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===Act One===
===Act One===
===Act Two===

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Line 28: Line 30:
|3 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters
|3 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters
|1 Jump Buoy
|8 Dralthi medium fighters<br>1 Fighter Transport (TCS Morgan)
|1 Jump Buoy destroyed
|3 Dralthi destroyed, TCS Morgan disabled

===Act Two===
{| class="wikitable"
! Terran Confederation
! Empire of Kilrah
|1 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighter<br>1 hospital ship (TCS Pleiku)
|1 Kamekh corvette
|1 Scimitar destroyed
|1 Kamekh destroyed

===Act Three===
===Act Three===
Line 48: Line 65:
|3 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters
|12 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters<br>Bengal strike carrier (TCS Tiger's Claw)
|12 Sartha medium fighters<br>1 carrier
|4 F-57 Sabres heavy attack fighters<br>3 CF-131 Broadsword heavy bombers
|2 Scimitars destroyed, 1 captured
|2 Scimitars destroyed
|3 Sartha and 1 carrier destroyed
|2 Sabres and 3 Broadswords destroyed
Line 76: Line 93:
Image:1x09-Kyle.png|Doctor Samuel Kyle
Image:1x09-Kyle.png|Doctor Samuel Kyle
Image:1x08-NurseBlu.png|Lieutenant Blu
Image:1x08-NurseBlu.png|Lieutenant Blu
Image:1x09-ForceCommanderReal.png|Force Commander
Image:1x09-ForceCommanderReal.png|Force Commander
Line 87: Line 107:
Image:1x09-SensorTech.png|Sensor Tech
Image:1x09-SensorTech.png|Sensor Tech
Image:1x09-NursePeterson.png|Lieutenant Peterson
Image:1x09-NursePeterson.png|Lieutenant Peterson
Line 265: Line 282:
|[[Mark Hamill]] (Maverick, Communications Tech)
|[[Mark Hamill]] (Maverick)
Line 277: Line 294:
!Also Starring
!Also Starring
|[[Lauri Hendler]] (Payback, Maya)
|[[Lauri Hendler]] (Payback)
Line 283: Line 300:
|[[Pat Fraley]] (Grunt, Guthrig, Ship's Address, Blizzard)
|[[Pat Fraley]] (Grunt, Guthrig, Blizzard)
!Music by
!Music by
Line 314: Line 331:
!Timing Directors
!Timing Directors
|[[Tim Walker]]
|[[Tim Walker]]
|[[Bill Reed]]
Line 420: Line 434:
===Act One===
===Act One===

====SCENE - Space====
====SCENE - Simulator====
'''Archer''': Come on, come on, I know you're hiding in here. There you are. Okay, lock up baby, come on. Yes! I've got missile lock. Missile lock confirmed. Bingo. Woo-hoo!
====SCENE - Sim Room====
'''Guthrig''': Give us a minute, ensign.
'''Archer''': I nailed 'em that time.
'''Guthrig''': According to the simulator printout you hesitated. Why?
'''Archer''': I had to make sure of the missile lock. It only took two seconds.
'''Guthrig''': Actually, 1.93 seconds. Enoguh time for the Kilrathi to have eliminated you or your wingman.
'''Archer''': You're going to ding me over two lousy seconds?
'''Guthrig''': We have to run more simulations. I'm sorry, but until then I have to ground you.
'''Archer''': I can't... fly?
'''Guthrig''': In my opinion, you're a liability in combat.
'''Archer''': What do you know about combat?
====SCENE - Flashback====
'''Blizzard''': I want you to have this.

'''Payback''': Furballs at six o'clock. Two fighters and a salvage tug. And something under tow.
'''Archer''': You know I can't accept this, Blizzard. Alan, it's Archer... it's Gwen. You've got to turn back.

'''Maniac''': We've been spotted.
'''Blizzard''': Gwen? Kilrathi liar!

'''Payback''': Maniac, Archer, take out those fighters. I'll try to slow down the big cat.
'''Tolwyn''': Fire, Bowman, fire!

'''Archer''': Understood Payback.
'''Archer''': Eject, Alan, eject!

'''Maniac''': Can do! Woo-hoo! I've got this one. Me and this guy are going to play a little tag. Nice move, furball. Alright it looks like I'm it.

'''Archer''': Hang on, Maniac, I got a target lock. I got him.
====SCENE - Archer's Quarters====

'''Maniac''': Come on, Archer, take him out. He's all over me! He's got a target lock.
'''Maniac''': So what's this crud about you beign grounded?

'''Archer''': Maniac! I had to do it. There was no other way.
'''Archer''': Won't you come in?

'''Payback''': Come on, one clear shot. (groans) Just one.
'''Maniac''': Don't get cute, Archer, I saw the duty roster. Now what gives.

'''Maniac''': What a piece of junk.
'''Archer''': Doctor's orders.

'''Payback''': Maybe, but that Kilrathi salvage tug might have been able to escape if he'd cut it loose. It must be important.
'''Maniac''': Guthrig? The doctor who needs a doctor?

'''Archer''': I wonder what's inside.
'''Archer''': He's not so crazy. Hey!

'''Payback''': Whatever it is, we'd better get it back to the 'Claw.
'''Maniac''': This thing about you blaming yourself for what happened to Blizzard has gone too far. It's time to let it go.

'''Archer''': Hey, that's mine, Maniac.

====SCENE - Sleeper Ship====
'''Maniac''': You're a good pilot. Not as good as me but hey, who is. Look, you've got to move on.

