Mech Ball Championship delayed

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Mech Ball championship delayed is a News Bulletin by Gerald Hopkins posted to the Commerce and Communications Network in 2790. The article denotes a 40% increase in the price of power loaders on Hades.


Mech Ball championship delayed
Alternative Sports correspondent Gerald Hopkins reports.
This year's Mech Ball Finals, to be held on the planet of Hades, has had to be delayed due to a shortage of Power Loaders, the game's most important piece of equipment. The game, which involves two teams of 15 wearing Power Loaders trying to score a 'go' by carrying a two tonne Brikcrete ball across the opponent's go line, can only be started once more imports of Power Loaders have arrived. 'Ye canna git a suit fa love naw money', wailed Chunky Stewart, captain of the reigning champions Jambo Pagger.