A Galore of Wing Commander Documentation Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Ghost stumbled across ReplacementDocs.com, and that got us into compiling some of the various documentations and guides for Wing Commander games that people have posted online. The first batch are all in PDF form and require the Acrobat Reader. There are miscellaneous ones below that. The following actually cover a wide swath of the primary Wing Commander games. Other items are also available online. TC has digitized Wing Commander 1's Claw Marks and Wing Commander 2's manual here and here, BlackJoker has put Wing Commander 3's Victory Streak together here, Jetlag has compiled Armada's Voices of War here, and the CIC is hosting the Secret Ops documentation here in a zip. ReplacementDocs is actually quite a useful resource with guides for games such as Starlancer and Freelancer as well. They accept contributions in the form of high quality scanned manuals if you have one they're missing. Perhaps we can get some more Wing Commander ones for them.

Memories From DragonCon, 9 Days To Go Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I can't believe the 2003 WC Convention is next week. It looks like we'll be able to to readily update the CIC from the convention itself, so look for the raw coverage beginning next week. Don't worry, the entire CIC staff won't be at risk of a terrorist attack. Kris will be secure in a safe and undisclosed location. The photo below is a picture of us harrassing Aaron Alston. While he was there to speak on behalf of his famous Star Wars novels, we were sure to constantly mob him with copies of Claw Marks, which he wrote in 1990. He was pretty freaked out by the end of the convention. Thanks for being such a great sport Aaron!


Byydo: Yay, Bob Ross's autograph!
Weasel: Poor Aaron Allston probably never wants to see another Claw Marks ever again.
TyeDyeBoy: We did the same thing to him last year, just not in such large numbers. Poor guy's heart probably won't be able to take it next year.
LOAF: I'm already buying more WC1s for next year.
ChrisReid: Me too.
Hades: We got kicked out of the room we were in. Again. But the signing continued outside.

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