'''Tolwyn''': It definitely isn't Kilrathi. It isn't like anything that's been flown in the last two hundred years.
'''Archer''': It's not that easy.

'''Maya''': I don't care much for their interior decorator. What a mess. Looks like somebody's home after all. You want me to figure out the deep freeze system and bring this cold cut back to life?
'''Maniac''': You make it easy. That's how I do it.

'''Guthrig''': He appears human. It's possible he actually is hum an.
'''Archer''': What do you care all of a sudden?

'''Tolwyn''': From the look of this ship, he's been in cryo freeze for a long time. He can wait a little while until we get him to a qualified specialist. Seal the ship until we can arrange to pass him on to Confederation Scientific Operations.
'''Tolwyn''': All duty pilots report to the briefing room immediately.

'''Maya''': Yes, sir.
'''Maniac''': (huffs) Later, Archer.

====SCENE - Briefing Room====
====SCENE - Briefing Room====

'''Tolwyn''': We'll rendezvous with a squadron of escort frigates who will take these transports off our hands. We'll be meeting them here at a planet called Oasis.
'''Tolwyn''': Gentlemen, we have received a distress call from the hospital ship Plekiu. She was part of a convoy that was jumped by a Kilathi advance force at the edge of this sector. That means the Pleiku is wihtin range of our fighters. Cadet Blair will lead this sortie. The mission: to lend close support to the hospital ship and to escort her to the Tiger's Claw. And be wary of Kilrathi traps.

'''Razor''': All right, Oasis!
'''Maverick''': Yes sir.

'''Tolwyn''': Most old spacehands consider Oasis among the most beautiful planets in the galaxy. There will be shore leave while we wait for the escorts, so you cadets will get to judge for yourselves. Oasis is something of an engmia. Its proximity to its sun should make it barely able to support life. But an unusual energy field filters out harmful radiation, much as Earth's ozone layer blocks out ultraviolet light.

====SCENE - Space====
'''Maverick''': Alright guys, keep your eyes on your sensors, this is the last reported position of the Pleiku.
'''Maniac''': You'd think we'd be seeing signs of a battle by now.
'''Maverick''': Maybe this battle's over.
'''Maniac''': Wait, wait, I'm picking up a ship.
'''Maverick''': Me too. It's not a fighter, either.
'''Maniac''': Confirm that, a hospital ship, we got it.

====SCENE - Flight Deck====
'''Grunt''': Gatos don't leave much, do they.

'''Tolwyn''': The Oasians have an agreement with the Kilrathi recognizing Oasis as a peace zone. No fighting. The Confederation respects that agreement. So far, no Kilrathi have visited Oasis while a Confederation ship was there. But one should always be prepared for the unexpected.  
'''Maverick''': I'm reading a hull breach, radiation leaks, engines destroyed, main power systems offline.  

'''Maverick''': Look out!
'''Maniac''': Maverick, I'm picking up life signs. There are \people alive in there.

'''Warrior King''': Stand aside and you will not be harmed. I warned him not to interfere! I need one of your craft.
'''Maverick''': Okay, let's see if we can talk to them. Hospital ship Pleiku, this is Chris Blair from the Tiger's Claw, do you read? Come in, Pleiku, do you read?

'''Maniac''': Nobody flies my fighter but ME!
'''Maniac''': Look at that, there's nothing left of the bridge.

'''Archer''': Maniac!
'''Maverick''': Comm systems are out too, we're getting no answer. Hang on. I'm picking up another ship.

'''Maniac''': (groans)
'''Hyena''': One of ours?

'''Warrior King''': Don't. I have searched through more lifetimes than you can imagine. I will not let you stop me when I am this close. (groans) What is one life against a world?
'''Maverick''': Too far away to get a recognition signal  Better check it out.
'''Maniac''': What about the hospital ship, we can't just leave them. The Kilrathi might come back to finish the job.
'''Maverick''': Good point, Maniac, thanks for volunteering.
'''Maniac''': Hey, woah, hey, time out. I wasn't volunteering. I go where the action is. I'm your best pilot.
Maverick: Yeah, and I'm lead on this pilot. You stay put right here.
====SCENE - Morgan Bridge====
'''Force Commander''': The Terrans have taken the bait. As soon as they're in range launch our little surprise and inform the Nir'Runihn to destroy the hospital ship. (laughs) It has served its purpose.
====SCENE - Space====
'''Maverick''': Getting a recognition symbol. It's Confederation, fighter transport Morgan.
'''Grunt''': Reinforcements! Que suerte!
'''Maverick''': Transport ship Morgan, we are here to assist.
'''Grunt''': Maybe it's a welcoming committee?
'''Maverick''': Some welcoming committee, they're leaving. Kilrathi! It's a trap!

===Act Two===
===Act Two===

====SCENE - Flight Deck====

'''Warrior King''': Wait... I, I know you. It was so long ago. No, it cannot be! Argh!
====SCENE - Space (TCS Morgan)====
'''Maverick''': They're on us! Break right, Hyena
'''Grunt''': Flaming gatos, coming up! Yee-hah!

'''Maverick''': Hey, good shooting Grunt!

====SCENE - Camp Site====
'''Hyena''': Heads up, Mav. Furballs, twelve o'clock high.

'''Oasian Elder''': Once our world was a barren place. A furnace fired by the sun's anger. We were born in that furnace, hard and cruel as a forged blade. Then, the Maker fell from the sky and our world was recreated. The hot wind became a cool breeze, rains fell, the lad turned green with new life. Our lives were no longer filled with the fight to survive. We gave up hatred and war and celebrated the gift of life our world had been given. We share that gift with you.

