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Vaktoth class Heavy Fighter# 1425 

Name Vaktoth class Heavy Fighter
Faction Free Republic of the Landreich

2669 variant

Class Heavy Fighter
Length 36 meters
Mass 19 metric tonnes
Max Velocity 410 kps
Acceleration 150 k/s^2
Max Afterburner Velocity 950 kps
Max Y/P/R 45/50/45 deg/s
Guns Tachyon Cannon (1), Plasma Guns (2), Ion Guns (2)
Missile Hardpoints 2x4 (4HS/4HS)
Missile Decoys 8
Front Shield 250 cm
Rear Shield 250 cm
Front Armor 130 cm
Rear Armor 120 cm
Right/Left Armor 130 cm
Jump Capable Yes

2681 variant

Class Heavy Fighter
Length 36 meters
Default Max Velocity 420 kps
Max Velocity 559 kps
Min Velocity 139 kps
Acceleration 490 kps^2
Afterburner Velocity 1100 kps
Afterburner Fuel 360
Afterburner Acceleration 1500 kps^2
Y/P/R 55/75/75 deg/s
Rotational Acceleration 120 deg/s^2
Guns Particle Cannons (2), Ion Guns (2), Tachyon Cannon (1)
Gun Power 500
Default Gun Recharge 23
Max Gun Recharge 34.5
Min Gun Recharge 2.3
Turret Laser (1)
Turret Strength 800 cm
Missile Hardpoints 1x4 FF, 1x4 HS
Bomber Missile Hardpoints 1x4 HS, 1x2 T
Decoys 24
Shield Power 520 cm
Default Shield Recharge 26 cm/sec
Max Shield Recharge 39 cm/sec
Min Shield Recharge 2.6 cm/sec
Front Shield 260 cm
Rear Shield 260 cm
Front Armor 130 cm
Rear Armor 120 cm
Right/Left Armor 130 cm
Core Strength 200 cm
Jump Capable Yes

Related records:
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 10 2003


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