Trivia Game 4, Week 6 Is Out Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Sorry for the delay here. Week 6 Trivia is out and ready to be answered. It's a little harder this time, but this is the last week of our summer trivia game. Be sure to get your answers in early, because all answers are due before the before the Birthday Party starts. The winner will be announced at the party. Here are the questions.

Question 11: Research on what piece of Kilrathi technology led to the development of the Phase Transit Cannon?
Question 12: Research from a Kilrathi R&D project to develop what weapon was used in the development of the flash-pak?
Bonus 6: What are at least two other pieces of Confederation equipment or technology based on Kilrathi research or technology?
You can answer by filling out the Trivia form here.

Exact Birthday Party Times For Everyone Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wedge and TC dug up a site for everyone to check their time zones at. We really don't want anyone to come to the CIC's Fifth Birthday an hour or two late and miss out! You can check out for the exact start times in 150 major cities. So we're starting at 4:00 pm August 10 in Seattle, 8:00 pm in Buenos Aires and 3:00 am August 11 in Baghdad. You can look for your closest city here. We do still strongly encourage you to stop by early to double-check your times with ours, and I expect people to be massing in #Wingnut before the official start time this coming Sunday evening/Monday morning. If irc sounds confusing, the Java Client is for you.

The Fearsome Bloodfang Reappears Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's a Johnny-riffic Bloodfang from Wing Commander 2.

And here's an old related quote from another Originite, 16 year veteran Denis Loubet.
I can tell you the cockpits and talking heads were done in DeluxePaint, and the ships you fired at were sprites rendered in early 3D modeling packages like the old DOS 3D Studio version 1. (That was used for WC2, WC1 utilized an early Amiga program I can't remember the name of.) Hope this helps.

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