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<toggledisplay> BLAH BLAH BLAH </toggledisplay> SPACECRAFT OF THE TERRAN AND KILRATHI FLEETS The ships in the Confederation and Kilrathi fleets come with a wide variety of designs and functions. The particular type of ship you fly during each mission will depend on your primary objective. For example, capital ships with phase shields can only be destroyed with torpedoes, Mace missiles and Leech missiles. The simulator will familiarize you with the advantages and drawbacks as well as the primary functions of each fighter. You will need to adjust your combat strategies according to what you’re flying and what you’re fighting. Even though you have already studied the different fighters in your Confederation and Kilrathi Ships class, this brief reference section should refresh your memory. Take a minute to read about each ship before you actually launch into simulator training. Maximum Velocity/Cruise Velocity. Ship velocities are expressed in kilometers per second (kps). The numbers are always computed relative to a stationary body (or pseudo-body) near the ship, e.g. a nearby planet, an escorted destroyer or even a value derived from the movement of all ships in the area. Acceleration. The ratings for ship acceleration range from Bad, Poor and Average to Good or Excellent. Max. YPR (Maximum Yaw, Pitch, Roll). Yaw describes the ability of a ship to turn to the right or left. Pitch refers to up and down movement. Roll measures the ability of the fighter to spin on its long axis. All numbers are expressed in degrees per second (dps). Ship’s Armor. The measurement of the ship’s defensive armor is expressed in centimeters thickness of Durasteel (centimeters equivalent). The higher the numbers, the more effective the armor. Broadsword Class Heavy Bomber Length 36 m Max. Velocity 320 kps Cruise Velocity 150 kps Acceleration Poor Max. YPR 5 dps Mass 100 tonnes Weapons Mass Drivers (3) Torpedoes (4) Pilum FF Missiles (4) Chaff Pod (1) Turrets ( 3) Turret Guns (2 per) Tractor Beam (1 in rear) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 18 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 15 cm each Left and Right 13 cm each The Broadsword was originally designed as an attack bomber for enemy capital ships, but it also serves as an adequate all-purpose fighter. Poor acceleration and maneuverability may force the Broadsword to take several hits from hostile fighters, but strong armor and shields and a wide array of weapons make it a formidable enemy. Keep in mind that the Broadsword is equipped with turrets on both sides and the rear of the ship and several missiles. If it manages to get close enough to a capital ship, it can successfully penetrate phase shields with its four torpedoes. A tractor beam allows this ship to perform retrieve-and-rescue missions in space. Crossbow Class Bomber Length 24 m Max. Velocity 370 kps Cruise Velocity 200 kps Acceleration Average Max. YPR 8 dps Mass 40 tonnes Weapons Neutron Guns (2) Torpedoes (4) Pilum FF Missiles (3) Mass Drivers (3) Rear Turret Turret Guns (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 25 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 20 cm each Left and Right 25 cm each The Crossbow is a formidable Confederation anti-capital ship bomber. It combines impressive armor and shields with good maneuverability and traveling velocity. The fighter is equipped with torpedoes, Friend-or-Foe missiles and an array of blasters that include a rear turret. It was a contingent of Crossbows that destroyed the Grakneth’ Dak, a Kilrathi capital ship first sighted near Gorath. Epee Class Light Fighter Length 12.4 m Max. Velocity 480 kps Cruise Velocity 250 kps Acceleration Excellent Max. YPR 10 dps Mass 13 tonnes Weapons Particle Cannon (2) Dart DF Missiles (2) Javelin HS Missiles (2) Chaff Pods (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 6 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 3.5 cm each Left and Right 3 cm each The design of the Epee is very similar to that of the Ferret. It also demonstrates excellent acceleration and velocity, and maneuvers even better than the Ferret. While its shields and armor are equally unimpressive, it does carry missiles, chaff pods and more sophisticated blasters. The renowned Confederation pilot Daredevil met his end in the Enigma Sector when his Epee fighter was downed by three Jalkehi pilots. Ferret Class Patrol Fighter Length 10.2 m Max. Velocity 500 kps Cruise Velocity 360 kps Acceleration Good Max. YPR 8 dps Mass 10.5 tonnes Weapons Mass Drivers (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 6 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 6.5 cm each Left and Right 4.5 cm each The Ferret is the fastest light fighter in the Confederation fleet. Only the Wraith, a Confederation ship model currently in