'''Maniac''': Uh, uh, sure, yeah, thanks I guess.
====SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)====

'''Oasian Elder''': Welcome to a world at peace. May our peace be yours.
'''Maverick''': Hyena, cover Grunt! I'll take this one.

'''Maniac''': Man it's like Dioscuri 2 where they thought we were evil spirits that dropped out of the sky
'''Hyena''': Sorry, Maverick. Got my own problems - three of 'em!

'''Archer''': Maybe that's what we are, evil spirits.
'''Maniac''': Aw, man, they need me. What am I doing babystiting this floating hulk? Orders or no orders, I'm going. Hey, what? I'm targeted! Where is he? Burning tailpipie!

====SCENE - Landing Site====
====SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge====

'''Maya''': Had enough of paradise have you?
'''Captain''': Incompetent! Surprise should have made him ours.

'''Maverick''': I keep thinking about the legend the elder told us. About the Maker falling from the sky.
'''Officer''': The Terran pilot is very quick.

'''Maya''': So? It's a legend, a story to explain things they don't understand.
'''Captain''': Or you are very slow. Lock onto him and finish him.

'''Maverick''': What if it isn't? What if the energy that changed this planet isn't a natural force?
'''Officer''': But captain, we have only one missile left after our last attack on the hospital ship. Shouldn't wee...

'''Maya''': Don't you ever relax, Maverick? It's beautiful here. It could be perfect, if you stay.
'''Captain''': Don't question my orders, I want that Terran fighter.

'''Maverick''': (sighs) Maybe. And believe me, I, I really wish I could stop thinking about that alien. But there's something about him that... I don't know, bugs me. I've got to try and talk to him.

====SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)====

====SCENE - Beach====
'''Maniac''': Okay, now you've made the Maniac mad. Woah! Okay. You've got guns? Well so do I. Woo hoo!

'''Maniac''': Well it figures paradise would have two moons. (laughs) If that's not enough to make you feel romantic, you need help. (laughs) (sighs) Need any help?

'''Archer''': Any world could be paradise if we could learn to live without destroying each other. Every time you take out a Kilrathi a piece of yourself goes with him. A part of your humanity.
====SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge====

'''Maniac''': Then why's there's so much of me left?
'''Officer''': The laser turret's offline.

'''Archer''': You can be a real jerk sometimes. Doesn't what we have to do ever bother you?
'''Captain''': Get him back in the missile sites.

'''Maniac''': Thinking about it would just slow me down, throw me off my game.

'''Archer''': Is that all it is? A game? Who's the best?
====SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)====

'''Maniac''': Hey, it's all I've got. If I'm not the best I'm not anything.
'''Maniac''': Now to finish you off. What? Hey! Missile lock!

'''Archer''': I feel sorry for you.

'''Maniac''': Hey, I, I don't want your sympathy, I came out here to help you. Kilrathi!
====SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge====
'''Captain''': Fire!
====SCENE - Space (TCS Morgan)====
'''Grunt''': Make your peace, Gato. That's the last one, Maverick.
'''Maverick''': No. There's one more to take care of. He's not going anywhere. But we are, those fighters were headed for the 'Claw.
'''Hyena''': What about Maniac?
'''Maverick''': He'll... just have to fend for himself.
====SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)====
'''Maniac''': Maniac to hospital ship Pleiku, I am docking alongside. Look, uh, look I'm one of the good guys, don't shoot. I hope they heard that.
====SCENE - Pleiku Corridor====
'''Patient''': (moaning) My leg.
'''Patient''': Look, it's a pilot!
'''Patient''': Are you here to rescue us?
'''Patient''': Take us home, please.
'''Patient''': Help us.
'''Kyle''': Hope you're not wounded, 'cause I got no more room.
'''Maniac''': Huh? What?
'''Kyle''': I'm Doctor Kyle. Welcome to my home away from home. We're a little crowded and I could use some more antibiotics, but we manage. Are you our rescue?
'''Maniac''': Uh, afraid not. Uh, I'm stranded here.
'''Kyle''': Oh, good. Well, I can always use a hand in triage.
'''Maniac''': I haven't had any med training doc.That's okay, neither has half of what's left of my staff.
====SCENE - Triage====
'''Kyle''': These are our toughest cases, the ones that need the most attention.
'''Blu''': Doctor, I need you.
'''Kyle''': Afraid of the sight of blood?
'''Maniac''': No, uh, just... internal organs.
'''Kyle''': You'll be fine. What's your name?
'''Maniac''': Maniac.
'''Kyle''': That's a name?
'''Maniac''': Callsign. I'm a pilot.
'''Kyle''': Okay pilot, come over here. I'm going to to need your help.
'''Maniac''': Look, Um I don't want to risk hurting anybody, doc.
'''Kyle''': Too late, the war took care of that. With the main power out we've had to learn medicine the old fashioned way. You have to work the lung pump manually until the patient can breathe on his own. I have to operate on another kid and I need my nurses. Right now, you're this boy's lungs.
'''Maniac''': Please, don't let me mess up.
====SCENE - Bridge====
'''Nelson''': Commodore Tolwyn, fighters approaching. Recognition signal says they're ours, probably part of the task force our fighters rescued.
'''Tolwyn''': Contact that flight. Let's bring them in. They've earned it.
'''Officer''': Yes, sir.
====SCENE - Space (TCS Morgan)====
'''Maverick''': Maverick to Tiger's Claw, do you copy? They're jamming us, the Claw doesn't know it but they're aobut to get ambushed.

