Wing Commander Academy bumpers

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These bumpers aired as part of Wing Commander Academy when it originally ran on the USA Network's Action Extreme Team.

Block Introduction


NARRATOR: Good morning. It's time. You've got a busy day ahead of you and there's no time to waste. So strap yourself in, hit the remote and get extreme. Street Fighter.

GUILE: Sonic Boom.

NARRATOR: Wing Commander Academy

HYENA: These guys are good.

NARRATOR: Mortal Kombat

JAX: Let's do it.

SONYA: Kombat time.

NARRATOR: and Savage Dragon.

DRAGONL I think I can take the heat.

NARRATOR: Action so extreme (gulp) it can't be contained! The Action Extreme Team begins now on U-S-A.

Coming Up Next

Show Introduction

Commercial Break A Out

Commercial Break A In

Commercial Break B Out

Commercial Break B In

Show Outro

Block Commercial