Wing Commander Prophecy


I am trying to get WCP to run on my computer. It installs ok but when I try to play, the FMV & sound is choppy at first then they steady down but the sound lags behind by about 2 seconds. It like watching a badly dubbed movie. I have an AMD Athlon 700, 160 megs of ram, Voodoo3 3000, and Diamond monster mx300 sound card. Can anyone help??????????
Did you checked to see if the cd is damaged? Or else it may help if you try to clean it a little...
You have this problem during the missions?
Isn't this the problem that gets solved by switching off hardware acceleration for sound?
Start up DXDiag (you'll find it under C:\Program Files\DirectX\Setup) and turn off sound hardware acceleration.
Just want to say thanks to Stinger for the suggestion. I turned off hardware sound acceelleration in direct x and now the game works like a charm. And to whoever asked if that will turn off all sound. the answer is no.