====SCENE - Bridge====
====SCENE - Bridge====

'''Tolwyn''': It's Kilrathi alright, a carrier. Scramble all available fighters.
'''Crewman''': I can't raise the ship, there's interference.
'''Tolwyn''': What's the source?
'''Nelson''': The ships are the source.
'''Tolwyn''': It's a trap!
'''Crewman''': Sir, long range missile lock.
====SCENE - Archer's Quarters====
'''Tolwyn''': Battle stations, all pilots to flight deck. This is not a drill.
'''Archer''': You're doing this, Bowman.
===Act Three===
====SCENE - Triage====
'''Maniac''': Doc, nurse, something's happening!
'''Blu''': Easy, pilot. He's okay.
'''Maniac''': But he's making this noice...
'''Kyle''': That's 'cause he's bleeding. You can take the pump away, nurse.
'''Maniac''': Wow!
'''Kyle''': You saved his life. What was that?
'''Maniac''': Sounds like docking grapplers. The Kilrathi!

'''Communications Tech''': Sir, we're getting a signal, from the Kilrathi.
'''Kyle''': Great, more guests for dinner.

'''Tolwyn''': Put it on the screen.

'''Drak''': Terran vessel, I am Drak nar Kulrag, commander of the Imperial carrier Naukeric. Do not fear, Terran apes, we will not destroy you... today. We are only here for recreation. We will respect the peace zone. The Kilrahti keep their word, can you?
====SCENE - Bridge====

'''Tolwyn''': Keep the crew on standby alert, ensign.
'''Nelson''': Shields down to 40%, sir. We're losing fighters on takeoff.

'''Tolwyn''': We're running out of time. Mr. Nelson, you have the con.

====SCENE - Campsite====
'''Nelson''': But... where are you going, sir?

'''Oasian Elder''': We were burn in that furnace, as hard and as cruel as a forged blade.
'''Tolwyn''': One of Napoleon's generals said it best: ride to the sound of the guns.

'''Maniac''': Oh man, I don't like this. Not one bit.

'''Archer''': Grunt's keeping the rest of the crew near the ships in case the Kilrathi try anything.
====SCENE - Hangar====

'''Maniac''': Oh good, where's he going? The litter box? I'm going to see what he's up to.
'''Payback''': What do you think you're doing?

'''Archer''': Be careful.
'''Archer''': Same thing you are.

'''Maniac''': Uh, nice night for a walk. Mind if I tag along?
'''Payback''': Do me a favor and stay off my wing.

'''Drak''': Out of my way, Terran, we are here for recreation, not fighting.

'''Maniac''': Hey, going hand to paw with you furballs is my idea of a good time.
====SCENE - Space (TCS Tiger's Claw)====

'''Drak''': Then you've obviously never done it.
'''Hyena''': My sensors are picking up one big battle ahead.

'''Maniac''': You got a point there. (groans)
'''Maverick''': They started without us. We'll be there in 90 seconds.  

'''Drak''': (growls) Let us stop playing games. You are here for the sphere. But you will not get it. It will be ours before this planet's dawn. (groans)
'''Grunt''': Let's hope the 'Claw's in one piece when we get there.

'''Archer''': We aren't supposed to carry weapons down here.

'''Maya''': I never go anywhere without it.
====SCENE - Pleiku Corridor====

'''Maniac''': Sphere? What sphere?
'''Maniac''': The Kilrathi'll most likely board near the bridge and then move in from there. Uh, what's the situation with the ship.

'''Kyle''': Well there's nothing between us and them but a few airtight doors.

====SCENE - Brig====
'''Maniac''': The furballs will kick 'em open. If the decompression doesn't get us then their lasers will. Well at least we'll go fast.

'''Maverick''': Any ideas, Doctor?
'''Kyle''': The med-bay's a standalone compartment. We can seal it from the rest of the ship. We can all crowd in there.

'''Guthrig''': His ship is more than two centuries out of date and his weapon apparently drew its power from the alien himself. When he flew, I believe he was levitating using psychokinetic energy.
'''Maniac''': Yeah, yeah! Yeah, good. Maybe we can give the cats a taste of their own medicing. I'll need a volunteer.

'''Maverick''': Can I talk to him?
'''Kyle''': Oh pick me, pick me. That's how I wound up here in the first place.

'''Guthrig''': You can try. He hasn't spoken since leaving the flight deck.

'''Maverick''': This is cadet Christopher Blair. Blair. Earlier you said you knew me.
====SCENE - Pleiku Boarding Site====

'''Warrior King''': I knew a soldier long ago on a place called Earth. His name was Blair.
'''Officer''': Find the Terrans, I want them all exterminated.

'''Maverick''': There have been a lot of soldiers in my family. Do you have a family?

'''Warrior King''': It was so long ago. I try not to remember.
====SCENE - Pleiku Airlock====

'''Maverick''': You said something about a search. What are you seeking? Is it the Maker?
'''Maniac''': This better work, Maniac, you've only got one shot. You ready, doc? (sighs) Let's do it. (sighs) Here goes nothing.

'''Warrior King''': The Maker? Does it rule storm and wind, drought and rain?

'''Maverick''': Something like that.
====SCENE - Pleiku Corridor====

'''Warrior King''': I have found it. The Orb, at last.
'''Officer''': What is this?

