User talk:Aeronautico
Hey, I see you've been back at it. Please try not to create stub articles. If you are going to upload new stuff please do a complete article because otherwise I still have a lot of work of going back through your articles and rewriting them. Also, review the other articles I've rewritten to see the style that should be used. You've got some really awkward and clunky wording in some of the articles and I noticed that needs to be corrected. --Dundradal 11:10, 1 January 2011 (CST)
That link is to the KS manual that has Claw Marks, WC2 manual and Victory Streak within. Please stick to material which you have the sources for. The Blackmane station article looks like you were pulling info from Saga (which is not canon). I deleted the section because it needed to be completely redone. Again, if you have questions ask on the CZ or in #wingnut. I appreciate the help, but as I've said before you should pick an area and then completely develop articles. Jumping from area to area is creating more work in most cases. --Dundradal 13:03, 10 January 2011 (CST)
I'm in the process of rewriting the Sorthak article currently. The Blackmane article will follow afterwards. --Dundradal 13:21, 10 January 2011 (CST)
Hello Aeronautico! I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all your hard work. You're getting very good at this! LOAF 13:26, 11 January 2011 (CST)
I'd actually like to write those articles. We still have some ship entries to add. You should really come by #wingnut more often as LOAF and I are often in there discussing WCPedia stuff. --Dundradal 17:49, 15 January 2011 (CST)
Stop by whenever. We are both logged into #wingnut when we are home. We are online now. --Dundradal 18:27, 15 January 2011 (CST)
"Save to your HDD" HDD = Hard Disk Drive. --Dundradal 21:41, 15 January 2011 (CST)
I just took fresh screen-shots and saved them as lossless PNGs. Were you trying to do the same? I thought they were just copied from the CIC Guides. I finished SM2 (thought I did that previously, but apparently not) and made a start on WC2, but was too tired to get very far. I'm happy to continued with WC2 + SO1/2, to free you up for other tasks - Wedge.
Wing Commander Academy (TV) is a canon source. It takes place during the same period as the WC Movie and WC1. --Dundradal 06:40, 7 February 2011 (CST)