User talk:Aeronautico

The Terran Knowledge Bank
Revision as of 04:01, 17 January 2010 by Dundradal (talk | contribs)
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I appreciate your continued effort on this project, however, you continue to create some article of questionable caliber. Stop using question marks in place of years that you do not know. If you don't know ASK ON THE FORUMS. I've repeated this countless times to you. Also, you are organizing articles in sometimes an assinining way. We already have too many ship/fighter subcategories and just throwing extra articles into them makes it worse (I'm looking at Capital Ships, Fighters, etc, they serve little purpose).

I'd appreciate if when you did create a new article you asked the community to peer review it for mistakes. You have quite a few in the articles you've created and I don't have the time this semester to go through and mark all of them. So again, UTLIZE THE FORUMS!!! There are many old Wingnut vets that are more than willing to answer questions. So don't just guess for articles or put ?????? in fields. ASK!

- Dundradal