'''Maverick''': Hey, what happened? Get away from that door! (groans)

'''Warrior King''': You fight well. You will take me to the surface of the planet or there will be one less soldier in your family.
====SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge====

===Act Three===
'''Captain''': Ah! Disconnect from the hospital ship, emergency thrusters now.

====SCENE - Oasis Orbit====

'''Maverick''': What is the Maker, exactly?
====SCENE - Pleiku Airlock====

'''Warrior King''': It is the Orb. A powerful weapon.
'''Maniac''': You guys can fly with me anytime.

'''Maverick''': The galaxy is full of weapons.

'''Warrior King''': It is more. The power of annihilation and creation. And recreation.
====SCENE - Space (TCS Tiger's Claw)====

'''Maverick''': what do you want to recreate?
'''Grunt''': Gotcha, furball!

'''Warrior King''': Long ago, my planet was destroyed. The orb is the only chance to restore it.
'''Hyena''': Hey Payback! Miss me?

'''Maverick''': Can it bring back the lives that were lost?
'''Payback''': Nice of you guys to get in the fight.

'''Warrior King''': No, but to make the planet whole again... maybe there is a chance.
'''Archer''': Identify, friend or foe.

'''Maverick''': What destroyed your planet?
'''Tolwyn''': That's your call, cadet.

'''Warrior King''': This is a powerful ship. There were none like it when I began my search.
'''Archer''': Uh, commodore, sir. I'm on your wing.

'''Maverick''': Was it war? Two great nations struggling? Or was it a warlord, a tyrant?
'''Tolwyn''': No cadet, I'm on your wing.

'''Warrior King''': No, not a tyrant. I wanted to end the fighting, the chaos. I tried to save my world and instead it is my fault it was destroyed. I was responsible. Now I must set things right.
'''Archer''': Target at twelve o'clock. Three Broadswords. Commodore, dive through their formation. We'll scatter them and engage.

'''Tolwyn''': I'm going in, Bowman.

====SCENE - Landing Site====
'''Archer''': Just a walk in the park, Archer. Ahh!

'''Archer''': Yes sir, I understand. The alien's escaped. With Maverick as hostage.
'''Payback''': That's how you do it, Archer.

'''Maya''': The old man'll get him back, won't he?
'''Archer''': I had him in my sights.

'''Archer''': Tolwyn says he can't spare any fighters for a rescue. Not with that Kilrathi carrier up there.
'''Tolwyn''': This is Tolwyn, I can't shake this beastly furball off my tail.

'''Maniac''': So why don't we go after him?
'''Archer''': I'm on it.

'''Archer''': We've been ordered to escort the shuttle back to the Tiger's Claw.
'''Payback''': So am I.

'''Maniac''': So Tolwyn's just going to write Maverick off? Huh? So long, cadet? (groans)
'''Archer''': You don't trust me, do you? I'm two seconds from being in position.

'''Archer''': Can you get the shuttle back to the 'Claw by yourself?
'''Payback''': I can take him out.

'''Grunt''': Piece of cake.
'''Archer''': No!

'''Payback''': I knew it, she won't engage!

====SCENE - Kilrathi Landing Site====
'''Payback''': Missile lock! On its way!

'''Drak''': Prepare for takeoff. We must reach the sphere before the Terrans.  
'''Archer''': Not this time. Not the 'Claw.

====SCEDNE - The Orb====
====SCENE - Outside Tolwyn's Office====

'''Warrior King''': It is there. After all these years, a new beginning.
'''Archer''': Hey, look who's back.

'''Maverick''': Don't you know what will happen to this planet without the Orb to protect it?
'''Maniac''': I heard you saved the ship.

'''Warrior King''': I am fighting for my world. (gasps) No!
'''Archer''': I did my job. You were right, I had to move on. I guess.

'''Archer''': Come on, Maverick, get aboard!
'''Maniac''': Uh, look, uh, sorry I kept Blizzard's medal.

'''Maverick''': The Kilrathi!
'''Archer''': I'll send it to his family. I won't be needing it.

'''Maniac''': Do it, Maniac! Do it! Woo hoo!

'''Warrior King''': There is no peace. The fighting never ends. Never.
====SCENE - Tolwyn's Office====

'''Maniac''': Woo hoo! Uh, oh! Come on, fire up you heap, or you're spare parts.
'''Tolwyn''': Ah, come in, cadets. I'll make it brief. I'm recommending you both for the flying corss. Two ships were saved because of you. It's an honor well deserved.

'''Drak''': Foolish Terrans. There can be no peace between us, even on Oasis. When our enemies are destroyed, that is peace. This is Drak! Emergency! Send more fighters! The Terrans have the Sphere! Wait, no!
'''Maniac''': Uh, sir, I'd like to recommend my medal be given to someone else. The doctor and the nurses on that hospital ship. They were the real heroes.
'''Tolwyn''': Very well, if that's your wish. Dismissed.

'''Maverick''': That sphere, it's the Maker! We can't let him take it.

'''Warrior King''': I was right to seek you for so long.
====SCENE - Outside Tolwyn's Office====

'''Archer''': We can't let you take the Maker.
'''Maniac''': Don't say it.

'''Warrior King''': Do not force me to destroy you.
'''Archer''': I didn't say a thing.

'''Archer''': Look at that sun. If you take the Maker, this place, this paradise will be a barren rock again. The power to create is greater than the power to destroy. We have plenty of weapons but nothing that can create the beauty of this world.
'''Maniac''': Uh, hey, how bout a game of racquetball?

'''Warrior King''': But the Orb can bring life back to my planet.
'''Archer''': Any time, Maniac. I've got your number.