development, will be able to fly at higher velocities than this basic fighter. The Ferret has very simple cockpit features, e.g., only one VDU, and it’s the ship most graduating rookie pilots will be first assigned to. The Ferret demonstrates good acceleration and maneuverability, but it is only equipped with mass drivers and has very weak shields and armor. It is not equipped to perform rescue-and-retrieve missions or to attack capital ships. Morningstar Class Heavy Fighter Length 20 m Max. Velocity 400 kps Cruise Velocity 220 kps Acceleration Excellent Max. YPR 8 dps Mass 20 tonnes Weapons Particle Cannon (3) Torpedoes (2) Spiculum IR Missiles (2) Mace Missile (1) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 15 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 20 cm each Left and Right 20 cm each The Morningstar is generally recognized as the current Confederation state-of-the-art capital ship destroyer. It combines strong shields and armor with high maneuverability and excellent acceleration. Particle cannon and missiles make it a dangerous opponent for any fighter. However, its true strength lies in its torpedoes and Mace missile. The Mace is the most powerful weapon currently employed in space combat. Equipped with a nuclear warhead, this weapon wields more explosive force than a torpedo. Rapier Class Medium Attack Fighter Length 19 m Max. Velocity 450 kps Cruise Velocity 250 kps Acceleration Excellent Max. YPR 10 dps Mass 15 tonnes Weapons Laser Cannon (2) Particle Cannon (2) Dart DF Missiles (2) Javelin HS Missiles (2) Pilum FF Missiles (2) Chaff Pods (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 8 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 6.5 cm each Left and Right 5 cm each Widely used on most carriers, the Rapier was an instrumental force in the Vega campaign. Heavy weapon loadouts along with excellent acceleration and maneuverability make it a highly effective dogfighting ship. The Rapier is equipped with laser and particle cannon as well as a wide array of missiles and several chaff pods. Since its shields and armor are barely average, it is advisable to take evasive action in order to avoid enemy fire. Dragon, the famous Confederation pilot, flew most of the Vega campaign missions in Rapiers. He named it the best all-purpose dogfighter in the Confederation fleet. Sabre Class Heavy Attack Fighter Length 23.6 m Max. Velocity 400 kps Cruise Velocity 220 kps Acceleration Excellent Max. YPR 8 dps Mass 22 tonnes Weapons Mass Drivers (2) Spiculum IR Missiles (4) Pilum FF Missiles (2) Dart DF Missiles (2) Chaff Pods (3) Particle Cannon (2) Rear Turret Turret Guns (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 10 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 16 cm each Left and Right 11 cm each The Sabre is one of the best fighters ever designed by Terran scientists. It is equipped with multiple missiles, mass drivers, particle cannon and a rear turret. Keep this in mind when you attempt a rear approach. In spite of its size, the ship is fairly maneuverable and accelerates well. When you are flying a Sabre, you should be aware that its fore and aft shields are weak. Even though the armor is very strong, armor has no regenerating capabilities. Wraith Class Medium Fighter Length 16 m Max. Velocity 600 kps Cruise Velocity 400 kps Acceleration Excellent, by far the best acceleration of any of the ships Max. YPR 10 Mass 13.5 tonnes Weapons Reaper Cannon (2) Particle Cannon (2) Leech Missiles (2) Javelin HS Missiles (2) Chaff Pods (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 20 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 10 cm each Left and Right 10 cm each The Wraith, currently in development at the Terran Tech Laboratories in New York, will herald a new technological age in the fighter ship field. At the TCSN Academy, we are already training our next generation of elite pilots to fly this Confederation medium fighter. It is equipped with incredibly strong shields and armor. In addition to particle cannon and heat-seeking missiles, it will also carry two newly developed weapon types: the reaper cannon and the Leech missile. Its maneuverability, speed and acceleration will make the Wraith the fastest ship in the known universe. Candar Space Station Class Space Station Length 400 m Max. Velocity 20 kps Cruise Velocity 10 kps Acceleration Bad Max. YPR 1 dps Mass 600 tonnes Weapons Flak Guns (2) Armor Top and Bottom Shields 100 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 150 cm each Left and Right 150 cm each The simulator has implemented Candar Station so you will learn how to defend friendly space stations. Protected by flak guns as well as strong armor, it is a hard nut to crack. However, a Kilrathi force with formidable weapon loadouts could destroy Candar if they manage to dodge you and its flak volleys since the