Wing Commander 1 / 2 from CD


I have a CD. This CD contains Wing Commander 1 and 2 :) I've been trying to use DOSBox to play this CD!

When I try to load WC1 or WC2 or almost ANY files, it comes up and says...

"Warning: file E:\WING2\GAMEDAT\TM.DRV exists and failed to open in write mode. Please Remove write-protection."

The file changes, but the error is the same.

I've never seen this error before... if I run the WC2.BAT file on the CD, it runs (Minus sound, joystick, and at the speed of light).

Any clues?
Suggestion: Copy the entire Gamedat-directory to your WC2-installation. Remove write-protection from all those files, then go look for a configuration-file that might tell the game to look for the files on the CD and adjust appropriately.
been trying to see myself if there is a way to enable windows xp to let a dosbox write to the hard drive.. i have the same problem with space quest. i was under the impression that XP stole the idea from os2 to prevent programs directly writing to the hard drive for sercurity issues.. dunno if thats the scenerio or what.. sad thing is, i own a tandy 1000 and 2 trs-80's.. but i dont feel like throwing a floppy drive in my 3.06 p4 dvd/cd burner 12x/48x
i have wing commander 1 and i cant play the game because it is way to fast it installs fine but it is way to fast if anyone could help i'd appreciate it.
Try DOSBOX and set the frames lower until it is the right speed.
Make sure you mount the CDROM in your Dosbox.conf like this:

mount D E:\ -t cdrom

D can alse be any drive letter of your choice.

Unregistered said:
Make sure you mount the CDROM in your Dosbox.conf like this:

mount D E:\ -t cdrom

D can alse be any drive letter of your choice.


Do this in the autoexec section of the conf, or just type it in after starting Dosbox.

Unregistered said:
Make sure you mount the CDROM in your Dosbox.conf like this:

mount D E:\ -t cdrom

D can alse be any drive letter of your choice.


I am gonna be banned for triple posting but for the people who don't know
much about computers.

In my mount instruction you should replace E:\ with the letter of your CDRom drive and should replace D with the letter you would like it to be in DOSBOX.

This fixes the 'failed in write mode blablabla' error.