Epsilon Wing (Dakota System): Difference between revisions

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|image = image:epsilon-wing-dakota.png
|image = image:epsilon-wing-dakota.png
|date = 2654.139.1320
|date = 2654.139.1320
|fighter = [[Rapier]]
|fighter = [[Raptor]]
|wingmen = [[Joseph Khumalo]]
|wingmen = [[Joseph Khumalo]]
|medal =  
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Revision as of 15:17, 21 March 2009

Epsilon Wing
Date 2654.139.1320
Fighter Raptor
Wingmen Joseph Khumalo
Notes Intercept enemy Dorkir near Nav 1.

Intercept enemy transports near Nav 2.
Proceed to Nav 2.
Return to Nav 1.

Previous Lambda Wing (Dakota System)
Next Theta Wing (Kurasawa System) (Win Series)
Gamma Wing (Rostov System) (Lose Series)

Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Colonel Halcyon was all business at the mission briefing. An enormous Kilrathi convoy was moving into attack range, and we were immediately launching 20 fighter wings to head them off. The orders were simple: seek and destroy.

Knight and I were Epsilon Wing, and were ordered to hit Kilrathi sports at two different jump points. The kicker was that Bakhtosh Redclaw, the deadliest shot in the Kilrathi Navy, was known to be leading the escort fighters in the convoy. One of the wings was sure to run into him. I hoped it wouldn't be us, but had a funny feeling as we hit autopilot and headed for the Dorkir.

Knight was a little too talkative for my mood, so I told him to maintain radio silence. I jumped when the enemy appeared on the radar screen. The Dorkir was there, with a substantial escort of fighters. Autotargeting indicated that all the fighters were Krant, and there were six of them - more than I had ever engaged in a single dogfight before.

I called break and attack and kept one finger on the afterburner fire button. I maxed out the throttles and headed to the right of the first fighter wing. I knew that sliding maneuvers using full afterburners and a turn to one side would be our only chance against such a large force. We had to avoid incoming fire and inflict heavy damage quickly.

After one of the longest dogfights I had ever fought, we had taken out the six Krant without firing any missiles. Our strategy was simple. Whenever we saw incoming gunfire, we punched the afterburners and started a slide. We never fired at long range, trying to keep our blaster power up, but fired the neutrons and full guns only when we had a sure target. Our patience paid off, since the Dorkir was a sitting duck for our combined missiles and guns. It was probably a moot point, but I ordered Knight to attack my target and rolled in on the rear of the Dorkir for my standard attack.

We were feeling good. I never thought we could take on such a large force and get away without internal damage, but we had. It was a good thing it worked out that way. Bakhtosh was next.

"I'll blast you into an early grave in the black void of space," RedClaw transmitted, and immediately fired the lasers from his six gun ports. We were almost to Nav 1 by n ow, and Bakhtosh and another Jalthi pilot were protecting the freighter.

I rolled right to present a minimum profile, yanked the stick right, and hit the afterburners. The Raptor's shields couldn't handle a frontal assault from the Jalthi guns, so I wanted out of there. One of his lasers connected before I completed the maneuver and my front shields were weakened. I targeted RedClaw, locked on, and ordered Knight to attack him as well. I wanted all our guns to stay on RedClaw and prevent him from performing repairs or regenerating shields when we did score.

Bakhtosh headed away from the Dorkir and we were hot on his tail. The second Jalthi was approaching from the right, so I hit the afterburners again and turned quickly left and right to setup evasive slides while still staying on RedClaw's rear. We kept jockeying for position, with RedClaw trying to keep his distance and take advantage of his firepower, and us trying to stay close and use our speed advantage when he turned to run. Knight's missiles weakened his shields and I ordered a break and attack so my wingman could head for the other target. I thought I could handle the rest of RedClaw myself.

I was mirroring every move RedClaw made, but was too far away to do any damage. I wanted to shoot, but held back to maintain blaster power until I could get close. I caught him as he turned back to attack, and, hitting the afterburners, I traded a few punches before he went down. My computer was in trouble and my missile launch system was destroyed, but I turned and helped Knight take out the second Jalthi with the guns. In minutes, the Dorkir was toast, using just gunfire from the rear.

We were really working well as a team, and the next target, two more Jalthi and another Dorkir, weren't as tough as the group we'd just fought.

I'd really learned some lessons on this mission. In the bar, Knight and I made sure to tell Shotglass how valuable it was to keep one hand on the afterburners at all times and just keep sliding to avoid enemy fire. We knew that everyone would get the word before the night was over.

Preflight Conversations

Mission Briefing

Mission Briefing. Dakota System, 13:20 hours, 2654.139.

Peter Halcyon
No time to waste, people, so let's get to it.
Xi wing reports a Kilrathi supply convoy moving into our attack range.
We can't pass up a target like this...so Epsilon wing is going to take it out.
Maverick, you will lead Knight on this one. You boys think you can pull it off?
Christopher Blair
No problem, sir.
Peter Halcyon
There is something you don't yet know, Maverick.
Our spotters have placed a Kilrathi ace, Bakhtosh Redclaw, with the convoy.
He's a Kilrathi nobleman, and the deadliest shot in the entire Kirathi navy.
Here's the scenario for this one.
You'll first intercept a Dorkir-class tanker at the jumppoint near Nav 1.
Blow her to bits and proceed to Nav 2.
At that point, you should sight at least one Kilrathi troop transport.
Those transports are your main objective ... and probably the best defended.
You are to engage and destroy all Kilrathi transports. No survivors.
You watch yourself with Redclaw, but concentrate your fire on the 'sports.
You launch in three minutes.

Mission Debriefing