space station is not protected by phase shields. Dorkathi Class Transport ( Military) Length 95 m Max. Velocity 200 kps Cruise Velocity 100 kps Acceleration Poor Max. YPR 2 dps Mass 5000 tonnes Turrets Flak Guns (3) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 19 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 17 cm each Left and Right 16 cm each The Dorkathi is one of the most commonly encountered Kilrathi capital ships. Being a transport, it is not equipped with phase shield protection. Its conventional fore and aft shields are fairly weak, but the Dorkathi armor will deflect most hits from attacking fighters. Avoid the deadly flak the ship will fire at you from its three turrets. If you follow the suggested attack strategy for capital ships in the back of this manual, however, this transport should be fairly easy to dispose of. Drakhri Class Medium Fighter Length 11.7 m Max. Velocity 400 kps Cruise Velocity 200 kps Acceleration Good Max. YPR 7 dps Mass 14 tonnes Weapons Laser Cannon (3) DF Missiles (4) Chaff Pod (1) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 5.5 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 4 cm each Left and Right 3.5 cm each The Drakhri fighter is the lightest medium fighter of the Kilrathi fleet. Its velocity and acceleration are only slightly above average. The Drakhri’s weak shields and armor hardly protect it from enemy hits. Its loadout consists of laser cannon and dumb fire missiles. In spite of its unimpressive design, this ship can still become a formidable enemy in the hands of an accomplished Kilrathi ace. During my duty in the Vega campaign, I barely survived a grueling dogfight with a lone Drakhri flown by Khajja the Fang. Grikath Class Heavy Fighter Length 17.7 m Max. Velocity 330 kps Cruise Velocity 200 kps Acceleration Poor Max. YPR 3 dps Mass 27 tonnes Weapons Neutron Guns (3) Torpedoes (3) Chaff Pods (3) FF Missiles (3) Rear Turret Turret Gun (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 17 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 16 cm each Left and Right 14 cm each When you see Grikath fighters attacking your space station, act quickly. This Kilrathi heavy fighter remains one of the most efficient capital ship destroyers ever designed, and played an instrumental part in the destruction of the TCS Freedom during the Tesla campaign. With its heavy torpedo loadout, it can wreak havoc if it gets close enough to its target. Armor and shields are strong, but maneuverability and traveling velocity are barely above average. Due to its poor acceleration, the Grikath is not particularly suited to dogfighting encounters. However, be careful when approaching from the rear, since it can defend itself with deadly volleys from its turret. Jalkehi Class Heavy Fighter Length 25.2 m Max. Velocity 360 kps Cruise Velocity 200 kps Acceleration Average Max. YPR 2 dps Mass 20 tonnes Weapons Laser Cannon (4) Particle Cannon (1) IR Missiles (4) DF Missile (1) Rear Turret Turret Guns (2) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 15 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 13 cm each Left and Right 11 cm each The Jalkehi is one of the best heavy fighters in the Kilrathi fleet. Even though maneuverability and velocity are only average, strong armor and shields can absorb several enemy hits. When you are fighting Jalkehi, you should rely on side attacks to avoid fire from the rear turret. Remember to move quickly, so the Jalkehi IR missiles won’t have time to “memorize” your ship type. The laser and particle cannon provide the Jalkehi with good blaster capabilities. Jrathek Class Medium Fighter Length 20 m Max. Velocity 500 kps Cruise Velocity 350 kps Acceleration Excellent Max. YPR 10 dps Mass 15 tonnes Weapons Photon Cannon (2) Plasma Bolts (2) FF Missiles (2) DF Missiles (2) Chaff Pods (1) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 15 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 20 cm each Left and Right 18 cm each When Hajjnah, the renowned Kilrathi scientist and engineer, defected to the TCS Viking, he brought with him blueprints detailing the design of a Kilrathi ship currently in development. This Jrathek fighter has been prototyped in the TCSN simulator to prepare our students for the newest Kilrathi threat. Similar to the Wraith, the Jrathek will be equipped with strong shields and armor; in addition, its maneuverability and speed will make it the fastest Kilrathi fighter ship. However, its weapon loadout is less impressive. The Jrathek is the only Kilrathi ship you can both pilot and fly against in your simulation training. Ralatha Class Destroyer Length 394 m Max. Velocity 250 kps Cruise Velocity 150 kps Acceleration Poor Max. YPR 1 dps Mass 11,000 tonnes Weapons Anti-Matter Cannon (2) Flak Cannon (4) Armor Fore and Aft Shields Phase Shields Front and Rear 500 cm each Left