Wing Commander CIC


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  Kilrathi Empire
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  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Jeannette Devereaux# 1537 

Name Jeannette Devereaux
Callsign Angel
Rank Colonel
Faction Terran Confederation
Race Human
Born 2626
Died 2669
Homeworld Earth
About Jeannette Devereaux was born in 2626, a native of Brussels, Belgium, Earth.

Jeannette served aboard the TCS Tiger�s Claw. On 2654.135, Captain Jeannette �Angel� Devereaux and 1st Lieutenant Mariko �Spirit� Tanaka launch from the Claw in Raptors to defend an Exeter-class destroyer from Kilrathi attack in the Gimle system. Later that day, they launch in prototype Rapiers, performing a standard three-point patrol, and again in Raptors to attack a couple of wings of Dralthi.

On 2654.137, Major James �Paladin� Taggart and Captain Devereaux launch from the Tiger�s Claw in Hornets to rescue Valkyrie, a pilot under attack by Krant fighters in the Chengdu system. Later on the same day, they fly again in Hornets to escort an Exeter-class destroyer to the Ymir jump point, and again to defend the Tiger�s Claw from six Gratha.

On 2654.326, Captain Devereaux and Christopher �Maverick� Blair launch in Raptors from the Tiger�s Claw to defend her from Kilrathi attack in the Goddard system. On 2655.010, they again launch in Raptors to escort the Sleipnir convoy to a jump point.

On 2655.271, Angel and fellow Tiger�s Claw pilot Major Kien �Bossman� Chen are ambushed by several wings of Kilrathi Imperial Guard fighters jumping into the Firekka system. The Kilrathi strike force consisted of a Fralthi, a number of corvettes and two Lumbari. Bossman orders Angel back to the Tiger�s Claw with the final words, �Angel, tell my wife I love her�. Bossman occupies the Kilrathi long enough to let Angel escape, but is killed in the ambush, leaving Angel emotionally distraught for several days.

On 2655.278, Colonel Zaritsky of the TCS Austin offers Angel command of the Austin�s fighter squadron. She decides to accept the post of squadron commander by 2655.293 and is promoted to the rank of major.

On 2655.293, Captain Devereaux and Christopher Blair launch in captured Dralthi to escort a marine Drayman back to the Tiger�s Claw in the Corsair system. Later that day, the Tiger�s Claw attempts to lure Kilrathi ships into an ambush before they can retaliate against Firekka. Angel and Maverick launch in Rapiers to destroy as many Kilrathi ships as possible.

When the Tiger�s Claw is destroyed in the K�tithrak Mang system, Angel is among the few survivors.

By 2665, Angel is commander of the TCS Concordia�s fighter squadron. The war against the Kilrathi takes its toll on Jeannette and when long-time friend Mariko �Spirit� Tanaka dies in a kamikaze attack on the starbase in Heaven�s Gate on 2666.356, Angel is left feeling emotionally empty. Christopher Blair comforts Angel during this time, and they begin a long-term relationship with each other.

On 2667.035, Colonel Devereaux and Captain Blair launch in Broadswords to jump ahead of the Concordia and clear out any Kilrathi in the area before the Concordia arrives. Upon her arrival to the Enigma system, the Concordia moves in to a nearby asteroid belt and powers down for repairs.

On 2667.042, Angel and Maverick fly again in Broadswords to destroy the Korah Pakh Kilrathi listening post at the edge of the Enigma asteroid belt.

On 2667.049, the TCS Concordia discovers a Kilrathi strike force at the edge of the Enigma asteroid belt. Angel and Maverick launch in Broadswords to attack the strike force, deliberately allowing a Ralatha destroyer to jump and escape. Angel tracks the Ralatha�s course back to its base at K�tithrak Mang before jumping after the Ralatha to finish it off. With the information on the location of the Kilrathi base, Angel and Maverick return to the Concordia.

On 2667.069, Angel calls Major Zachery �Jazz� Colson to her office for a discussion on the upcoming attack on K�tithrak Mang. Jazz accidentally reveals that he knows more than he should, and Angel realises that he is the Mandarin traitor aboard the TCS Concordia. Jazz threatens Angel with a gun, but Angel defends herself, disarming Jazz and forcing him to flee the Concordia.

On 2667.092, communications is lost with the Rigel supply depot and several Free Traders that were en-route. Colonel Blair flies the first jump point patrol solo in a Broadsword from the Pembroke system. However, previous losses have left a shortage of gunnery officers so gunnery teams are supplemented with pilots. Angel flies with Maverick as his Chief Gunnery Officer. Upon arrival in Rigel, they are attacked by Human pilots flying Confederation Ferrets.

On 2667.093, Angel assigns Maverick, Sky and Shelton to investigate a distress call from a Kilrathi corvette. However, the Kamekh was under attack by mutineers from the TCS Gettysburg, and they destroyed the corvette before Maverick�s wing could intervene. Later that day, Angel briefs Maverick on the Gettysburg mutiny. The Gettysburg was stationed at N�Tanya, during the Kilrathi rebellion in that system. Pilots refusing an illegal order from the Gettysburg commander triggered the mutiny.

On 2667.099, Colonel Devereaux and Captain Maria �Minx� Grimaldi encounter a massive Kilrathi force while flying a patrol. Angel orders Minx back to the Concordia so that the Morningstar Minx is flying does not get captured, while Angel chooses to stay and fight. When Colonel Blair finds that Minx has returned without Angel, he immediately launches to rescues her.

At some point during their relationship, Jeannette and Christopher spent a week on leave on the beaches of Vespus.

As Christopher Blair is promoted to wing commander of the TCS Concordia, Angel transfers to James Taggart�s Covert Operations Division. Maverick thinks her move is out of character, believing Angel to be cool and rational. However, Angel states that she was simply prompted by her regard for Taggart.

Shortly after the Battle of Earth, Angel undertakes a covert operation to Kilrah itself, taking a hijacked Kilrathi transport. Before leaving, she sends an e-mail to Maverick on 2669.210, from her e-mail address: adevereaux@tcn.covert-ops

During the mission, Angel�s covert ops team set up three secret depots in the Kilrah system which the Temblor Bomb attack led by Christopher Blair would eventually use to re-fuel and re-arm. She also surveys a newly discovered jump point, through which Confederation forces could jump in.

Colonel Devereaux and her team are captured over the Kilrah homeworld � her comrades are executed in the Kilrathi throne room by disintegration. The video of their execution is aired on Kilrathi propaganda broadcasts. However, before their Kilrathi freighter was seized, the covert operations team sends a coded signal to indicate the supply depots had been set up in Kilrah.

Angel herself is given �a warrior�s death�, impaled by the claw of Prince Thrakhath. Her remains are later served during a Kilrathi feast.

Prince Thrakhath broadcasts a recording of Angel�s execution to the TCS Victory on 2669.244 in an effort to draw out Christopher Blair, and also to trigger the awakening of Ralgha nar Hhallas� true personality.

Related records: Allen Amikov, Camden Payne, Christopher Blair, Geoffrey Tolwyn, Ian St. John, James Taggart, Ralgha nar Hhallas, Sheena Anne Zwastky
Record edited by Wedge009
Last modified Aug 8 2004


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