T.C.S. Paradigm

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T.C.S. Paradigm
Origin FX - Screenshot - TCS Paradigm - Screenshot 3.png
Sound No
Music No

T.C.S. Paradigm is an Origin FX movie which flys through a variety of asteroids and pieces of space debris. There are 19 possible objects (4 asteroids and 15 pieces of junk). All are taken from Wing Commander II and Wing Commander Privateer.

Origin FX Owner's Manual


In the year 2663, the Terran Confederation has spread throughout the galaxy, and the Paradigm is the pride of their capital fleet. Welcome to the edge of the Wing Commander and Privateer universe, where this ship is an important element in the Confederation’s tenuous hold on the evil Kilrathi Empire. {Privateer is a space com- bat simulator and resource management game set in the Wing Commander realm.)

You select the speed and class of the Terran Confederation Ship Paradigm as it seeks out and destroys pirate strongholds.


Ship Size - sets the size of the Paradigm (One to Eight)

Warp Speed - sets the speed the Paradigm travels across the screen (One to Ten)

Repaint with Ship - sets how the backgrounds render on the screen

Screen Shots

Sprite Sheets