies here, sir.
CATSCRA20005.wav Ready to Engage I got an itch I'm ready to scratch, sir!
CATSCRA20006.wav Engaging I'm going for it,Colonel!
CATSCRA20007.wav Taunt Whooo! What a rush!
CATSCRA20008.wav Player Kill You are a living legend, Colonel.
CATSCRA20009.wav Requesting Assistance Dammit.... I need some help, Colonel!
CATSCRA20010.wav Preparing to Retreat This one's pretty hairy, Colonel!
CATSCRA20011.wav Retreating This cat's turning back, Colonel!
CATSCRA20012.wav Ejecting Ejecting now, Colonel!
CATSCRA20013.wav KIA Don't let me croak for nothing, Colonel!
CATSCRA20014.wav No Damage This cat is scratch free!
CATSCRA20015.wav Slight Damage A few hits... no big deal, sir.
CATSCRA20016.wav Moderate Damage I took damage, but they won't get rid of me that easy, sir.
CATSCRA20017.wav Severe Damage It's bad, sir, I hope I can make it back!
CATSCRA20018.wav Fighter Kill Chalk one up for me, Colonel!
CATSCRA20019.wav Capital Ship Kill Hey can you believe it? I took out one of the big guys!
CATSCRA20020.wav Friendly Fire This is hard enough, sir, without you firing at me!
CATSCRA20021.wav Friendly Fire What's with you, Colonel?
CATSCRA20023.wav Mission Complete We did it, sir!

Low Morale

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
CATSCRAT0000.wav Affirmative Affirmative, Colonel.
CATSCRAT0001.wav Negative Negative, Colonel.
CATSCRAT0002.wav Waypoint Clear Whew, no enemies spotted, sir.
CATSCRAT0003.wav Enemy Near Oh, enemies present, Colonel.
CATSCRAT0004.wav Enemy Near Wha... lots of bogies here sir!
CATSCRAT0005.wav Ready to Engage What should I do, sir!
CATSCRAT0006.wav Engaging Here goes!
CATSCRAT0007.wav Taunt Yeah!
CATSCRAT0008.wav Player Kill Awesome shot, sir!
CATSCRAT0009.wav Requesting Assistance Could use assistance, sir!
CATSCRAT0010.wav Preparing to Retreat Request permission to abort, sir.
CATSCRAT0011.wav Retreating Aborting mission, sir.
CATSCRAT0012.wav Ejecting Emergency, I'm ejecting!
CATSCRAT0013.wav KIA Oh no... I'm gonna die!!
CATSCRAT0014.wav No Damage Not a scratch, sir.
CATSCRAT0015.wav Slight Damage Took some damage, but I think I'm OK.
CATSCRAT0016.wav Moderate Damage Pretty bad, sir, half my systems are out!
CATSCRAT0017.wav Severe Damage I'm screwed.
CATSCRAT0018.wav Fighter Kill Hey, I got one!
CATSCRAT0019.wav Capital Ship Kill My God, I got a cap ship!
CATSCRAT0020.wav Friendly Fire I do something wrong, sir? Why are you firing at me?
CATSCRAT0021.wav Friendly Fire Aren't there rules against firing on your own men, Colonel?
CATSCRAT0022.wav Treason War hero or not, you're going to pay for this.
CATSCRAT0023.wav Mission Complete Thank God that's over!

Second Wing

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
W2CATSCR0000.wav Launch Second wing commencing mission.
W2CATSCR0001.wav Standing By Wing 2 standing by.
W2CATSCR0002.wav Engaging Enemy Second wing here - enemy targeted.
W2CATSCR0003.wav Continuing Mission Wing 2 proceeding as planned.
W2CATSCR0004.wav Under Attack Second wing here. The ride's been a little bumpy.
W2CATSCR0005.wav Wingman KIA Second wing here - we've lost a wingman!
W2CATSCR0006.wav Under Attack Second wing in trouble!
W2CATSCR0007.wav Retreating Second wing pulling out!
W2CATSCR0008.wav Mission Complete Wing 2 happy to report: mission success.