Four Days To Go! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's now four days and counting until we celebrate our third year at We hope that as many of you as possible visit #Wingnut Friday evening to join us in counting down. The format will be similar to previous parties. We'll start getting together about an hour before midnight GMT. That's 4:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Eastern and 11:00 GMT. Because of all the different time zones and assorted things that could crop up, we recommend you drop by at some point before the party to make sure you can connect to irc and have your times straight. As usual, a variety of different door prizes will be awarded after the gathering time until a while after turns three years old. An exact inventory of prizes will be determined by how many guests we have in #Wingnut, though expected items include Wing Commander novels, action figures, collectible cards and more. Though the focus is on the party and celebration itself, there should be a few various site upgrades and features made available at that time as well. We hope you can join us, though if not, your continued interest in our community is appreciated.

Trivia 3, Week 41 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

How does fifty weeks sound for Game Three? Feel free to include your comments on that potential end date with your Week 41 answers.

Welcome to Game Three, Week Forty-One Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (August 12, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Answers to Questions for Week 40 (starting July 30, 2001):

Question 79: Describe a situation where a Confederation warship orbitally bombarded a planet.
Answers Included: Bombardment of Munro, Vukar-related assaults, shield-busting at Freya, the worlds bombed by the rogue CS Olympus and the immolation of Kasmir Base on Centus.

Question 80: Describe a situation where a Kilrathi warship orbitally bombarded a planet.
Answers Included: Goddard's destruction by the Sivar, Gilead, Warsaw, Sirius and Earth bombardments during the Hakaga affair, and the destruction of the early Strakha stealth facilities on Ghorah Khar.

Bonus 40: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged a major capital ship, space station or planet without a wingman.
Answers Included: Temblor runs on planets like Kilrah, base assaults such as the attack on K'Tithrak Mang HQ and the incident where Blair lured a Snakier into Scylla.

New Questions for Week 41 (starting August 6, 2001):

Question 81: What is Christopher Blair's birthday?

Question 82: What is the Confederation's birthday?

Bonus 41: What is the Wing Commander Combat Information Center's birthday?

Submissions are due by August 12, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

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