and Right 500 cm each The Ralatha is one of the most sophisticated capital ships of the Kilrathi fleet. The destroyer is equipped with phase shields and multiple turrets as well as anti-matter guns. These huge blasters allow the Ralatha to attack other capital ships and space stations. I personally witnessed the demise of the TCS Viper when it came under fire from an attacking Ralatha destroyer in the Gwynedd sector. Sartha Class Light Fighter Length 8.3 m Max. Velocity 400 kps Cruise Velocity 220 kps Acceleration Good Max. YPR 4 dps Mass 12.5 tonnes Weapons Neutron Guns (2) DF Missile (1) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 5 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 4 cm each Left and Right 3 cm each The Kilrathi Sartha is a light fighter comparable to the Confederation’s Epee. The Kilrathi fighter is slower and not as maneuverable as the Ferret or the Epee. Shields and armor are extremely weak. At close ranges, the Sartha can inflict damage with its neutron guns and one dumb fire missile, but these ships only pose a real threat if they surround your fighter in large numbers. During my service in the Gwynedd system, I lost a wingman to a swarm of Sartha pilots. Strakha Class Medium Fighter Length 17 m Max. Velocity 320 kps Cruise Velocity 200 kps Acceleration Poor Max. YPR 4 dps Mass 15 tonnes Weapons Laser Cannon (2) Torpedoes (2) DF Missiles (2) Stealth Device (1) Armor Fore and Aft Shields 4 cm equivalent each Front and Rear 4 cm each Left and Right 3.5 cm each The Strakha is a medium fighter with average traveling velocity, negligible shields and armor, and poor acceleration and maneuverability. And yet it was this fighter that destroyed the TCS Tiger’s Claw in 2654. The Strakha was the first (and, to this date, only) Kilrathi ship equipped with a previously- unknown cloaking device that allowed the ship to vanish from sight without a trace. With its torpedoes, the Strakha contingent then proceeded to annihilate the Tiger’s Claw. We have since received confirmation of this device through Hajjnah, the brilliant Kilrathi scientist and engineer who defected to the Terran Confederation two years ago. WEAPONS OF THE TERRAN AND KILRATHI FLEETS Strategies in space combat depend not only on the ships you and your opponents are flying, but also on the weapon loadouts of every fighter. For example, if you know your enemy only has short range blaster capabilities and no chaff pods, you will try to eliminate him at long range with particle cannon and missiles. If you are attacking a enemy capital ship with phase shields, you will use different weapons than if you’re attacking a Dorkathi transport without such defenses. An intimate knowledge of ship loadouts and weapon characteristics is absolutely vital to your survival in space. This section summarizes the most important weapon features of all Kilrathi and Confederation weapon systems. DEFENSIVE WEAPONS Flak Gun. Capital ships rely primarily on heavy flak barrages for protection. The massive explosive force and the high velocity of these weapons will down almost any ship immediately. With their great accuracy, flak guns are also employed for point-defense against torpedoes. Chaff Pod. Chaff pods provide an efficient method of diverting missiles that are currently targeting your ship. Missiles will home in on the chaff, rather than your ship, and explode harmlessly. Chaff pods must be released shortly before impact of the missile. Once you have released chaff, hit your afterburners and escape from the danger zone. Chaff only diverts missiles currently targeted on you. Any missiles that lock onto you after the pod has already been released will not be diverted. Phase Shield. These protective devices are the latest in defense technology and render any capital ship impervious to fighter guns and most missiles. Torpedoes, Leech missiles and Mace missiles are the only weapon systems capable of penetrating these shields. Stealth Device. Kilrathi forces have developed stealth technology that renders their ships completely invisible to our detection technology. We have emulated this phenomenon in our simulation of the Strakha ship. OFFENSIVE WEAPONS When a weapon is named below (e.g., Dart or Javelin), its description applies specifically to a Confederation system. However, in most cases, there is a closely corresponding Kilrathi weapon. Missiles Dart Dumb Fire Missile (DF). This missile system is a point-and-shoot weapon with no homing capabilities. Reserve this weapon for use against slow targets at medium to close range when you can easily anticipate the enemy’s next movement. Javelin Heat-Seeking Missile (HS). This weapon zeroes in on any recognizable source of heat, so it can only lock on to a target’s engine and/or exhaust system. When you have a Javelin ready, wait until you are behind your targeted enemy and the