Wing Commander 3+4 DosBOX Video Stuttering

Hi, i have installed WC 3+4 on DOS BOX 0.74 but i have problems.
In WC 3 i got slightly stutterings in at the Movie Sequenzens ho to fix it?
Most of the files used are all compressed into a single .dat file and maybe fragmented badly during install. Did you install the game to a hard disk drive and if so did you do a defragmentation afterwards?

If that does not work try setting your renderer in the .conf file to ddraw or opengl.
There's a few things that can make the video stutter. In dosbox 0.74 the program more or less defaults to auto for everything. There's a couple scenarios that could be at work. If the game is defaulting to too few, the game will stutter. The game will also stutter if the cycles are set too high. Changing dosbox from auto to a fixed cycles setting and then tweaking it higher or lower can help smooth things out and make for a more consistent experience. Auto also tries to guess what the best cycle setting is and adjust it on the fly, and the needs of the game are different between spaceflight and video. WC3 has a frame limiter so neither part of the game will suffer is the game cycles are set high (as long as they aren't so high that it over taxes your CPU)