Orca-class destroyer: Difference between revisions

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Type Destroyer
Primary User Nephilim
Maximum Yaw 6 dps
Maximum Pitch 6 dps
Maximum Roll 6 dps
Acceleration 25 k/s2
Rotational Acceleration 4 dps2
Maximum 75 kps
Light Plasma Cannon (2)
Turreted Maser (14)

Turreted Medusa (4)

Engine 2600 DP
Bridge 2600 DP
Bridge Shield Emitter 800 DP
Turreted Maser 400 DP each
Turreted Medusa 600 DP each
Source Origin's Official Guide to Wing Commander Prophecy


Wing Commander: Prophecy

Mission Appearances

Origin's Official Guide to Wing Commander Prophecy

The Orca destroyer is a staple element in the Alien fleet. It is typically used for general-purpose patrol and scout duty. Its defenses vary somewhat, according to anticipated enemy strength.

An Orca has more substantial anti-fighter defenses than Confed destroyers, with moderately strong shields but only light armor. The destroyer carries four Medusa missiles and two Light Plasma cannon for self defense and moderate offensive actions. It has been known to occasionally employ interceptors for additional defense, due to its sluggish maneuverability.

An Orca is not as fast as a corvette, but it is still a dangerous ship to encounter on a mission. Note that it is not necessarily a threat in its own right to capital ships, but that it and its assosciated fighters can take out a cap ship's defenses, leaving it vulnerable.

Wing Commander: Secret Ops

Mission Appearances


DD - 4 Orca
Mission Role: The type of missions this ship was built for
Cloaking: No
Jump Capable: Yes
Max Speed: 250 kps
Max Y/P/R: 15
Acceleration: 4 kps2
ESM: Yes
Radar: 40000
ID Sensor: Unknown
Shield Strength Fore/Aft/Port/Starboard: 1500/1300/1500/1500 cm equiv.
Shield Recharge Rate: 250 cm equiv.
Armor Strength Fore/Aft/Port/Starboard: 150/170/130/130 cm
Guns: 2X anti-shipping Plasma cannon, 16X anti-fighter Laser turret
Missiles: 16X anti-ship missiles, 2-4X anti-fighter missile turret
Follow rules for: Standard Wing Commander Sized (smaller) - Cap Ships.
Constituent parts: Engines, Bridge, Hangar bays, Turrets, Radar, Con Towers, all weapons.
Shield Emitters for: No shield emitters. This ship has internal shields for everything. Has fore/art/port/starboard armor.
Target ID: Orca Destroyer
Length: 600 approx. meters
Width: unknown
Mass: 21,000 approx. metric tonnes
Description: These are the most numerous jump-capable alien starship. Like most alien starships they are noticeably larger than their Confed counterparts, but serve similarly as general-purpose patrol and scout units. They have heavy anti-fighter defenses relative to Confed destroyers, moderate shields and only light armor. They are not as fast as a Corvette, but carry many more anti-shipping missiles as well as two light anti-shipping guns. Some destroyers may also embark a handful of interceptors for self-defense.
