Post-Party Encyclopedia Upgrades Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Hot on the heels of our Fifth Birthday we've made some improvements to the Encyclopedia user interface. The obligatory search engine has been added, and hyperlinks to related records have been added to most of our entries. The links were generated by a script, so some of them might not make a lot of sense. But at least you can waste a whole afternoon going from one record to the next, including some of the more obscure entries like Kilrathi Beowulf clusters. For those who have been wondering, there are still a number of records missing that we will be adding in the near future.

Lost Regiment Movie In Pre-Production Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

At noted Wing Commander author William Forstchen's website, there was recently a news post announcing that his series of Lost Regiment books will be turned into a movie.

On the movie front. Lost Regiment is moving forward with Cruise/Wagner Productions and Paramount Studios. The option was purchased in June and they are currently doing first run through of screen play development.
If you're not familiar with the series, you can find information on the latest novels at Amazon. It's a series about a Union regiment fighting the civil war that has been transplanted to an alien planet where they must fight. Kinda crazy, but it's pretty popular.

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