Laser (Wing Commander)

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Wing Commander Claw Marks

Laser Cannon - Lasers don't do a lot of damage. Still, nearly all pilots have at least one story in which the long range of the laser allowed them to get first strike on a foe. Despite their low damage potential, lasers are reliable, versatile, and effective - they have probably accounted for more enemy kills than any other weapon.

Wing Commander 2 Manual

Laser Cannon. The least powerful, most reliable blaster-type weapons, lasers don't inflict much damage, but are effective at long range.

Wing Commander 3 Victory Streak

Laser Cannon
The laser is the backbone of today’s energy guns. Consistently improved upon and perfected over the last half-century, the laser provides the standard against which most
other blasters are judged. Low maintenance and a low energy cost make it standard armament for almost every ship in existence. The laser is ideally suited to deep-space
combat (in atmospheric conditions, rays refract and lose their effectiveness), and has no effect against shields on larger ships.
Class: Laser Cannon
Penetration: 18
Eff. Range: 5,000 k
Energy 10 nJ
Refire delay .25 sec

Wing Commander 4 Official Guide

Class: Laser Cannon
Damage: 18
Velocity 2,000 kps
Energy 10 nJ
Duration 2.5
Refire delay .25 sec

Wing Commander Prophecy Official Playguide

Class: Laser Cannon
Damage: 18
Velocity 4,000 kps
Charge 10 nJ
Range 5,000 k
Refire delay .25 sec