right VDU indicates a missile lock, then fire. Be careful, though. If your opponent manages to elude the missile, it will lock onto any other heat source it can find, including your own ship or that of your wingman. Leech Missile. This missile was designed for the Wraith fighter currently in development. It drains its target of all energy for approximately 10 seconds, inactivating shields and weapon systems alike. Within that 10 seconds, you should have no trouble destroying your defenseless enemy. Leech missiles are anticipated to be especially effective against capital ships, where they will be capable of temporarily incapacitating phase shields and flak guns. Mace Tactical Nuclear Missile. This missile is equipped with a nuclear warhead. Even though it has no homing capabilities, its high velocity and incredible explosive force can annihilate any enemy fighter or capital ship. Use this missile on slow targets at medium range Pilum Friend-or-Foe Missile (FF). This missile recognizes a distinctive signal broadcast by all registered ships of the Terran Confederation. (Hijacked Confederation ships will have been deleted from the registry.) An FF missile targets the nearest ship that isn’t broadcasting. This means it will also zero in on Confederation ships with damaged broadcasting systems, including your own. Spiculum Image-Recognition Missile (IR). If you want to shoot an IR missile at your enemy, you need to keep him in your sights for several seconds. The weapon system “memorizes” the ship type you are targeting. Then it will track the enemy until it is outpaced or it hits. This missile is a particularly lethal weapon in space combat. Guns Laser Cannon. Effective at ranges up to 4800 m, laser cannon demonstrate long-range capabilities far better than the neutron gun or mass driver. Laser cannon do not inflict much damage on the enemy, but they also require little power, allowing for more shots at a time. Mass Driver. Effective at medium ranges, for average damage, the mass driver depletes blaster power a bit more quickly than a laser cannon. Although laser cannon and neutron guns may be more effective in certain situations, mass drivers can always be employed with good results. Neutron Gun. This weapon inflicts relatively heavy damage on its target. However, it is only effective at fairly close ranges, and depletes blaster power quickly. Particle Cannon. This cannon combine the long-range capabilities of a laser cannon with the damage potential of neutron guns, creating a highly efficient blaster. Photon Gun. This weapon system will be part of the Jrathek fighter currently in development in Kilrathi shipyards. Even though photon guns deplete blaster power quickly, they also inflict significant damage on their target. With their long-range effectiveness and their high velocity, photon guns will be the only blaster weapons approaching the sophistication of reaper cannon. Plasma Bolt. This basic blaster is being implemented on the new Kilrathi Jrathek fighter. Plasma bolts are only effective at very short ranges and don’t inflict much damage. On the other hand, they expend very little blaster energy, allowing the pilot to employ them indefinitely. Reaper Cannon. Similar to a particle cannon, this blaster also combines long-range effectiveness with powerful damage potential. Reaper cannon are even more powerful than neutron guns, but they also deplete blaster power very quickly. Currently in development for use on the new Confederation Wraith, these weapons represent our latest advances in blaster technology. Turret Gun. This swivel-mounted gun is very similar to the neutron gun. Designed specifically for turrets on fighter ships, it can defend a fighter against rear and side approaches. A medium-range gun with high firing rates, it depletes blaster power rather quickly. Other Systems Torpedo. Many Confederation and Kilrathi capital ships have phase shields that render them invulnerable to most fighter weapons. Only Torpedoes and Mace missiles can penetrate these powerful shields. (Torpedoes can only lock onto capital ships.) However, during the twenty seconds they need to lock onto their target, you can’t maneuver, thus exposing you to greater danger. Tractor Beam. This retrieval system will lock onto small targets and pull them into your ship. The tractor beam is a vital tool for retrieving ejected pilots and data capsules from space. Anti-Matter Gun. This ponderous weapon is found on capital ships and is usually only employed against other capital ships. Like a torpedo, it penetrates shields instantly and directly attacks armor. It is hard to aim and is not used to down fighter-sized craft. If you happen to get in the way, however, a single hit from this weapon is sure to annihilate your ship before you have any hope of ejecting.

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