'''Maverick''': What about the Oasians? You can't destroy one world to create another. You can't buy it back with innocent lives.
'''Maniac''': Yeah, but not my backhand.

'''Warrior King''': I have fought for so long I forgot what I was fighting for. One world has been destroyed. It must not happen again. (screams) Take care that you do not forget why you fight.
'''Archer''': (laughs)

'''Maniac''': Where does he think he's going?

'''Maverick''': (laughs) The same place we're all going: forward.
[[category:Wing Commander Academy Episodes]]

Latest revision as of 15:29, 6 July 2020

Walking Wounded is the ninth episode of Wing Commander Academy aired and the eleventh produced.

Walking Wounded
Episode Number 1x09
Production Code 74711
Story Mark Edens
Writer(s) Ralph Sanchez
Air Date November 23, 1996
Run Time 20m53s
Animation Studio Madhouse
Theme Version 1
Previous Recreation
Next On Both Your Houses


Act One

Act Two

Terran Confederation Empire of Kilrah
3 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters 8 Dralthi medium fighters
1 Fighter Transport (TCS Morgan)
3 Dralthi destroyed, TCS Morgan disabled
Terran Confederation Empire of Kilrah
1 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighter
1 hospital ship (TCS Pleiku)
1 Kamekh corvette
1 Scimitar destroyed 1 Kamekh destroyed

Act Three

Terran Confederation Empire of Kilrah
12 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters
Bengal strike carrier (TCS Tiger's Claw)
4 F-57 Sabres heavy attack fighters
3 CF-131 Broadsword heavy bombers
2 Scimitars destroyed 2 Sabres and 3 Broadswords destroyed





Tiger's Claw


Edge of the Sector


TCS Morgan


KIS Nir'Runihn


TCS Pleiku




Terran Confederation


Capital Ships

Empire of Kilrah


Capital Ships


Terran Confederation

Small Arms

Empire of Kilrah


Animation Errors


Role Name
Story by Mark Edens
Written by Ralph Sanchez
Producer Larry Latham
Executive Story Editors Mark Edens
Michael Edens
Executive Consultant Ralph Sanchez
Executive Story Consultants Richard Hilleman
Adam Foshko
Starring Mark Hamill (Maverick)
Tom Wilson (Maniac)
Malcolm McDowell (Tolwyn)
Dana Delany (Archer)
Also Starring Lauri Hendler (Payback)
Kevin Schoen (Kilrathi?)
Pat Fraley (Grunt, Guthrig, Blizzard)
Music by Alexander Van Bubenheim
Voice Direction and Casting Susan Blu
Pre-Production Sound by Screenmusic Studios, Inc.
Pre-Production Sound Mixer Pete Elia
Recording Assistant Mark Caballero
Storyboards Bob Smith
Del Barras
Dave Williams
Storyboard Cleanup Judy Nielson
Timing Directors Tim Walker
Bill Reed
Gerard Baldwin
Zeon Davush
Character Design Larry Latham
Tim Eldred
Prop Design Lee Go
Background Design Derek Carter
Background Color Key Kathryn Yelsa
Computer Color Key Cynthia McIntosh
Studio Production Manager Alex Johns
Production Manager Patty Jausoro
Production Coordinator Estrella Capin
Production Assistants Aaron Justman
Scott Huml
Manuel Cano
Monte Alexander
Junior Gonzalez
Danik Thomas
Executive in Charge of Post Production Barbara Beck
Editors Jay Bixsen
Paul D. Calder
Assistant Editor Michael Trueba
Track Reading Glenwood Editorial
Negative Cutting Executive Cutting
Post Production Video Unitel Video, Hollywood
Post Production Sound West Productions Inc.
Supervising Sound Editor Rick Hinson
Re-Recording Mixers Harry Andronis
Stuart Calderon
Overseas Animation Studio Madhouse Animation
Overseas Animation Director Masao Maruyama
Produced in Association with USA Network


Act One

SCENE - Simulator

Archer: Come on, come on, I know you're hiding in here. There you are. Okay, lock up baby, come on. Yes! I've got missile lock. Missile lock confirmed. Bingo. Woo-hoo!

SCENE - Sim Room

Guthrig: Give us a minute, ensign.

Archer: I nailed 'em that time.

Guthrig: According to the simulator printout you hesitated. Why?

Archer: I had to make sure of the missile lock. It only took two seconds.

Guthrig: Actually, 1.93 seconds. Enoguh time for the Kilrathi to have eliminated you or your wingman.

Archer: You're going to ding me over two lousy seconds?

Guthrig: We have to run more simulations. I'm sorry, but until then I have to ground you.

Archer: I can't... fly?

Guthrig: In my opinion, you're a liability in combat.

Archer: What do you know about combat?

SCENE - Flashback

Blizzard: I want you to have this.

Archer: You know I can't accept this, Blizzard. Alan, it's Archer... it's Gwen. You've got to turn back.

Blizzard: Gwen? Kilrathi liar!

Tolwyn: Fire, Bowman, fire!

Archer: Eject, Alan, eject!

SCENE - Archer's Quarters

Maniac: So what's this crud about you beign grounded?

Archer: Won't you come in?

Maniac: Don't get cute, Archer, I saw the duty roster. Now what gives.

Archer: Doctor's orders.

Maniac: Guthrig? The doctor who needs a doctor?

Archer: He's not so crazy. Hey!

Maniac: This thing about you blaming yourself for what happened to Blizzard has gone too far. It's time to let it go.

Archer: Hey, that's mine, Maniac.

