Hi, I'm Wing Commander fan from Republic of Korea (South Korea). 
I downloaded WC
DVD covers from this site, but I don't like slightly blurred game titles, etc (Sorry, Shades...
No offence
For that reason, I started make my own DVD covers.
(Some times ago, I make WC4's cover, but accidently deleted source file!
So I'll remake WC4 cover next time...)
This is what I made for Wing Commander: Prophecy, but it remains few minor fixing.
PS) Sorry for my poor english.
I'm not good at english... T.T
PS) Background space image taken from www.nasa.org
Spacecraft and other screenshots taken from www.wcnews.com
This is my previous WC4 DVD cover for DVD Super Jewel case (That I accidently deleted original file

I downloaded WC

For that reason, I started make my own DVD covers.
(Some times ago, I make WC4's cover, but accidently deleted source file!

This is what I made for Wing Commander: Prophecy, but it remains few minor fixing.
PS) Sorry for my poor english.

PS) Background space image taken from www.nasa.org
Spacecraft and other screenshots taken from www.wcnews.com

This is my previous WC4 DVD cover for DVD Super Jewel case (That I accidently deleted original file