Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Bhaktadil Rai# 247 

Name Bhaktadil Rai
Rank Colonel
Faction Free Republic of the Landreich
Race Human
About Colonel Bhaktadil Rai was the Commanding Officer of the FRLS Independence's Marine contingent. He was a descendant of the old Ghurka warriors and always wore his turband and kukri curved combat knife, even on duty. When he didn't have his turband on his curly black hair looked out of character.

He was assigned to Project Goliath and he personally boarded the starboard flight deck of the KIS Karga with some of his men.

He was also on the team that later boarded the KIS Wexarragh, allowing the FRLS Mjollnir to slip into Baka Kar and reach the KIS Vorghath without being attacked.

Related records: Armando Diaz, Martin, Ortega
Record edited by Kris
Last modified Aug 8 2003


Creighton's Re  
Destroyer - (e  
Maximum Veloci  
MicroDeath Del  
Tallahassee Cr  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C  

Stingray Inter