Maniac: You're a good pilot. Not as good as me but hey, who is. Look, you've got to move on.

Archer: It's not that easy.

Maniac: You make it easy. That's how I do it.

Archer: What do you care all of a sudden?

Tolwyn: All duty pilots report to the briefing room immediately.

Maniac: (huffs) Later, Archer.

SCENE - Briefing Room

Tolwyn: Gentlemen, we have received a distress call from the hospital ship Plekiu. She was part of a convoy that was jumped by a Kilathi advance force at the edge of this sector. That means the Pleiku is wihtin range of our fighters. Cadet Blair will lead this sortie. The mission: to lend close support to the hospital ship and to escort her to the Tiger's Claw. And be wary of Kilrathi traps.

Maverick: Yes sir.

SCENE - Space

Maverick: Alright guys, keep your eyes on your sensors, this is the last reported position of the Pleiku.

Maniac: You'd think we'd be seeing signs of a battle by now.

Maverick: Maybe this battle's over.

Maniac: Wait, wait, I'm picking up a ship.

Maverick: Me too. It's not a fighter, either.

Maniac: Confirm that, a hospital ship, we got it.

Grunt: Gatos don't leave much, do they.

Maverick: I'm reading a hull breach, radiation leaks, engines destroyed, main power systems offline.

Maniac: Maverick, I'm picking up life signs. There are \people alive in there.

Maverick: Okay, let's see if we can talk to them. Hospital ship Pleiku, this is Chris Blair from the Tiger's Claw, do you read? Come in, Pleiku, do you read?

Maniac: Look at that, there's nothing left of the bridge.

Maverick: Comm systems are out too, we're getting no answer. Hang on. I'm picking up another ship.

Hyena: One of ours?

Maverick: Too far away to get a recognition signal Better check it out.

Maniac: What about the hospital ship, we can't just leave them. The Kilrathi might come back to finish the job.

Maverick: Good point, Maniac, thanks for volunteering.

Maniac: Hey, woah, hey, time out. I wasn't volunteering. I go where the action is. I'm your best pilot.

Maverick: Yeah, and I'm lead on this pilot. You stay put right here.

SCENE - Morgan Bridge

Force Commander: The Terrans have taken the bait. As soon as they're in range launch our little surprise and inform the Nir'Runihn to destroy the hospital ship. (laughs) It has served its purpose.

SCENE - Space

Maverick: Getting a recognition symbol. It's Confederation, fighter transport Morgan.

Grunt: Reinforcements! Que suerte!

Maverick: Transport ship Morgan, we are here to assist.

Grunt: Maybe it's a welcoming committee?

Maverick: Some welcoming committee, they're leaving. Kilrathi! It's a trap!

Act Two

SCENE - Space (TCS Morgan)

Maverick: They're on us! Break right, Hyena

Grunt: Flaming gatos, coming up! Yee-hah!

Maverick: Hey, good shooting Grunt!

Hyena: Heads up, Mav. Furballs, twelve o'clock high.

SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)

Maverick: Hyena, cover Grunt! I'll take this one.

Hyena: Sorry, Maverick. Got my own problems - three of 'em!

Maniac: Aw, man, they need me. What am I doing babystiting this floating hulk? Orders or no orders, I'm going. Hey, what? I'm targeted! Where is he? Burning tailpipie!

SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge

Captain: Incompetent! Surprise should have made him ours.

Officer: The Terran pilot is very quick.

Captain: Or you are very slow. Lock onto him and finish him.

Officer: But captain, we have only one missile left after our last attack on the hospital ship. Shouldn't wee...

Captain: Don't question my orders, I want that Terran fighter.

SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)

Maniac: Okay, now you've made the Maniac mad. Woah! Okay. You've got guns? Well so do I. Woo hoo!

SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge

Officer: The laser turret's offline.

Captain: Get him back in the missile sites.

SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)

Maniac: Now to finish you off. What? Hey! Missile lock!

SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge

Captain: Fire!

SCENE - Space (TCS Morgan)

Grunt: Make your peace, Gato. That's the last one, Maverick.

Maverick: No. There's one more to take care of. He's not going anywhere. But we are, those fighters were headed for the 'Claw.

Hyena: What about Maniac?

Maverick: He'll... just have to fend for himself.

SCENE - Space (TCS Pleiku)

Maniac: Maniac to hospital ship Pleiku, I am docking alongside. Look, uh, look I'm one of the good guys, don't shoot. I hope they heard that.

SCENE - Pleiku Corridor

Patient: (moaning) My leg.

Patient: Look, it's a pilot!

Patient: Are you here to rescue us?

Patient: Take us home, please.

Patient: Help us.

Kyle: Hope you're not wounded, 'cause I got no more room.

Maniac: Huh? What?

Kyle: I'm Doctor Kyle. Welcome to my home away from home. We're a little crowded and I could use some more antibiotics, but we manage. Are you our rescue?

Maniac: Uh, afraid not. Uh, I'm stranded here.

Kyle: Oh, good. Well, I can always use a hand in triage.

Maniac: I haven't had any med training doc.That's okay, neither has half of what's left of my staff.

SCENE - Triage

Kyle: These are our toughest cases, the ones that need the most attention.

Blu: Doctor, I need you.

Kyle: Afraid of the sight of blood?

Maniac: No, uh, just... internal organs.

Kyle: You'll be fine. What's your name?

Maniac: Maniac.

Kyle: That's a name?

Maniac: Callsign. I'm a pilot.

