Wing Commander Prophecy patch


Rear Admiral
Alright, I would like to apologize if this is an old topic, but after a search I did not find the answer to my question. In running the high-res patch for Prophecy, which works, the video always shrinks into the corner, no matter what resolution I use. When I start the game, and get to the rec room I can't use the curser correctly. That is to hit the "Talk to Hawk" thing, I must move the curser to where it would be if the picture wasn't messed up. Once again I sincerely apologize if this has been answered, but I couldn't find the answer.

EDIT: I am running Prophecy Gold Edition if it matters.
Make sure the highres.txt is present and set to the resolution you're using - that's the best I can think of right now. If that doesn't work, you might try re-using the installer to generate a new patch.tre.

AFAIK, there shouldn't be a problem if you're using Prophecy or Prophecy Gold.
Uh, I don't suppose a complete and clean uninstall, re-install, and a re-run of the patch would help? I'm sorry, but maybe you're just unlucky. I didn't have any problems with the patch, but then I only have the original Prophecy.
I'm pretty sure I've got Prophecy Gold installed (I've got them both, thanks to that bad disk), but there's not much difference that I've noticed.