Wing Commander Prophecy Definitive Video Pack 4.0 Released! (October 11, 2020)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
With WC3 and WC4 both receiving fantastic updates, ODVS couldn't leave Prophecy out! It's received the same definitive updates as WC4 and looks just as gorgeous. Players will have to first upgrade their copy of Prophecy to the DVD edition with this patch. Then the clips can be dropped right in! The only issue is figuring out which game to replay first!

To celebrate Wing Commander CIC's birthday and the thirtieth anniversary of the Wing Commander franchise, I'm proud to release Wing Commander Prophecy HD Video Pack V4.0!

As well as containing the highest quality remaster I've yet managed to produce, V4.0 contains the following improvements that make it the Definitive Edition:

  • All FMV footage remastered to 1080p Full HD using Machine Learning AI
  • Frame rate standardised in filmed sequences
  • Various scenes missing from the DVD pack have been restored and remastered from the original CD-ROM source
  • Heavy DVD interlacing removed from all footage
  • DVD MPEG compression artifacts removed to improve clarity
  • German pack also available (Stereo audio only)

Original update published on October 11, 2020