Kyle: Okay pilot, come over here. I'm going to to need your help.

Maniac: Look, Um I don't want to risk hurting anybody, doc.

Kyle: Too late, the war took care of that. With the main power out we've had to learn medicine the old fashioned way. You have to work the lung pump manually until the patient can breathe on his own. I have to operate on another kid and I need my nurses. Right now, you're this boy's lungs.

Maniac: Please, don't let me mess up.

SCENE - Bridge

Nelson: Commodore Tolwyn, fighters approaching. Recognition signal says they're ours, probably part of the task force our fighters rescued.

Tolwyn: Contact that flight. Let's bring them in. They've earned it.

Officer: Yes, sir.

SCENE - Space (TCS Morgan)

Maverick: Maverick to Tiger's Claw, do you copy? They're jamming us, the Claw doesn't know it but they're aobut to get ambushed.

SCENE - Bridge

Crewman: I can't raise the ship, there's interference.

Tolwyn: What's the source?

Nelson: The ships are the source.

Tolwyn: It's a trap!

Crewman: Sir, long range missile lock.

SCENE - Archer's Quarters

Tolwyn: Battle stations, all pilots to flight deck. This is not a drill.

Archer: You're doing this, Bowman.

Act Three

SCENE - Triage

Maniac: Doc, nurse, something's happening!

Blu: Easy, pilot. He's okay.

Maniac: But he's making this noice...

Kyle: That's 'cause he's bleeding. You can take the pump away, nurse.

Maniac: Wow!

Kyle: You saved his life. What was that?

Maniac: Sounds like docking grapplers. The Kilrathi!

Kyle: Great, more guests for dinner.

SCENE - Bridge

Nelson: Shields down to 40%, sir. We're losing fighters on takeoff.

Tolwyn: We're running out of time. Mr. Nelson, you have the con.

Nelson: But... where are you going, sir?

Tolwyn: One of Napoleon's generals said it best: ride to the sound of the guns.

SCENE - Hangar

Payback: What do you think you're doing?

Archer: Same thing you are.

Payback: Do me a favor and stay off my wing.

SCENE - Space (TCS Tiger's Claw)

Hyena: My sensors are picking up one big battle ahead.

Maverick: They started without us. We'll be there in 90 seconds.

Grunt: Let's hope the 'Claw's in one piece when we get there.

SCENE - Pleiku Corridor

Maniac: The Kilrathi'll most likely board near the bridge and then move in from there. Uh, what's the situation with the ship.

Kyle: Well there's nothing between us and them but a few airtight doors.

Maniac: The furballs will kick 'em open. If the decompression doesn't get us then their lasers will. Well at least we'll go fast.

Kyle: The med-bay's a standalone compartment. We can seal it from the rest of the ship. We can all crowd in there.

Maniac: Yeah, yeah! Yeah, good. Maybe we can give the cats a taste of their own medicing. I'll need a volunteer.

Kyle: Oh pick me, pick me. That's how I wound up here in the first place.

SCENE - Pleiku Boarding Site

Officer: Find the Terrans, I want them all exterminated.

SCENE - Pleiku Airlock

Maniac: This better work, Maniac, you've only got one shot. You ready, doc? (sighs) Let's do it. (sighs) Here goes nothing.

SCENE - Pleiku Corridor

Officer: What is this?

SCENE - Nir'Runihn Bridge

Captain: Ah! Disconnect from the hospital ship, emergency thrusters now.

SCENE - Pleiku Airlock

Maniac: You guys can fly with me anytime.

SCENE - Space (TCS Tiger's Claw)

Grunt: Gotcha, furball!

Hyena: Hey Payback! Miss me?

Payback: Nice of you guys to get in the fight.

Archer: Identify, friend or foe.

Tolwyn: That's your call, cadet.

Archer: Uh, commodore, sir. I'm on your wing.

Tolwyn: No cadet, I'm on your wing.

Archer: Target at twelve o'clock. Three Broadswords. Commodore, dive through their formation. We'll scatter them and engage.

Tolwyn: I'm going in, Bowman.

Archer: Just a walk in the park, Archer. Ahh!

Payback: That's how you do it, Archer.

Archer: I had him in my sights.

Tolwyn: This is Tolwyn, I can't shake this beastly furball off my tail.

Archer: I'm on it.

Payback: So am I.

Archer: You don't trust me, do you? I'm two seconds from being in position.

Payback: I can take him out.

Archer: No!

Payback: I knew it, she won't engage!

Payback: Missile lock! On its way!

Archer: Not this time. Not the 'Claw.

SCENE - Outside Tolwyn's Office

Archer: Hey, look who's back.

Maniac: I heard you saved the ship.

Archer: I did my job. You were right, I had to move on. I guess.

Maniac: Uh, look, uh, sorry I kept Blizzard's medal.

Archer: I'll send it to his family. I won't be needing it.

SCENE - Tolwyn's Office

Tolwyn: Ah, come in, cadets. I'll make it brief. I'm recommending you both for the flying corss. Two ships were saved because of you. It's an honor well deserved.

Maniac: Uh, sir, I'd like to recommend my medal be given to someone else. The doctor and the nurses on that hospital ship. They were the real heroes.

Tolwyn: Very well, if that's your wish. Dismissed.

SCENE - Outside Tolwyn's Office

Maniac: Don't say it.

Archer: I didn't say a thing.

Maniac: Uh, hey, how bout a game of racquetball?

Archer: Any time, Maniac. I've got your number.

Maniac: Yeah, but not my backhand.

Archer: (laughs)